Could i pass as local in you're country??

Could i pass as local in you're country??


Ahora pareces moro

you're attractive
full homo

This. Nobody will really care to ask where you are from but if you ask some people will wonder if you aren't mixed arab/french or of Portuguese descent. Though in the south some people may also think you are local.

No, too white

Ahmed,my son

Ajmed, mi hijo.


actually, he kinda looks like me. and i'm native

you look like a genuine kebab, therefore sadly yes

Si estés aquí, vas a parecer chicano, pero conseguirás muchas chicas mestizas muy hermosas.

>tfw literally anyone can pass as a local in USA if your'e in a right neighbourhood

no chance, you might be seen as one of the ten turkish people here who run kebab shops

no, you look muslim

Local smuggler

As a well-feed and healthy gypsy.

Who the hell couldn't pass as a local in Brazil?
Hard question.


You could pass as a bum

yes, very



what about me?

this guy from turkey.

nice bait my son.

You love them don't deny it


Yeah. you hardly even look like Mexican with that head still on your shoulders

Yeah, not Russian, but he looks like the Georgians I work with.


Yes, you probably can.
But you're really shouldn't.

Shirtless pic when?


Yes, without the beard.

People are that dark in Ukraine?

You look like my wife's co-worker from her Facebook avatar.

Majority is not.

If you trim the mustache and keep the bread then yes

but i'm russian, lel

>my wife's co-worker
>from her Facebook avatar
wtf. are you a cuck?

Everyone including me would think you were a disgusting muslim refugee

Lmao, this guy can pass in Kazakhstan ? i dont think so