Fuck gmail, which should i use Sup Forums?

fuck gmail, which should i use Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:



run your own openbsd mail server


nextcloud on a raspberry pi with a 4G adapter and a battery pack (and DuckDNS)



>This guy has never heard of tunanota
use tutanota.

cock.li REQUIRES javascript to function

That's not a real problem user.
The problem is how do you make your new email address your main email address.
My gmail address is already spread out the last 10 years to many many ppl from work and outside of it.
How do you phase out your old address fast?


no, it doesn't you dumbfuck memespamming retard.


op here, just turn on automatic forwarding


don't mind me just posting sauce

It does.
Load up cock.li with umatrix blocking scripting and you cant get shit done


happy cock user here.

The problem is to fade away gmail and stop google from paesing your shit.

Your problem with the gmail alternative is any non fucked up mail provider, e.g. cockli.
But in conjuction with my problem(that's what I would do if I was 18yo again) buy a domain, make your personal address [email protected] and the forward it to a mail provider who does respect your privacy.
If that provider changes its policy and habits, then change provider and forward your personal address to the new provider.
I know that's a bit of a hassle, but that's the only reason to be independent from providers and especially if you have this as your work mail too.


NOT tutanota, they do not respect privacy: tutanota.com/blog/posts/trump-family-encryption

Use protonmail, mailfence, or fastmail.

Did you know that protonmail routes all traffic through Mossad servers?

I just went to cock.li with every script disabled. I made an account. Set up the server on my mail client. Works.

>Not retarded

Seriously why any1 says nothing about posteo? It's recommended by fsf and is fully compatible with librejs


I'd probably use proton if they supported imap.


Doesnt protonmail demand paying for multiple accts? Or do they not check ip for dupicates


Gmail or your own custom email

Unless you pay for a server though then your email's ip leads to your home

my cock in your mouth.


iirc google stop parsing shit for advertising a while ago.
Can't say much about abc bureaus' fishing nets tho

What do you guys thinks about outlook?
