Alex Mahan(YandereDev) makes over $5,000 a month coding like this:

Alex Mahan(YandereDev) makes over $5,000 a month coding like this:

How do you feel

Other urls found in this thread:

I code worse and make more.


>if (Yandere.Armed == true && Yandere.Weapon[Yandere.Equipped].Suspicious == true || Yandere.Bloodiness > 0 && Yandere.Paint == false || Yandere.Sanity < 33.333 || Yandere.Attacking == true || Yandere.Struggling == true || Yandere.Dragging == true || Yandere.Lewd == true || Yandere.Laughing == true && Yandere.LaughIntensity > 15 || Private == true && Yandere.Trespassing == true || Teacher == true && Yandere.Trespassing == true || Teacher == true && Yandere.Rummaging == true || StudentID == 1 && Yandere.NearSenpai == true && Yandere.Talkin

It's not that bad really. Quite consistent and clean.

Hi Alex

nope, just an unbiased person. I've criticized Alex many times on this game, I wonder when he'll stop milking it...

would that be faster than nesting them? it might be slightly better if it's actually a one-off thing.

Would it be better if he had gotten rid of all those '== true'?

>look him up
>see his recent video
>years of lack of progress and promises
>merges with tiny build
>it's been getting worse
>promises of a kickstarter now to bail him out
>recent video
>he's going to take an entire indie company,already on its last leg, down with him
>now he's going to split the game into two concurrent game projects and maintaining two art directions at once
>all on top of failing his to meet all his previous promises
>game is banned on twitch
>dude has a lot of -actual- pedophelia reeking off of him
>previous volunteers stepping out against him
>does not pay his current volunteers, theyre stepping out with similar stories
>goes to anime expo begging for kids to come and give him gifts

>people making videos on him
>youtubers speaking out against him

>that fucking comment yanderedev made

where has this mess been all my life

performance would still be shit considering how far in the nested if statements that is

>i b4 the brainlet non-programmers come in with their "i dont see anything wrong with that code"

>makes 5k a month and can't get his game out
>meanwhile a russian working for pennies has already done a full release for his yandere sim ripoff

the tea

> that amount of nested ifs
> cant even see the elses
How do you even manage things like that, by code folding a million things?
Holy fuck

whenever this gets posted on v they always go "i dont see anything wrong with this" like the (((unity))) developers they are

>everything is hard coded

spot the guy who's missed boolean algebra classes

>complains about performance
>the entire code from lines 755 to 4220 runs 60 times per second

How can i git gud as to not end like this guy?

SICP feels like a scam


>does not pay his current volunteers

Yanderedev never learned to code from a class. He learned from gamemaker. And all of that is in Unity-flavored javascript.


Damn he released it? I am putting this on my wish list. Someone should tell V the real Yandere Simulator is out.

install gentoo

This is decompiled code with comments added, isn't it? I'd need to see the original.

this is his original code you fucking dumb ass
not the decompiled one full of "this.vector4234"

What do you expect? It's JavaScript lol

This is excellent code compared to lugaru. Degenerates can't program and furries are worse than pedos.

I may buy this.

He's actually ported his codebase over to C#, so it might look less like shit.

Spoiler: it's not.
The "new" code from his latest build is legit just the javascript one ported over to C# 1:1

Where did it come from, then? He posted this somewhere? Provide citations to back up your bullshit.

My i9 6900k will run it fine

Make your own yandere game then

Idea is not free


Someone already did it better.

holy fuck

entire game is just an if tree

that nigga better switch to unreal engine wehre its impossible to fuck up this hard by design

does he never know enum or bitwise flag exist?

Man... such great potential for a game, ruined by this greedy asshole...

>does he never know enum or bitwise flag exist?

Do you even know english?

if (Male == true)
CharacterAnimation[SadFaceAnim].weight = 1;

if (StudentID == 27)
ClubAnim = "sitRead_00";
else if (StudentID == 28)
ClubAnim = "f02_sitRead_00";
else if (StudentID == 29)
ClubAnim = "sitRead_00";
else if (StudentID == 30)
ClubAnim = "f02_sitRead_00";
else if (StudentID == 31)
ClubAnim = "sitRead_00";

Jesus christ why all these hardcoded stuff.

He's an incompetent idiot how just got famous thanks to PewDiePie and is now milking the shit out of his shitty game. Disgusting.

what are classes

is this JavaScript

Look at other people's code who already know how to program and see how they lay things out. Go through all your language's features and think long and hard about how each could make your life less horrible.

Seems like it.

$5k a month is really not much money at all.

var Spooky = false;

function Spook()
if (Male == false)
MyRenderer.enabled = false;

ID = 0;

while (ID < Bones.length)
Bones[ID].active = true;

function Unspook()
MyRenderer.enabled = true;

ID = 0;

while (ID < Bones.length)
Bones[ID].active = false;

ok, I admit that made me laugh

This is why I will never program a game. Ever.

Game makers are typical feature creeps that can't even take a 5 min break to think about HOW they should organize their code.

ECS is the only acceptable design pattern for something as feature-rich as a game, but nobody ever use it.

This is not just about yanderedev this is how all game makers code.

how the fuck do you guys know for certain hes making 5k/mo?

Someone post this guy's picture. It gets me every time.

How doesn't he know what a state machine is? I'm not even a competent programmer but I try to use them in my game.

I've known this guy back in the day around 2008-2009 and its uncanny that he's still such an absolute faggot.

Why does it make any bone of "not male" character "active"?

I cannot agree with this more. Go on github, download some projects related to things you'd like to know. See how they do certain things. Learn how to use the libraries and tools they use. More people need to do this.

This is NOT what decompiled code looks like. Someone must have leaked it. The other guy was right, decompiled code is a mess of generated names for things.

>ECS is the only acceptable design pattern for something as feature-rich as a game, but nobody ever use it.
Except pretty much everyone uses it. At least everyone working with any kind of quality control, like pull requests.


No wonder it runs like crap.
How was this released? Did someone working with the code leak it, or was it made public through his own incompetence?

It's NOT better. Look at those fucking shitty modelings.

What's the problem? Admit it, It's okay

Yandere Sim is open source? I may have to try it.

Pretty much everyone uses ECS and there are MANY people who make games that are actually good programmers. Specifically those who aren't too lazy to make their own engine.

Leaked source, not open source.

Can I compile it from the leaked source?

Well he had volunteers so I'm guessing one of them leaked it.

I hope you are joking...
You could, but you'd need to set up the project in unity with all the same assets and assign all the scripts to the right assets etc. A lot of work, but possible. You'd also need all the textures, models, sounds and whatnot

Not an argument

*sigh* I'm not sure if I should be proud or disgusted.

it is if you're an incompetent retard

At least they made them themselves instead of just grabbing them from somewhere.

Okay, I didn't start this but let me go through each example...
Uses a bunch of if-else statements when comparing the same variable, could simply be done through a switch statement.
Uses strings for some reason which each take up a byte per character when their use could simply and more efficiently be replaced by an enumerator or bitfield. Also makes it so much easier to modify the code instead of changing whatever fucked up system he ha made to make it add strings in that specific order.
He used a while loop instead of a for loop, which is weird, he had no reason to do it and this also means that the variable "ID" is not deallocated after the loop, but instead after the if statement which is bad practice, in this case the if statement ends right after the loop so it doesn't matter.

So long story short, some things he does is inefficient and when you have a game processing thousands of lines of code EVERY FRAME it is very bad to have flaws like this. But most of the issues are just bad practice. He would never get hired for a programming position if an employer saw this shit.

>He would never get hired for a programming position if an employer saw this shit.

employer doesn't give a shit if it makes money and doesn't break

But it does break? It has lots of glitches in it.

>Sup Forums shits on the guy for his code while claiming their code could cure cancer
>other board is indifferent to it and claims it's not that bad

What could this mean.

>Sup Forums shits on the code
>Sup Forums shits on the code

I wonder what it could mean.

>he gets free money for an unfinished proprietary game (that he plans to sell) whereas all he does is add easter eggs and trash existing dialogues and other resources.

I now understand somewhat why he does not foss it, it must be because he programs like crap.

>>dude has a lot of -actual- pedophelia reeking off of him
Also, how is this supposed to be back?
I am annoyed that he is anti-mod and how he is butthurt when people try to modify the game.

Why is he making $5000/mo via patreon or whatever. Is it a sex game? Wtf is the appeal if not? Somebody please fill me in

Fuck off Eva.

>other board
Which board? Sup Forums shit on it too.

Don't forget the over million subscribers on youtube.
The real question is how do I accomplish the same thing?

It's a meme game

The idea of playing a yandere anime girl coupled with a lot of mainstream anime "in jokes" appeals to a lot of people

$5k/mo is a lot if you aint doing much to truly earn it.

>How do you feel
This is a masterpiece.

Yandere simulator and cemu are both good examples of how being evil makes you more money on patreon.

I want to worship Shiburin's feet.

>You will never make a meme game with horrible code and get $5k a month because tons of Youtubers shilled your shit for the normies

Feels bad



What the hell is that?

>proprietary game

I have never seen anything like this OP. This is insane. There is no way this is a real file he maintains. Is this machine generated?

Go hang yourself, pedo.

What is wrong with paedophilia?

I mean, he is using unity so I'm going to assume that he actually has those code spread among several files.

Fuck off

But she's 18?