Vim colors

What are some good vim color schemes?
I'm tired of monokai and its variants.
I need something clean and readable with a dark background.
What do you use, anons?

Other urls found in this thread:

fg = #fbf1c7
bg= #282828

no additional colours



Badwolf by Steve Losh is my absolute favorite. Been years, yet to find anything that could tempt me into changing.

what this guy says: solarized is the only valid color scheme, you mongoloid. Now delete that thread.

:highlight Normal ctermfg=Grey ctermbg=Black
highlight DiffAdd cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
highlight DiffDelete cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
highlight DiffChange cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
highlight DiffText cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=88 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red

stfu nigger. This thread is for non-binary people only.

Lucius, dark variant, with the background adjusted to #666.

Excuse the shitty C it was for someone in /sqt/ earlier and I dont even know that language


Zenburn with high contrast mode

Also from the standard pre-installed,



Pic related. The font is bad because I don't really use GVim and I'm not a ricer

What c++ compiler you recommend to use with Vim? OS is wincuck 7 btw.

PaperColor, onedark.

Vim is not an IDE. It doesn't matter what compiler you use, you'll still be running it manually unless you're using a plugin that supports it.

Hybrid is quite nice IMO

Solarized is massively overrated and I can't understand why.

I've used a lot of different colorschemes, but lately I've been using desert (which comes with vim). I find it very pleasant to work with.


Dracula is REALLY nice.

I need a airline theme that really goes well with it though. Right now I'm using desert with the "bubblegum" airline theme. Airline with the "buffers tabline" is killer. Way nicer than the old MiniBuffExplorer. With neovim (which everybody should be using), the tabline is clickable.

Why do so many color scheme producers neglect to re-theme the colors in diff mode? Diff mode is one of vim's best features, particularly in conjunction with Fugitive/git, in which it lets you very easily stage only parts of files (doing it manually from the command line is possible but a pain in the ass.)

What plugins do you guys use aside from nerdtree and lightline?

I code using only the terminal
Am I cool yet


I don't use nerdtree or lightline. Here's my current pathogen bundle directory:


Nobody cares senpai. Use whatever works for you.

Fugitive is crap. You can literally :!git something and it's the exact same thing as :GitSomething. Instead, you should use vim-gitgutter, which is actually extremely useful.

I use Plug because lazy loading soothes my autism
Nice list though

Fugitive is extremely useful, it's much more than what you say.

:GStatus opens up a buffer with the current git status, which is nothing special except it has key bindings to make it interactive. - to stage or unstage changes. D to show the diff, etc. Fugitive's GDiff is great because it gives you the diff in Vim with your current window arrangement. What's more, you can stage individual lines from it. Unlike gutter, using vimdiff will actually show you what changed in a line, not just that a line changed.

Gitgutter doesn't do anything Fugitive doesn't, but Fugitive does it with less visual clutter.

Fugitive does nothing gitgutter does. Gitgutter does all the useful things fugitive does. All the other fugitive stuff is just copy-pasting git output to a buffer and other completely useless clutter.

Looks like a font for girls lole

How does gitgutter display a two-paned diff using vim's builtin diff functionality?

Yeah, because girls love earth tones...


make your own theme cuck

\hp \hs \hu is all you need.
external = git_diff_wrapper

does the same as :Gdiff except better.

I'd like a mine Sublime style theme. Is there one?

Interesting, I've tried out a lot of color schemes over the years and solarized-dark is one of the few that doesn't trigger my autism

That's what I used for years, and it's inferior to :Gdiff. That only works by creating a new instance of vim.

:Gdiff functions in your already open copy of vim, with all your current window arrangement and open buffers.

I know its a text editor. Plug in for vim? An IDE will be slow as fuck if it even works. T60 thinkpad. 1gb ram and i think the cpu is centro duo. Windows 7


You should only care about git status and hunks anyway (hunks are managed with the leader-h keys in gitgutter, but fugitive doesn't have anything good for it). That is, in a normal framework you should always be using git add -p anyway. Fugitive doesn't help with that.

>you should always be using git add -p anyway. Fugitive doesn't help with that.
Yes it does. In diffmode, you use diff obtain (do) and diff put (dp) to put changes from your working copy into your index, or vice versa.

If you put some of your changes from your working copy into the index, but not all of them, that's git-add -p.

>Ctrl-F basal
>0 results
Try basal, clean, readable, dark background, all that. I tried a lot and nothing compares.

Since this seems to be an ongoing confusion, let me clear it up now: you pretty much never use Fugitive's :Gadd and company. Adding is done entirely from :Gdiff and :Gstatus. Patch adds are done from :Gdiff, adds of full files are done from :GStatus (which also has a convenient binding for :Gdiff).

Gruvbox is pretty nice overall, but I don't like it's shade of yellow. It's a bit too "baby shit".

Diff mode is a joke for that though, it ruins the layout and display completely, unlike the gitgutter approach. It's also, yet again, like using the git + vimdiff method except worse.

2 eyerape 4 me

diff mode has never ruined my layout or display. What do you mean by that?

Is distinguishable, you can't say the same for other themes.

gruvbox, desert, and even dracula are distinguishable without burning my retinas.

I don't agree, the low contrast is not good enough to find what I need fast. Maybe is just taste, but is so easy to see whatever I want to find in code soup when using basal and I wouldn't bother with solarized-like themes.

Years ago I used to use asu1dark, but it's too bright for my tastes these days.

Nothing of worth ever got done on a dark theme

Patently ridiculous.

Hope you autists are happy. I just switched my colors over base16-tomorrow to gruvbox.

The dark variant, of course

Your colours are being displayed wrong user, they should look like
, look at the wiki on the github page (you need to fix your terminal or put a script in your .bashrc)


I just said fuck it and went back to solarized light


bland / 10

>Vim is not an IDE. It doesn't matter what compiler you use, you'll still be running it manually unless you're using a plugin that supports it.

I know its an editor and I want to use it for c++. I'm kind of stuck now. Windows 7 on an old laptop. What do you guys recommend?

Corporation is my current favorite

What's the font? Looks comfy.


Don't be retarded.

It's just a screenshot from the github, I believe the font name is on there though.

>What do you use, anons?

A real editor, Emacs.

>A real editor
Nice, I too use n
My sides. Kids these days sure are funny!

Inkpot is dope.

I dare you to talk shit about emacs to stallmans face, pussy.