What excuse do you have for not using Vim?

What excuse do you have for not using Vim?

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Because notepad++ exists

because Nano works.

Mousepad is perfect

because emacs


emacs makes me feel more like a hacker.

I use vim you cuck.

because any gui text editor is better.

Only brainlets use things other than vim / emacs.

Because I am employed

Because i spent the last 15 years using my mouse to do everything and i am too dumb to learn all those shortcuts.

Bloated resource hog. No smart completion. No ctags. Not modal.

>Want to exit and save
>Nano: CTRL+X ... Y
>Vim: :wq
Nano is cool if you are mentally retarded and can only work at a snail's pace

Worse than Notepad++ and Nano

Stallman fags detected, but emacs is pretty good.

Probably using Winblows LMAO

Good for you.

This. See To some hipster node.js startup? Probably use Sublime Text LMFAO.

>inb4 muh loading speed
Doesn't matter if the editor's already running. Also, you can do stuff faster with a GUI editor, making Vim the slower editor.

>inb4 i want to use the cli
A GUI could run exactly as a CLI. It just gives you more options. Stop trying to look like a hacker; you're not impressing anyone.

>inb4 vim has features other editors don't
No, it doesn't. You've just been accustomed to the Vim way of doing things. Fortunately, unlike retarded editors like Vim and Emacs, it's not hard to learn how to use a GUI editor's advanced features.

t. salty brainlet PHP "developer" that uses Dreamweaver

Started learning it 24 hours ago and i'm already considering changing my DE to i3 gaps with a terminal file manager which lets me use a Vim buffer
It's so fucking comfy

to save as in nano its ctrl-o and then ctrl x to quit.

None, I use it.
One day I'll run vim-tutor and learn more about it.
Until then my memories of editing REXX on an s390 connected terminal are enough.

Emacs + evil.
Org-mode is love, Org-mode is life.

>It just gives you more options.

All of the error prone bloated GUI shit.

>GUI editor's advanced features.

GUI is a code word for computer programs made for retards. There is no such a thing as a GUI editor's "advanced feature".

I don't really need it since I can properly program and re-use code and also use a framework which does all the heavy lifting for me. I actually make money too, so have fun spending a decade trying to impress other losers on IRC. vim and emacs after 2005 is basically like that asshole that keeps re-taking 100 level college courses just to show the "normies" the "right" way to do it and never graduates

its confusing as fuck. nano is intuitive. if you have some sort of problem with nano, please suggest an intuitive alternative. vim is not intuitive, so that wont work

I recommend. i3 gaps is comfy af.

Even worse

Fuck off, brainlets.

Neovim is better. (Sorry Bram)

what if i want to type wq? the fuk?

Visual studio code just werks

>Probably using Winblows LMAO
You're wrong!

I'm not good at deleting text and it sucks at everything else.

If you type wq, then the characters wq are entered into your document. Do you even modal editing bro?


sorry but the text editor on my Apple //e is more intuitive than vim. seriously, why, WHY, should a text editor be so convoluted

You go into insert mode with i and type wq.

You are a brainlet. That's why you think vim is convulted.

Because if I really wanted, I could create a vim-like environment inside my Emacs.

Because I have a superior solution

I use vim, but it isn't the editor itself that brought me to it. It was the modal editing. It's just that no editor seems to do it as well, the closest thing is emacs with evil.

>You go into insert mode with i
seriously, wut

This is essentially the same as using latex not because you need its features but just because you want to be "above" the wysiwyg "normies". Being a brainlet is great when you're making enough money to retire at 35.


It's also botnet

Is there an extension for that?

>start vimtutor
>wtf now i remember why i hate vim
>hurr must type ":quit" to quit
>type :quit
>E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)

barely could even get out of this fucking program

>pkill -9 vim

Do you even terminal?

because i unironically use vs code

>Open notepad
>Type something
>Want to exit
wtf I can hardly get out of the program

neat, thanks

None, hence why I'm using it.

Good luck! I recommend ranger for file managment, qutebrowser for web (or VimFX if you're not ready to leave the Firefox botnet yet), and also tmux for terminal multiplexing.

the difference? one is intuitive; the other is not

Seconding ranger. There's even a plug in to display images in the terminal provided your terminal supports it.

They're both equally intuitive if you're not stupid. Both are intended to make sure you want to quit without saving changes, they make perfect sense in their respective workflow

I've been using vim for a lot of my programming for nearly a year now and while I'm familiar with navigation and some basic shortcuts, I haven't really learned how to be a real poweruser and spend way to much of my time in insert mode.

Does anyone have a favorite resource for intermediate vim usage?

You clearly have no idea what the word "intuitive" means

Use :help, it really is the best resource.

I found out that emacs has evil mode

I've had no issues saving documents or exiting without saving documents in either editor, so clearly it's intuitive enough for someone dumb like me

Because i more than 8 mb memory which allows me to use superior GUI text editors.
Vim is for neckbeards who think they are intelligent because they sendt several years to write code 1.1 times faster than than the norm.

I like visual studio 2017

your missing the point. typing a secret command and then another to exit a program isn't normal.

INTUITIVE SOFTWARE does not get 1.1 million hits on how to close it:stackoverflow.com/questions/11828270/how-to-exit-the-vim-editor


I guess I have to repeat myself;

You do not know the meaning of the word "intuitive"

I guess. Or I just don't care since it works for me.

I prefer efficiency over intuition.

It's not some secret magical incantation. It's even documented in it's help system if you bothered to look:

vim +'help :quit'

Just keep using it and correct yourself when you avoid using shortcuts. Good tip Why are you still here, brainlet? This is a convo for real developers. Not hipsters working at Pajeet's node startup.

We write code 4x-5x faster than brainlets like you.

>i3 gaps
why the fuck gaps, do you enjoy wasted space?

ok so you dont know the meaning of the word "intuitive" then. So you admit you were wrong to claim that vim is intuitive?

1.1 million faggots that cant read documentation

Because emacs exist

>terminal multiplexing
why do you need a multiplexer if you're using a tiling wm?

nano works for me

good programs self document. I was able to use Nano on my first try because it actually tells you what short cuts do what right off the bat. imagine that.

It's efficient and I misspoke? I know what intuitive means, but I got the definitions mixed

How to retort:
Just call them brainlets and don't actually come with any new points

What do you think vimtutor is for?

Because Jetbrains is the standard in my industry.

wheres the help program to figure out how to use vimtutor?


>hates vim because "it's confusing as fuck," and he has to read documentation to use it
>not a brainlet

I don’t give a single fuck whether it’s a botnet or not.

>having to read pages upon pages of documentation to use a fucking text editor

The documentation is optional. You could bash your head repeatedly on the keyboard instead if you'd like. Note this might cause brain damage although I'm not sure if you have a brain to damage.

How dare you use a tool that makes your job easier brainlet!

typing man vim and vimtutor is too hard for him. His ADHD and short attention span prevent him from learning anything. This is a common occurence among Javascript and Node devs, unfortunately.

such intuition and elegance. I either have to read a shitload of documentation or do hours of trial and error to write a document and save it.
Vim was good back in 2001 when computers didn't have a lot of memory and power. Now we have 4-8-16 gigs of memory and using an intuitive GUI that has packages and active community like fx Atom exist. How can Vim even compete. If i want the Vim shortcuts i can probably just download some shortcut package .

>be me
>using nano
>does everything I want
>zero problems with it
>some autist accuses me of having adhd for not using the same text editor as him

>How can Vim even compete
It can't but people use Vim not because it's functional and comfortable but because using keyboard only gives you some kind of satisfaction. Also, new issues to solve! Like how da fuck I make keys work if my keyboard layout isn't English? Or what's the most pain free way to copy a text from a clipboard to my editor and vice-versa?
That being said, I do like to use vi more than nano for editing configs, etc.

Vim by itself can't compete but the community around it can. Vim just like atom has it's own community and there's tonnes of great plugins out there that can turn Vim from a basic text editor into a fully fledged IDE.

Because I use Vis

I use it, for simple things. I don't use it for writing programs. Kate is the best lightweight and free text/code editor on the planet.

stop before it's too late

I use Sublime Text because it's productive without the autism requirement.

go back and finish your phd paper Luke

Why Luke?

you can set a shortcut to resize/remove the gaps when you need so why not?

is that so hard typing vimtutor and spend 10 minutes learning how to use it?


good for you

set wildmenu

why didn't you faggots tell me about this

cause Notepad++ is better

Notepad++ and Vim are for completely differnt purposes..

If I want to edit a hug XML file, Notepad++ is gold.
For quick typing and coding, Vim is king.

This is the only correct answer in this thread.

>not bloated hipster shit like atom
>doesn't require autism

Name 1 other editor that does all 3

I like consistency, so vi's ubiquitousness appeals to me, but I don't like how the commands are only used by the editor and not standardized so you'll be using different actions for the same things across different programs.