Name a language with an uglier syntax than this piece of shit

Name a language with an uglier syntax than this piece of shit.

Protip: You can't.

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not an argument

Pajeet BTFO
>captcha: maria sage

PHP, Perl, vimscript, bourne shell and derivatives

haskell, racket, erlang, elixir, swift, objective-c, x86 assembly, glsl, perl, emacs lisp, bash, batchfile, makefile, ocaml, brainfuck

t. JS baby

ITT: name every language you can't and won't try to understand.

Rob Pike's extreme autism disagrees with you.

mmmm pogramign



Rust is pretty ugly


>muh whitespaces

I love how the go logo mocks it's users. Fucking gerbils

Go doesn't look that bad.
Rust on the other hand...

Javascript has awful syntax, ES6 is making it nicer

Have you ever tried Rust? THE ugliest language in existence.


Rust is difficult to conceptualize and program in but once it's actually written it looks slick and sexy as fuck, what are you talking about?

t. brainwashed rustafarian

t. golang brainlet

>he's projecting now

>having a fucking keyword to say when something is mutable
>the retarded fn and -> syntax for functions
>claims to be as fast as C but also has bounds checking

captcha: israel toilet

who are you quoting?


>having a fucking keyword to say when something is mutable
I write const all the time in my function definitions when writing C++. Having const as the default makes sense to me.
>but also has bounds checking
It will remove bounds checks if it's safe to do so. You can also use unsafe.

It should be the official mascot. Many sides would leave the Earth after it.

Maybe perl, if you are brainlet. C#and java are shit tier.


Go has great syntax GTFO

>bounds checking
Of course it has bounds checking if you do something retarded like this:

for i in 0..arr.len() {
arr[i] = 42

what in your opinion is the comfiest language?

>C/C++ syntax is ugly

I know how to write in bash, but bash is ugly as fuck

Why do language developers keep trying out different disgusting syntaxes? It's already proven and established that C / C# style is best.

rust and perl

>C/C++ is a CamelCaseClusterfuckFactoryLanguage
public class WhoNeedsIndents {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CockGurglingFaggot openParenthesesYouClosedParentheses = new CockGurglingFaggot(AbsoluteAssblastFactory.topKek());
if (openParenthesesYouClosedParentheses.isAlive()) {
} catch(BadlyTiedNooseException badlyTiedNooseException) {

Take that back immediately.

Take that back immediately.

How much you want to bet this mascot was chosen because it was created by a poc womyn?

Eh, I was half right.

imo it's not "ugly" but too verbose

It was created by Rob Pike's wife.
She draws creepy hairy animals as a hobby

Why would she do this?

why does it matter to you, if you dont like use another language

I think it's fine but I hate camelCase. I know it's an arbitrary thing, but I fucking hate camelCase for variables and other shit. I hate that it's part of the style for the language.

I much prefer under_scores for funcs/vars and PascalCase if it has to be uppercased in some way.

Its cute

Part of Go is that good old standard syntak without noise, like no semicolons, fat pointers so no len paramethers everywhere, the public/private based on first letter being capital is genius. Associated functions and modules nice.

Bu then just swapped positions of typed and names, unnecessary var and new keywords, []type but name[index], need for array tricks yet lack of sugar like negative indexes, all that retyping.


Instead of writing like a nigger you should use hyphenated-words.
>inb4 infix arithmetic operator
Quit being a pleb.

>Want to like Go
>It's controlled by Google

>I much prefer under_scores for funcs/vars
It's called snake case.