And so, it hath began

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Say it.


Jim "The Contract" Keller

>STARSHIP™ comes
>Only 48 cores & 96 threads (not even Zen's final form)
>Will be bundled together with fully completed version of STAR CITIZEN™

Intel is done for.
>The entry right above Threadripper funnily enough belongs to the 1950X’s most direct competitor from Intel, the 10 core i9 7900X. Although notably, when looking at the details of the entry, the 7900X was overclocked all the way to 4.7GHz and paired with four TItan Xp cards to achieve this feat. Which, surprisingly, considering the GPU advantage and Intel’s significantly IPC advantage only netted it a 7 point lead..


I hope Intel fires all their "diversity" hires and gets their shit together.

Ayy LMAO. This is especially laughable considering that Threadripper entry was a very simple, preliminary one.

A daily reminder that yesterday in a "Skylake discontinued" thread there was this one brainless retard that openly and loudly proclaimed that, and I quote, "my i7 7820X easily defeats EVERY RyZen CPU". Yes. Really. Not even 7900X, but POS that is 7820X. This was so goddamn hilarious I'll never forget that shit. Unfortunately thread was deleted before I've had the chance to take a screenshot of that.

>Meanwhile, in everyday usage 7900X loses even to 1920X
>MFW current prices of 7900X VS 1920X and of their respective top motherboards

What "Intel diversity"? It's full to the brim with Jews.
"Diversity" is friggin' Google.

Is it on, dare I say, APU?

>He didn't get the irony

I wonder what the respective temps were

44 PCI-e lanes? What do you need 32 lanes for, goy? 14 lanes more than enough! BUY MY RAID KEYS!


>TR was only 4.17Ghz without LN2


Threadripper is surprisingly efficient stone even when at max default Turbo clocks, with consideration of all cores & threads. Nowhere even remotely near temps and power consumption that are on JewFail's side currently.

Maybe its because Threadripper doesnt have fuckhuge vectors for AVX.

And this is a preliminary entry, too. And we must remember this is fucking 3dMark, which is Intel-compiled as fuck.

This, but also rings of bingbuses and MONOLITHIC DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE™ alongside with dried up horse cum under the lid are all taking their toll on JewFail's shit-smeared ass right now.

>which is Intel-compiled as fuck
That's what makes this whole thing even funnier to me. The benchmark is suited more for Intel as others have been in the past at one point or another. And even with this, AMD's pure brute force and compute power allows it to keep pace.

What's going to happen when everything is just as optimized for AMD as it is Intel?

I too lie on the internet.

So... Intlel achieved 7 points more for 2000 dolla more? If not more, I just counted the GPU price difference as I'm too lazy to check mobos and coolers.

this man will undo all the success of ryzen

>Four Titan XP = 6000$
>Top i9 motherboard 450~500$
>other shit

>What's going to happen when everything is just as optimized for AMD as it is Intel?
That's the day you win the lottery and gaming drivers for vega finally come out.

i fucking hate indians so fucking damn much

why do you say that? You think that even with all of AMD's success, software designers still won't be willing to optimize for AMD?

Why are Indians so fucking ugly

Are you Nepalese?


It was just a joke user, please laugh.

But I'm sure there will be enough optimisation in actual software used for work and productivity. But for the end user and shit like games/benchmarks it's going to be a long time and an uphill struggle. I once went to a game dev on a business trip who were sponsored by radeon for their upcoming release and the marketing director laughed at the notion of amd graphics cards. At least their software stack was in openCL, they had just never tested it on radeon cards outside of end employee machines.

Jim 'The Intel Killer' Keller

With Intel’s 10nm process is dead in the water, AMD will pull a complete win next year when Zen2 comes out.

>next year
Maybe for some mobile parts.

ah I see. That's something that user has to work on now. Their image, and actually delivering with software/driver packages that work. Raja either needs to step up his game, or fuck off. I was an early adopter for the 290X. Regret. Then the R9 Fury after selling the 290X. Regret. Then I said fuck this, bought a 980ti, and haven't looked back. Nice to see AMD got their shit together with their CPU division, but the GPU section is just abysmal.

First Zen APU is already coming out this year.

Honestly they should simply stop selling consumer GPUs.

Zen APUs is still using 14LPP, i.e. it's not Zen2.

This will kill ATi. Do you want to kill ATi? DO YOU!?

2900xt killed ATi.
Consumer GPU market is 98% mindshare.
And they have none for 10 years.
They should focus on something more achievable, like professional visualisation.
Heck, they are doing it right now.

No, ATi is still alive, inside AMD's belly. Literal vore.
If AMD kills it's consumer GPUs, ATi will finally die completely. Fuck you asshole if you wish for this.

They need to leave consumer GPU market.
It's barely profitable for them anyway.
Just look at Vega, the margins are razor thin.

>They need to leave consumer GPU market. It's barely profitable for them anyway.
Need I remind you of Matrox and S3?

RTG will still make iGPUs and Pro/compute boards.
Just no gaymen cards.
It will be perfect.
Manchildren will buy nvidia, and AMD won't have to waste money on consumer products.

bitch ass basterd bitch



People like you are the exact reason why we can't have nice things anymore

Why? People wanted nvidia's monopoly.
Now everyone should enjoy the monopoly.

Why did Killer leave AMD then, huh?
Explain this ryzentards.

Because mission accomplished.
And TESLA is a different, sexier job.

Because what else would he do there?
Jizz on wafers waiting for Zen to pass the tapeout?
And he was doing management anyway.

>I don't understand anything about anything
He was hired to lead AMD's CPU design for their two new projects. He oversaw both Zen and K12 teams, and those projects were completed. Work had already begun on Zen2 by the time Keller left.
Why would someone hired for a specific purpose stick around when he has nothing to do afterward? Shitposting little child.

>People wanted nvidia's monopoly.
Nobody wants a monopoly. Not GPUs, not for CPUs.

People literally want nvidia's monopoly.

Jim "jew killer" Keller

Jim "the oven" Keller

Jim "Jude Jäger" Keller

Jim " the goyim " keller

He probably looks way better than you, neckbeard/fatty/pimples/manlet.


Fuck you idiot, they were superior in HD 4000, 5000, 6000 generations. But you fucks still bought nvidia because muh brand. Now you wonder they fell behind, when tehy were never abel to raise good RD budgate thansk to gamers being brand marketing sheep?


Jim "CPUs: stellar" Keller

Jim "mord Juden schneller" Keller

Jim "AMD propeller" Keller

Jim "HOWEVER" Keller

>Ryzen still gets cucked by 6950X
Look at all this AMD damage control.

jim "shoot intel right in the patella" keller

That whole thread was retarded though, the OP started it because he confused Skylake.and Kaby Lake and thought Intel was no longer selling any consumer CPUs.

Isn't that 10 cores?
And 1700 bucks?


Is it true that Tim Keller hates Intel with passion because they bascally killed a project he was working on when he was young?

What the fuck no lol
That sounds like the Nvidia situation

Nvidia hates intel cause they've fucked them over in a past project

He came
He saw
He conquered

I mean, I get that this teaching method works for subjects like history (memorization), but not something like math (comprehension).
>literally kangz
The teaching scientifically proven wrong information is what puts me off though.
Using technology to wrap it in a nice package is just going to make it easier to "rewrite" history to make it politically correct (whatever the current view is).

If you want your children to be taught actual facts only, you're either labeled as a racist or a bigot, depending where you are on the political spectrum.

you forgot the hydro power plant

post your face

>beat by a 7900X


Umm...HD 6xxx wasn't ATi, it was AMD by that time.

>LN2 OverClock 5+ GHz
Nice try, Brian


Yes, it was Itanium, on which Jim worked hard and it was actually good initially, under Keller's hands, but InTurd's executive meddling fucked everything up. In one of the interviews which Jim Keller had after he already left InFail, he openly said that he'll never forgive InShit for what they did to Itanium, because it was very perspective and extremely innovative project that could change entire industry, but InCrap 'dun goofed big-time on it all.

Add Fukushima to the right and make it i9, while Chernobyl should be NetBUUUUURRRRRRRRst/Pentium 4

Only in your delusional pink wet dreams, kiddie
Clock for clock even much cheaper 1920X utterly obliterates POS that is 7900X, not even mentioning garbage that is 7820X.




How Intelcucks would ever be able to recover from this (protip: they can't)

Yes, Compaq killed Alpha because Intel told them so (Itanium would be b-better I s-swear).

Oh and Alpha too, yes. Forgot about that one. So it's Alpha AND Itanium which rustled Jim's jimmies and he started loathing Inturd.

Jimmy never worked on Itanium.
He was working on K7, K8, PwrEfficient designs, A4/A5, Zen and K12.

Hmm, really? Probably my memory plays tricks on me, then. Was so long ago, after all.

Yes, really.
Anyway, Jimmy is some quality kikeslayer.


Oy vey