Windows 10 removed linux partition overnight with their gay update. I have a meeting in one hour. What the fuck!

Windows 10 removed linux partition overnight with their gay update. I have a meeting in one hour. What the fuck!
Now it boots to grub rescue and the linux partition is formatted clean!!!

>Can't boot any OS now.
>Still can't turn off automatic updates

>Chinese government
The lesser evil.

>things that never happened

It happened now on 4/44 machines in the lab.
Fucking windows update.

i really dont get why people use Windows 10. its a horrible os since it presents itself as a service rather than a product

Only use Windows inside a VM on Linux

hasn't windows viewed itself as the only os on the machine for a while now?



maybe youre just stupid?

>not just using cygwin or running linux in a VM

I have a similar experience to relate with windows XP
my setup was:
1. XP: FAT32 (don't laugh. I don't trust ntfs because malware can hide in ntfs metadata)
2. extended: logical A: ext4 linux
logical B: linux swap
3. FreeBSD slice (UFS "partitions" inside; which are really sub-partitions, but windows disk management doesn't care nor see them)
4. FAT32 partition to exchange data as needed

one time I deleted partition 4 (right-click and delete), my linux swap partition disappeared. linux boot took an extra 90 seconds (shitting itself looking for swap partition), but the system booted anyway. saw what happened and recovered partition with testdisk.

I tested this again with disk management. turns out if I right-click where the graphical drawings are (you know with the blue and green boxes), the swap partition WILL disappear.
but if I right-click from the list of partitions at the top (the text listing). it will stay

very strange bug

use testdisk to recover your partition. everything will be fine.

>Windows 10
Well duh!


to exemplify

if I right-clicked the L: drive (96.67 GB) at the bottom right on the image and picked delete, my last logical would disappear (the 455 MB next to it)

if I right-click and delete the L drive from the list on top, everything stays else untouched

like I said, really weird bug

>dad drops a spoon off his work bench
>it lands on a car battery like this
>the spoon is instantly fuzed to the battery and slowly starts lighting up
>he fucking freaks out and tells me not to touch it
>straight up tells me to just leave the garage
i never did know how he got it off

He had to hammer it off with his erect penis.

A son should never have to see his father's erect penis. Your dad did good by you, son.

OP use testdisk to recover your partition

use a linux USB to rewrite grub

problem solved


and youre stupid too

i honestly can't fathom being that retarded
what is it like? do you need a caretaker at all times?

it happened to me I now swap ssd's depending on what I am doing

>the linux partition is formatted clean!!!
Doubtful. Run a Live cd and pull your data from the linux partition. Fix the boot manager later

Why were you using an illegal OS OP? Why weren't you content with what the overlords decided to give you?

Neither do regular computers if they run Ganoo Loonix and zero traces of winshit
macOS and GNU/Linux are really the only operating systems worth running tbqh

>saving your data in one place
It never even existed

So does apple and linux basically has been doing this since inception.

No! Gparted on live cd shows linux partition as free space!

>meeting in one hour
>posts to Sup Forums

What other choice do I have? It's either this or toy OS. There is also MacOS but I'm too poor for it.

Windows hates partitions it can't recognise and has a habit of destroying them.

This, stop lying on the internet OP

>not saving your data in da cloud™

he didnt. the spoon probably disintegrated in a glowing hot fire.

Fake and gay. Any computers in a lab or school or any professional environment have their updates controlled by the administrator of the network. Nothing would be pushed through without testing.

car battery is 12V you can touch it with your bear hands and will barely feel it

yep, or finding a way to block them since windows 8

No it didn't.

Consider OSX again, too bad it's shit anything that isn't facebook.

The admin is a fat incompetent fuck and solves all problems by reinstalling windows.

> Windows 10
You asked for it.

>I'm a moron who thinks they know what they're doing: the post

>having windows installed on your machine
its like you were asking for it

Instead of lying why not just post in /fglt/ or /sqt/? No one cares if youre successful or not you dumb faggot. We all know you're just some dumb cuck who doesn't know how to manage his linux distro alongside wangblows.

I wonder if he could finish his dinner.

Disable the service for automatic updates. Problem solved. Doing that since windoze xp. Your own fault.

Can't disable security updates on win10 bro

Yeah they made it impossible to dual boot because of their new update system and UEFI. Right now my WIndows partition is messed up. It's not even worth trying. Probably getting a mac once I save enough money.

>muh gayms

Malware can be hidden in the FAT.
Malware can be hidden in the Boot Sector.
Malware can hide itself in free space.

I'm laughing at you for using FAT32 over NTFS.

everyone knows you dualboot with 7 and not 10 if you want an easy life and the least botnet solution.

I keep it for a specific entertainment medium that shall not be named