What's the best way to transport a Dell P1130 through public transport?

About 20" square inches in size and about 67 lbs heavy, any of you got any experience that could help me out?

I got offered one that still has nice colors for about 7 dollars, the guy really wants to get rid of the fat boy. I want one because I study electrical engineering and am a fan of the tech.

Smuggle it inside your asshole.

Pick it up
Get on bus
Get home

I have no idea how heavy 67 pounds is though. Is it a lot? Is it a little? I mean I really don't wanna drop it.

Well on a bus, you can just set it on a seat next to you for the ride. Since you don't know how heavy 67 lbs is, it very well could be heavy to you, but it's not unmanageable and you won't drop it

Yep, I don't lift. Well, here goes nothing. Thanks user

mfw I carried a 2011 I bought on craigslist for 40€ ,through entire Paris while dindus were folling me saying "Hey homie wassup" "HEY you, cmon whatcha got".

It is not that much but considering it is a monitor so you can't really grapple it properly and for sure will be heavy for prolonged time especially since you don't seems to be a guy who is used to. Just take brakes often if you need to or get a taxi or something.

Tape a job application to it. That will ward off all the shitskins.

you cant

>I have no idea how heavy 67 pounds is though.
You can carry it, even if you are not very strong. You don't want to walk any distance with it, but front door to bus stop within shouting distance is definitely doable.

Call an uber

Kek. Just make sure to carry it not-sideways (so the weight is balanced) with the heavier screen side against your stomach and it's fine.

If you pick it up sideways with the screen away from you, it'll feel ten times heavier.

>I don't need a car
>cars are for dummies
>How do I move this thing

It's not like I don't want a car, I can't afford one.
Thanks for the tips! Appreciated.



45 pounds is the recommended limit for single worker lifting, but that is more for repetitive job safety stuff. I move things 60 pounds, so 67 is heavy but not impossibly heavy. Wouldn't want to carry it across town without a plan, but could if I had to. I do back stage lifting at work. A person should be able to lift it and carry for a few minutes with some effort. If you're super fit then it is not a problem at all.

See it you can get a small hand dolly, or even a skateboard or something. Even a some kind of rope to make a net backpack, or brace yolk. Also make sure what ever tools you use are small enough they won't become an issue later.

As how the load is distributed makes a huge difference in how heavy it feels. Wheels are your friend, lift with your legs. You can find more about PROPER lifting online.

If you are taking this on this on the bus, be ready for lots of awkward stares and maybe a stop by some cop. Shouldn't be a problem, but it is annoying. Have a receipt just in case. Plan to go during a slower time of day as you'll need a second seat for this and depending on the crowd they may not give it to you. Double check you local bus rules, they typically don't' ban this, but they don't like it so some places may.

Also understand that as interesting as this tech is. The performance and power consumption is not as good as other options. And those interesting parts inside like the high energy capacitors and soft radiation sources are much more dangerous to handle then you first think. There is a reason these things are a pain to dispose of properly, they're not safe to tinker with. Also the lead lining and such. Trust me I have long thought of ripping one of these up for a number of projects, but ultimately didn't.

Long of the Short, it is heavy try to get wheels and plan ahead. Also I think you could just hit a tech thrift place and find something nicer for like ~$15 more if you look more, and save your self a lot of trouble.

Bung it on one of those hannibal trolleys.
I lugged a 24" CRT through the london underground on one.

Those are all great ideas. I'm getting this second hand so it might be a bit difficult to get a receipt... I don't plan to take it apart, too much pain to dispose of the glass screen
I have one of those, not sure how well I could affix it though

At my job I literally throw these shits into huge cardboard boxes all day you'll be fine
Its a competition to see who can manhandle the biggest CRT into the 4ft tall box

a 2011 imac I meant sorry

Give it back, Jamal.

Go back to Sup Forums

Give it back, Kyle.

You carry it.

I can't beleive what kind of pussies nest here, I'm a fat neckbeard and I have no problem catting around 24" Trinitrons, even up several floors when needed.

Exactly the same here but i'm still taking the lift!