Is it autistic to make fake OS's because you are too dumb to learn how to make a real one?

Is it autistic to make fake OS's because you are too dumb to learn how to make a real one?

Currently working on a fake w95 era "OS".


>make fake OS's
what kind of autism is this

You mean styling some linux vm up for desktop or workflow stills? Show some of your work.

>implying that isn't better

No, most of it is stuff in c++, python or gamemaker.

I build them from the ground up. A window manger, trying to make a super simple basic runtime environment for a fake language.

I just did it when I was a kid, it was just a way to not be bored.

Unfortunately I don't have access to a lot of my more fleshed out ones. The ones I have ATM are just ui mockups essentially.

this is autistic but can you post screenshots?


What in sweet fuck?

This is not autistic. Seems like a fun hobby. What makes you distinguish between your OS builds and so called real ones?

>fake OS's
By what avant-garde standard do you have to abide by to have a fake OS? It's just a jpeg of a commandline?
I thought this was bait but this turned into a genuine thread.

No, what he means is something like a program that runs on top of Windows/Linux/whatever.

If it's an older one like I'm working on now it is just to mimic whatever era it is.

So for right now I'm making one that mimics 95 era OS's with embossed buttons and all. But it will take me a while because I want it to be fully featured.

I have made a mockup of how I'd expect Windows 8 to look, with the wheel context menus. Aside from the UI, it is not that much though.

Game maker is a lot faster. It also let's me do stuff like aero glass a lot easier.

I'll post my W8 mockup one when I get home.

No, I try to make them functional. By fake I mean that it is an executable off Windows. It cannot act as an OS itself because it's running off Windows.

as a kernel developer not at all. I can imagine wanting to play with the idea of front ends, but if you tried to write a kernel you'd probably want to kill yourself due to all the technicalities you'd have to learn before you could even think about putting a single fucking pixel on the screen.

Yeah, fake OS's do sound autistic as shit but it sounds kinda cool. You get the functionality of a working OS with a super personal twist.

It's not like autisms bad, it's just half of Sup Forums doesn't know how to put it to good use.

I'd there any way I could turn it into something productive though? Like I feel like it's a waste of time.

You could develop your own applications for it, or work on "porting" existing applications, i.e. change their theme graphics and styling elements to match your own.

bumping for when op gets home


>iphone 3 + iphone4 = iphone7

This. I have a ton of questions OP.


Like what?

I'm trying to get this one to work to save a screenshot of it. It was built in GM6 so the coding needs to be changed around to run in GMS.