Where does the name Lebanon come from?

Where does the name Lebanon come from?

It's named after one of those:
>White (snowy) mountains
>Beautiful scent (Either because of incense trees or cedar trees and their smell)
>"Heart of God" in Assyrian

Lebanon? More like "Le Sup Forums user" XD

The ancient isrealis named it. It means land of jews. The jews are the rightful owners of lebanon

Are Christian Lebanese arabs or phoenicians?

>White is Lavan in Hebrew
Lebanon is an israeli territory confirmed.


I was trying to make a joke about Isreal losing to Lebanon, but my hunger for burgers won out.

It's the arabized sounding of Lavanda, as the native spaniards, truthfully owners of that land, named it.


It comes from the Somali word Lebe, which means Transexual. Here we can see that Lebanon was the ancient somali version of Bangkok.

fuck off reddit

>Island of hyrax
Spain is an antique Jewish colony

>Lebanon is an israeli territory confirmed.
Tell me something I didn't know

it actually is but not because of the roman name

restore sefarad

Of course you know I'm only here to make sure the goyim know that as well

Sounds like Laban which means yogurt or milk

It comes from the name of Mount Lebanon

Jews pronounce b as v so it checks out

Yes and if i remember correctly you guys have something similar to our yarok(green). Learned a little bit Arabic in high school

>People here confond hebrews with pheonicians.
>the entire story of hebrews are a giant false flag, they were just another irrelevant desert sandnigger tribe.

Wait so were the ancient israelis blacks or what?

We all know who the real hebrews were
Smh damn crackas be tryin t steal our history

No, blacks are from the Sahara desert. I think maybe the Congo forest.

>blacks are from the Sahara

Yes ebul Ashkenazi Jews have been stealing the black jews' feats and history for generations hol up.

They're Arabs, largely descended from Crusaders tho, many of them are white (as in blond hair, blue eyes) now that the Muslims have been turning their country to shit the Israelis might as well have it, if you find a way to have the Maronite Catholics look past nationalism the reality is they'd be much better off...

>blacks are from the Sahara desert
american education at its best

>blacks are from the Sahara desert


Are Lebanese people Arabized or not? Do they really think they're Phoenician/Caananite/indigenous tribe shiz or are they rapebabies to the neighboring Muslims? I'm not trying to come off as some idiotic user but I know next to nothing about these Levantine hipsters

best country in all ME