My friend and I want to make a small website for our families(it basically accesses our servers and dumbs torrenting...

My friend and I want to make a small website for our families(it basically accesses our servers and dumbs torrenting down to them).
He wants to make it using bootstrap+angular, I want to use custom css, and little to no js.
He says 0.6MB is nothing(size of bootstrap and angular) nowadays, even though my version needs less than 2kb
Is he right?

Just use whatever is fucking easier to create and works best.
If your families don't even know what torrenting is they're not going to give half a shit that the page is 0.6MB bigger.

neocities m8

No. You should brutally murder that vermin.

No, it will controll the torrent cliens on our home media server. It's basically a search bar and an add button. Dumbed down to the min(name of the movie)

Smaller size to accomplish the same task always wins. Your friend is pajeet-level.

this but unironically

Depends how important it is. If it's not that important, I would go for fastest solution, especially if I have other projects going on and don't want to take long time with this.

It's not important, and we have free time for now(uni starts next week).
It's a 2 hour job tops I think(we did research before so know what to do).
My solution is simpler and faster, but his is better for learning(angular and bs developers are needed where we live)

make two versions then, use subdomain for the other for example

Making a website from scratch seems like the least efficient way to do what you are trying to do.
Lots of clients have web uis or make an ftp with a folder that is watched by your torrent client for new files.

The folks who will use it never ever heard about torrenting, and probably never will. My mother is close to 60, I doubt I can teach her it now if I couldn't before.
This will hide everything. They only need to type in the name of the movie, it aill download and they can watch it

In a vacuum your custom stuff would be great, assuming you know something about website design.

These days however most people are used to bootstrap/angular from the other websites they use. They also visit these sites on their phones, which bootstrap/angular helps in displaying with minimal effort in a way they're also used to navigating. Finally, a normal user will likely visit other websites in their week that use bootstrap/angular that they'll have the css/js files cached.

So unless your families are Sup Forums lurkers who would rather starve than use non-free javascript, your friend probably has the right idea.

>It's a 2 hour job tops I think(we did research before so know what to do).

>2 hour job tops

>2 hour job


fuck, I needed 2 hours to make a GUI stopwatch in fucking Python

it's a 20 line html with a 10 line css
backend is nodejs, all we need to do in it is log in, search for the torrent, download it and add to transmission.
It's 3 request from the torrent site, and 1 to transmission.

Couchpotato is what you need.

It's a torrent website, I doubt download speed is going to be a problem, however I would recommend Foundation, its essentially a CSS framework and is very lightweight, good for this sort of stuff.

Ok post the source for your 30 line project in github once it's done. I guarantee it will not be that small.

Personally I would go with Foundation and as little is as possible, it would be the fastest and still be very light weight. Plus for shit like this the default CSS already looks great. Its especially good when you realise you can just use git clone and its fully ready to go.

as little js* as possible

Isn't css/js usually cached? Why would size matter after the first hit?

fuck, you are right. I want to make it idiot proof, so I will add a jquery script that completes the name of the movie based on imdb.

If you are truly interested I could send the project to you when it's finished, or check out my github in a week
it will be in the /iasatan/server repository

But I doubt it will be any interest to you. It downloads from a local torrent site, and I don't think you speak Hungarian.
However porting it to global sites like tpb might be easy, so who knows

Why not just use ombi? It's shit but it does exactly what you want