What are the differences between catholics and protestants in your country?

What are the differences between catholics and protestants in your country?

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Catholics don't make the throat G sound. Protestants are more devout.

Protestants take it in the ass, Catholics suck a dck.

catholics exist
btw. this guy, is a protestant

I have never met a Catholic person so I wouldn't know

They talk a good one but they don't do what they're supposed to do.

protestants are insufferable
catholics are hypocrites

vi har det samma

this fat fuck is the only catholic person who comes to my mind

Protestants tend to be bigger hypocrites and have a holier than thou attitude. Catholics tend to be SJWs in Christian clothes.

Probably die soon of heart attack or something.
Traitorous fat fuck.

Protestants are dying out rapidly and are full SJW
Catholics fuck little kids and are half SJW

hopefully he'll take his populist ideals to the grave with him

No one actually cares about religion except for a few nutjobs

Protestants in Ireland and Northern Ireland tend to isolate themselves so over the generations they have became inbred which has resulted in homozygosity, hence protestant parents have increased chances of their offspring being affected by recessive or deleterious traits. This generally leads to a decreased biological fitness of a population (called inbreeding depression), and reduces the child's cognitive abilities and ability to think critically.

Jesus was a Catholic by the way.

Why is there only one Master ;___;

There is no hope for Finland.

thankfully we don't have pr*testants here

Protestants are ok, catholics need to be hanged next to faggots.

God bless the Pope

Why do you think Jesus was Catholic?

What and what?

He was never married and sucked cocks.

The Catholic Church is his church, the church he asked Peter to create.

Arrogant cunts
Good people

Here we notice the effect of generational inbreeding The decreased intellectual ability due to homozygosity is self evident.

Isn't Poland the most catholic country in the world behind Brazil? Are more than a half of the people there arrogant cunts?

Yeah, Peter the illiterate fisherman who wrote two rhetorical texts in fluent Greek and founded the Catholic Church

The main difference is that Catholics exist and Protestants don't

The pope has the spirit of the antichrist.

And here we see the effect of being molested by priest.
Patient developed Stocholm syndrome and can't stop shilling.

He's mad that his mommy makes him go to church on Sundays, let him be

That pole is the protestant pole who posts women with long hair.
Funny enough, he's a methodist, beause women in that church are discouraged in cutting their hair (due to more emphasis on the old testament or some shit).

Keep in mind muslim that mohemmed was a false "prophet" he was blinded by his own ego, and proclaimed to hear the voice of Gabriel the Angel when it was infact a demon.

If Mohemmed had been a real prophet he would have expanded on the new testament and acknowledged Jesus Christ our Savior/Messiah sent by His Father, God The Almighty Our Holy Father.

Instead he ripped that out in his own conquest for glorifiying himself. The only "good" about Islam is taking from eastern orthodox.

Another fine example of decreased brain function, the regurgitation of stale cultural mêmes and no hint of originalality shows, in real-time, the struggles of being your Mother's nephew.


The Devil looks over his own.

>Catholics tend to think themselves "holier than thou," so they give off an air of overrated self-importance.
>Protestants are more down to Earth seeming. They're more of your average sort of person.

I don't want to give impression that Catholics are annoying to be around, though. I'm Jewish, so my Catholic friend and I used to banter each other about how I killed her God, I was going to Hell, and all that good stuff. Good times.


The Children of the Devil

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me! John 8:44-45.

Protestants are good respectable individuals such shopkeepers, teachers, policemen, barbers, bus drivers, firemen, your neighbour ect.

The man with your gun is your typical Catholic person in the UK. They can usually be found indiscriminately killing Protestant children with guns and car bombs

I get you. The Catholics I have met have been nice people, but they're quite intense in their niceness and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming

That's not to say I've not met overwhelmingly nice Protestants, it's just that I've met more Catholics who are overwhelming

A bit too biblical and not enough fedora tbhfam

No cask stove in by cant or middle ever
So gaped as one I saw there, from the chin
Down to the fart-hole split as by a cleaver

His tripes hung down by his heels; the pluck and spleen
Showed with the liver and the sordid sack
That turns to dung the food it swallows in.

I stood and stared; he saw me and stared back;
Then with his hands wrenched open his own breast
Crying:"see how I rend myself! What rack

Mangles Mahomet! Weeping without rest
Ali before me goes, his whole face slit
By one great stroke upward from chin to crest.

All these whom thou beholdest in the pit
We're showers of scandal, showers of schism abroad
While they lived, therefore they now go split.

Catholics are more down to Earth and liberal. The new generations don't give a fuck about religion and make jokes about it, but maintain the Catholic mentality.

>Protestants think that they are the holy sheeps of god and are more conservative. The new generations go to church every sunday, but they are the most degenerate people in the country. The girls that you see going to parties in favelas and having sex with a lot of guys, probably are protestants and post things about god everytime on their facebook pages and shit.

conservative values, rest parts of the country with culture.

Basically leftists pro refugee cucks and antifa.

When I was in Norn, all of the Catholic Nationalists that I met assumed that, as an American, I supported muh saoirse and was "exploring my heritage" in Ireland, so they were incredibly nice.

All of the Protestant Unionists assumed that, as an American, I was an extension of Bill Clinton and was "exploring my heritage" in Ulster, so they were incredibly nice.

Otherwise the average individual didn't reveal their religion forthright, although you could tell by their name and their accent to an extent. Still incredibly nice. Some Protestants seemed to take their religion very seriously and reminded me a lot of the Christians in the US Bible Belt where I live.

Those cunts down in the Republic, however...

Protestants are either uneducated cucks or niggers.
Catholics are conservative and tend to be nationalists.
Catholic traditionalists are absolutely based.

Protestants aren't a thing in my cunt

I'm sorry but your Pope nr. Roman Catholic(Catholics are not christians)

Has kissed the feets of rapefugees and the hands of Jews who killed Christ.

Your "church" is full of the spirit of the antichrist.

Strangely enough, Catholics tend to be more reserved about their faith and consequently chill.
Protestants on the other hand, are the loud type who will make scenes in the streets at the sight of a gay couple or a girl wearing shorts, or even at someone with a cross. They are usually poor people, uneducated and mostly radical who reckon muslims.



>mfw an american or anglo protty call for a crusade

god doesn't will ir for your traitoruous kind

>I'm sorry but your Pope nr. Roman Catholic(Catholics are not christians)

I'm not christian

>Has kissed the feets of rapefugees and the hands of Jews who killed Christ.
I don't care what the pope kiss, i simply said that the catholic in my country,, (especially the traditionalists) are based

>Your "church" is full of the spirit of the antichrist.
See above

There are no protestants.

And the catholics in your country literally worship saints and have pagan practices, not even in the protestant BS sense.

Protestants (especially evangelicals) have much more blacks, they create their own african churches.

The main difference is that Catholics actually have a soul.

Catholicism is superior religion caz most don't take it seriously nowadays... I also like the culture behind it

Jesus is Orthodox

From what I've seen Catholics tend to be either old non-Anglo people, refugees welcome type middle aged women, and people who don't care and only go once a year. I've never met a young devout Catholic, all of the young Catholics I have met don't believe their church's teachings on abortion, fags, condoms, the wafer being really Jesus, etc.

Protestants can either be the WASP social club type Anglicans who don't believe any of it and marry fags and support womyn priests, or the Evangelical or Mennonite type who preach to normies and tell them how they're going to pray for them and read the Bible every day.

I would say that Evangelicals are increasing from conversions, Catholics are increasing mainly from Filipino immigrants.

Also typically Catholics (or at least Catholic areas) vote for the Liberals and Protestants vote Conservative, Protestants are more concentrated in the west and rural Ontario, and Catholics seem to be more concentrated in Quebec, the Maritimes and major cities. Both denominations exist everywhere though.

They tend to get along there's no sectarianism or anything like there used to be, the Orange Order and the Irish sued to have race riots all the time before WWI.

Spread out across the country. Protestants are divided into Mainline (i.e., European-style Lutheran, Calvinist, etc.) and Evangelical (i.e., Pentecostals, Snake-handlers, etc.). Mainline protestants used to be the majority of Christians, but have been rapidly falling off since the middle of the 20th century with the rise of Evangelicalism and Atheism/Secularism. Mainline Protestants are SJWs, and have been so since at least the early 20th century with such things as the Social Gospel, and are far more accepting of science. Most of the American Upper Class and the Well-Educated are Mainline Protestant. Evangelical Protestants are far more conservative and populated by the lower classes, and range from having megachurches to small backcountry churches.

There aren't that many outside of urban centers such as Chicago and Boston, and they are almost without exception either Mexican, Irish, Polish, or Italian in descent. Maps that claim that they're the plurality in large swaths of the country get away with that because Protestants are fractured and thus are individually beaten by Catholicism.

Saints are common thing in catholicism.

>pagan practices
Such as? And please, don't point out marginal practices nobody does.

And furthermore, who fucking cares.

Obviously the practices are different, some more so than others (an Anglican service resembles a Catholic mass more than a Baptist one would, etc.) but they generally aren't different in personality. I would say that broadly speaking evangelical Protestants tend to be more religious on average, but I've met plenty of Catholics and more mainstream Protestants who were religious as well.

Catholics don't become atheist and Protestants do. That's why the Catholics are a majority.

Non-existent since both don't really show up because of laïcité

Eh, Catholics become cafeteria Catholics whereas Protestants turn into atheists. I'll try to find the data but the rate of the Protestant population decreasing and the irreligious population increasing is almost the same in Canada.

I've never met actually met a Protestant, but most Catholics I know are good people.

It's probably some frustrated teenager that's angry because his parents take him to mass.


There are still processions, pilgrimages, we still have our good old calvaries, etc..

It's a bit old but there you go

>Mexican, Irish, Polish, or Italian
I attend a French parish. There's also a lot of Lebanese/Arab Catholics here in Massachusetts.

t. cuckrisian

I'm talking about things like this:


I'm used to the ignorance of your kind

Is it true that traditional Catholicism is taking over in France (e.g. the Latin mass)?

not taking over, but getting popular yes.

French Catholicism best Catholicism

Jakim protestantem jesteś?

>I've never met actually met a Protestant
What state do you live?

I don't know, might be as a reaction to Muslims parading in hijab and shit

This is bad for laïcité

I bet you don't even go to Mass
I'll have you know that I attended it at least 4 times a year when I was young (Scouts rpz)

Catholics are Egyptian and protestant are Ethiopians/Filipinos :^)

I actually went to mass today tee bee aich

Isn't mass supposed to be celebrated on Sundays ? I only attend on Christmas btw.


In your opinion, was Gaddafi's removal a mistake?

Massachusetts, which is like 50% Catholic. I'm sure there's lots of them around, but I've never heard someone say "I'm Baptist/Lutheran/Anglican."

not really I've seen it before. not the most common, but not so rare either

Masses can be (and are) celebrated every day.

The cathedral I go to has mass every day

my neighbour is a pastor or ssomethinghis family is nice but i dont know them really
and i know another girl thats protestant she has nice boobs so theres that

don't let heresy go to you.

he might use his daughter to lure you

there are christians in labia?
also do you miss gaddafi?

That's pretty cool, it's slowly gaining ground here.

>4 times a year
Why not attend every week now? :)

Nice one, I might do daily mass tomorrow.

You can go Saturday night/Sunday and then there's daily mass throughout the week. You should go more, it's great.


its not his daughter that has nice boobs
his daughter was hit by a thunder and cant walk without help anymore it always gets me sad ;_;

Lord have mercy

Basically Catholics are polite society worshipping in stunningly beautiful cathedrals while protestants are degenrate plebs stuck in old warehouses and former convenience stores...

Catholics: urban, irish/italian trash

Protestants: rural, real americans

are those the only protestants that exist in slavic lands?


how do you like france

>Why not attend every week now? :)
>You should go more, it's great.

Because the only reasons Mass was fun in the Scouts is because we had a relatively young priest who was dynamic, and the group talked about was we learned and so on. It was also about cool events like the Light of Béthlém (a flame transported around the world form Jesus's birthplace), we used to keep it all decemeber until Christmas where we would share it with the other of the village at the Mass

I also think that being gay and going to the Church is pretty much self-contradictory. I only attend on Christmas to share the joy of the people.

I stand corrected.

No one cares, greaseball.

Other than Lutherans in Silesia, pretty much yes

whatever you say, man

almost got killed few days ago
other than that not bad i have sunburns over my body but yeah ok