/wdg/ - Web Development General

>Previous Thread
>Getting started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
MDN web docs offer a good intro (independent of your browser choice)

>Free online courses


developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

>Youtube channels
youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb - Traversy Media
youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ - freeCodeCamp
youtube.com/channel/UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q - funfunfunction

>in-depth comparison of VPS hosts

Other urls found in this thread:


First for forced partisanship.

>>co opted into dogmatic trash (see TDD).
>could you expand on that point?
Periodically you see kinds of cultural movements among people who program, groups of people who think doing some thing will make programming easier/faster/more rewarding. The most obvious example is programming languages, but it doesn't have to be that, development methodologies (agile, XP), test strategies (TDD, BDD), paradigms (structured, OOP, FP), whatever. People do these things and it works well for them so they go out and try and convince other people to do them to.

Sometimes, at some point in the evangelization process, non-technical arguments get created for why a thing is good, or technical arguments get reduced into something that's supposed to be understandable to non-technical audiences. Sometimes those second order arguments are really compelling, managers, recruiters, CEOs hear them and think "if my programmers do this, I'll save money/get promoted/get laid" and so the set out to make their subordinates do that thing.

Being non-technical they don't know how though, so they hire other people to their their people how to do this supposedly great thing. But they need to be sure they don't get ripped off so metrics need to be drawn up to figure out if programmers are actually doing whatever it is that's supposed to be great. There then becomes an intense focus on managing that metic and showing value to management. In this process of boomeranging an idea from a technical community to management and back into the community as an edict from the top often whatever was good in the original idea is totally lost.

TDD is a great example of this: even though the community from which TDD emerged strongly denies that code coverage is a meaningful metric it's what get policed in corporate TDD environments. The people generally responsible for making TDD happen just have a dogmatic idea of "high coverage = good code" without understanding why.

Official server of the /wdg/ community:


Join for good times.


IRC or fuck off

>badly designed
sounds like majority of web dev

the medium doesn't matter, it's the community.

Bring 1400 members and 340 daily online users and I switch to IRC.

The medium doesn't matter, the community does.

irc.freenode.net #javascript

high quality post

is it hard to get a job in webdev without a degree or certificates? I'm mostly interested in the backend part though I'm well aware I must know the basics of html/css/js. I want to start learning backend with ruby/rails (through odin project, maybe?) then, for real shit, I have in mind use python/flask/web2py to develop webapps and golang as server-side language, also I want to avoid node.js and php as much as possible but I know they're kinda prerequisites to every backend job.

Yes it is. If you have a network, it's not as bad. If you have no network and are socially a disaster, well good luck.

thx for replying. how do you explain people that does online courses like freecodecamp getting jobs then? is full stack webdev easier to find an entrylevel job? they build their network in fcc forums? I have no network but I'm not a social disaster. it's not my intention to oversimplify this but I thought all I had to do was to develop my CRUD webapp -- which takes a decent amount of knowledge --, throw it in my github account and start applying; I could get my skills tested in interviews

I have been doing some WordPress stuff for web designers, but I want to learn Javascript

Is freecodecamp the best method to learn coding? Or is it just a meme?

Read Javascript the good parts.

>new senior developer on team is asked to commit/merge his code and make a pull request
>he's been on the team for three weeks now
>his branch that I had to make for him is 163 commits behind
>after two hours of nothing we finally get a pull request, we look at it..
>its literally nothing, commented out lines of code rewritten the exact same. Comments rewritten, renamed a variable and went on a rant about TDD when we asked about it
>he doesn't know how to sync with the main branch
>we have to sync and merge for him
>errors everywhere with code not even remotely associated with what he was working on
>he didn't get how observables worked so his only line of code he committed in the past three weeks was a setInterval that waited for a value to arrive and tried every 250ms
>his other code completely broke our redux store because he did an ajax call, included j query to do it and froze the app until his call back arrived
>he's paid more than 120k a year

I'm currently a senior developer making stupid money for my age/location. No education.

Your portfolio is everything, you have to network and play LinkedIn much better till you get your first job then you're fine.

Node.js is a startup language currently, most larger companies use Java or C#. Some more flexible companies may have python or like go, rust etc.

Know your version control, postman and jira.

Hardest part is finding your first gig, better you are at interviews & portfolio pieces easier it will be. Try freelance work if you need.

FreeCodeCamp is great, and probably the best resource out there. The little algorithmic challenges are great for job interviews, and teaching you 'how to think' like a programmer, and hell, you can even integrate some of those challenges as projects.

So go for it, and also check out You Don't Know JavaScript, it's a free book series.

Wow, wtf. How the hell did he get hired?

What am i supposed to be doing on linkedin?

LinkedIn is a forced meme.
Just have a decent github/bitbucket/whatever and you're fine.

Impossible to find people with typescript & Ionic experience in Ontario so they take people with 15 years of experience of God knows what and fire them if they don't pick it up

All star profile, lots of HR buzzwords for what you do, easy to understand for stupid recruiters

LinkedIn gets you jobs

Not that user, but you have to make that shit sparkle. Add as many connects as you can. Add all of your skills. Add any languages you speak. Try getting as many endorsements as you can for said skills. Throw up any certificates you have(even from moocs). Throw up your projects/github account.


You'll start getting spied on from companies, and a lot of them will reach out to you.

IMO, Indeed is better. You just create a resume, basically. I've had way more people reach out to me from Indeed than linkedin. I'm assuming it's because I don't have a professional, high quality picture on my account.

>LinkedIn gets you jobs
It's great if you have a job history already, but going in cold I don't think it would be worth anything. I got my LinkedIn up before I graduated and it got zero attention until after I was hired at my first job a month or so later.

>Official server
>/wdg/ community
begone and stay on your shit server

Linkedin works, I get a lot of response when posting technical blog posts there

Best way to start learning django?

I'm trying to set myself up as a freelancer and market my services but am absolutely junk at writing marketing content. Does anybody have any good phrases to use to advertise 'website repair' - e.g. fixing a person's slow or cluttered Wordpress blog or a small business' slow website?

Django has great docs: djangoproject.com/start/

Follow it through "writing your first Django app", after that you can use the refrence docs and SO to figure it out from there.

If you're looking for a book "two scoops of django" is popular in the community as being a more in depth coverage of the whole framework. But having read it after about a year of working with django and going off the ref docs, I found the stuff I learned is really pretty corner-case while the rest was simple enough to pick up in the context of working on a project.

Thanks a lot my man

>git push -u origin master
and the grid just got a little more greener

thx for replying, for all the information and for the motivation. I kinda knew portfolio and networking are everything, thx for confirming.

then the technologies I'll need to know are html/css/js (basics), jira, postman, git/svn/cvs, mysql or postgresql and mongoDB or cassandra, ruby/rails (I know jobs will ask for node.js and/or php knowledge but I'll use ruby/rails just to learn and after that I'll start studying node.js), is that it? I'm actually trying to create an ordered list to follow, something like github.com/P1xt/p1xt-guides/blob/master/job-ready.md but I guess it's smarter just to follow Odin Project and Udemy courses, what you think?

I want to use express to host multiple apps made with create-react-app in my website.

Is this possible? What is the way to do this? Just host the .html files w/ sendFile?

Corporate masters put me on a project that will develop .NET Core single page application with MS Dynamics 365 as it's database. It will be cloud based and users will use it on their browsers.


You see, I want to use React, Vue, Angular, jQuery or some other popular framework. Other developers will push for that shitty Razor thingy, SingulR and other MS bullshit. I NEED to do this in JS as I NEED to gather experience, as I NEED to be in the position to change jobs to a more paid one with popular js frameworks like React or others (well, jQuery is not "well paid")

Just edit the readme everyday :^)

Like examples in a portfolio or what exactly?
If so you can just put them in their own subfolders and let express serve all static resources.
Or are they apps with an actual backend you also need to host?

MS stack doesn't sound fun.
Not that the individual parts are bad, but rather, that you are locked in to the MS way.
All the best user.

is it better to have fewer and larger commits or lots of tiny ones?

also merge or rebase?

It's the former - no backend; they are not apps with backend.

As I host the index.html files I get a blank page. It reads the .html, but the React stuff doesn't run.

are you also serving all the other parts? JS, CSS, images and so on?
What does the dev console say? If it stays blank there is sure to be an error.

Should work as long as your server is configured to serve static resources, whether its nginx or express.

Copied this from one of my shitty projects to serve as a helpful hint maybe
Replace "/build" path obviously

sry, meant if the page stays blank or doesn't change there is an error.
Not the dev console being blank.

You helped me with that link! The issue was the middle-ware setup (app.use). Thanks a lot

what are the best freehosts you guys know of? hostinger.co.uk just dropped their's

are there really any good free-tier shared hosts?

cheapest VPS are like 3$/month.
And that's only if you need more than static hosting, you could get from Netlify or Github/Gitlab pages.

Guys, I need help I'll check OP, but apparently it doesn't have PHP and JS stuff.

What are some better alternatives to Bootstrap?

You are going to hate this: write your own media queries or even grid system. Not that hard.
However bootstrap is useful if you are working on a commercial project with team of developers as it saves time on bullshit (re-inventing the wheel to create responsive hamburger navbar) and has documentation.

Other than that there are things like Skeleton (next to useless IMHO)

>even grid system
but flexbox really helps with this, right?

not saying they are better, but you can check out Foundation for something equally full-featured, Bulma for some lighter CSS-only or other various "css micro frameworks".
Just google for some CSS awesome list.


What about IE?

I was looking at Pure CSS which seems like a good lightweight option that I can build on top of.

Excellent. Thanks, my man.

forgot about it, ye

Flexbox is ... not that special
However, take one afternoon and dabble with it, you might like it and find it useful
I seem to gravitate to media queries, just make a container, declare things inside it 100% width when on mobile and maybe display:block and say fuck it it's good enough, change things when over like 500-700px width of course

>.pizza TLD exists
>.soy TLD exists
>.js and .json TLD doesn't

>.exe doesn't exist

Make web 1.0 sites.

It took me like 20 minutes to get this right. Starting from the VERY beginning with webdev using a Udemy course. I know nothing about programming in the slightest. I showed an earlier version to a friend of mine, and he told me I need to work on indenting and styling it.

How does it look now?

You've mastered the website. Everything you learn from now on is bloat.

depends on what you want to do. do you just wan to host a couple pages or make a web application?

webdev has nothing to do with programming until you get to javascript

Oh I know HTML and CSS aren't programming. I brought that up because I assumed that with programming, you need to format your code to be legible, which I didn't know how to do.

Is formatting HTML like formatting code?

Excited to get started desu

not that user
>Is formatting HTML like formatting code?
with (JS) code the formatting is left up to you to a degree.
With HTML there is really only one logical way to display everything. Just set your editor to indent your html on each save and you are pretty much good on that part.

Very nice! Happy to see someone new getting started with HTML. It all looks very good. Keep practicing and you'll progress easily and it will feel really good as well. General rule: stay away from both W3Schools and thenewboston. They are not good learning resources in many aspects.

Cool cool, thank you. Is Sublime 3 good to learn on?

Thanks man! I'm really having fun here. I've struggled for a bit, but it was actually a really enjoyable struggle, if that makes sense.

>stay away from both W3Schools and thenewboston. They are not good learning resources in many aspects.
Are these specific website or resources? I'm using

So far it's been excellent

Stop thinking you'll gain experience in JavaScript if you use a framework. Frameworks are for hacks, pajeets, and morons and they will corner you into obsoleteness.

Read actual JavaScript documentation. Read programming books that existed before the Node cancer boom. Then read about V8 and why it made JavaScript usable. By then you'll know more about Javascript than any Angular faggot. You'll understand that its success is heavily reliant on the support of tech boxes like Amazon and Google. You'll then understand that the Web is horrific monstrosity that has traveled far and away from home. You'll then get depressed. And hopefully, graduate from Web Development.

>Then read about V8 and why it made JavaScript usable.
Any particular recommendations for that senpai?

man, editor is pretty much up to you, as long as you choose something with nice syntax highlighting and possibly good extensions if you want any.
VSCode, Atom, Sublime
Up to you.

if you want to look up anything webdev related, in the majority of cases you will find the info you need on MDN.
Just type "mdn background-size" in google for example.
If you are able to read docs and generally know how to find answers on google you will learn at lightning speed. A surprising amount of people don't know how to do that.

is it possible to do this in php
i have array with classes names
it get one random class from array and need to call function show
so final should be something like Class::show();
When i hard code in page like i showed above, it works, class is found and function too
when i try to do this $class::show(); (that $class is value from array)
i get error RandomedClassName not found

>have a job interview this week
>its for a salesforce dev job
>required to build a trivial crud app to upload files using their visualforce code
>Spend 30 minutes finding the correct account creation page
>Spend several hours just trying to figure out how to create files on the platform
> Seems i have to keep the tab of the view page and the tab of the controller page open simultaneously because there is no way that I can see for organizing or maintaing a project on the web editor other than just opening a bunch of files in separate tabs.
> Copy paste some guys code in and it basically works

Im not really sure what they wanted me to do here. If they gave me a regular coding challenge, I'd be happy with that.

But they just made me spend so much time fucking with salesforce's shitty docs, shitty ui/ux, whatever, just to make a retarded shitty crud app.

Im tempted to just go in with this code I didnt even write and just talk about it, because I dont know how else someone is supposed to parse all this crap and domain specific knowledge over a weekend.

I feel like maybe they are just trying to test resourcefulness--there's no way they think this is a good way to measure someone's programming abilities, right?

What can YOU tell me about isset() vs. filter_has_var(), /wdg/???

Thanks man! And yeah, I'm a fucking wizard with Google.

My job title is literally Market Researcher. All I do is Google shit, put it into Excel, put THAT into PowerPoint, and then present it to suits.

I'm fucking ready to dive in

can anyone help? i cant edit the html of the page to add an extra class name cuz its cms so i gotta use css to do this...

is there way to do this?

Its not possible to do that with just css.
You can only do the reverse and select an element that is preceded by another element (either with + for directly, or ~)


you can't select previous siblings unfortunately.
JS might be the easiest option here.

damn so thats why i coulnt find an answer online. is there a way to add a class name to like an h2 element in wordpress then? i only see shit like visual editor and bein able to change the header and css but like no way to edit individual wordpress page html?

Will I get paid more if I learn 2 or 3 frameworks? Or should I keep producing miles of spaguetti code that no one else can understand?

nvm i found a solution. each worpress has a page id that i can use to target!

If you mean content you are posting from the post/page editor, you can change to the "Text" tab and litterally edit it in html.

is .one always guaranteed to be the first element and is it always present?

You'll get paid more if you continually work on learning. It's not about the number of buzzwords you throw on your resume, it's about not being a lazy shit who quits trying to be better once you limp your way into a salaried job.

Learning something new every day is good, but are you suggesting there are Important-Documented-And-Popular-Web-related-Stuff I should not learn?

You generally aren't hurt by learning a given web-thing but learning 5 new UI frameworks is less useful than learning two new languages, or another programming paradigm, or a new algorithm. More exposure is the point and react/angular/vue are conceptually overlapping.

Frontend development is very fragmented, and that's one of the reasons I don't want to bother with Vue.js after learning React and Angular.
But these frameworks are well designed for their purpose, and they are backed by experts and a lot of research money.
A complex SPA without them will probably give me a PTSD variant, again.

Post code.

Dont join this server. Its full of want to be niggers.

Usually when applying for tech job you are expected to have experience in that tech. Or at minimum be a quick learner.

yes. its basically the header and i want to align it center.left.right depending on what kind of content is right below it.

Recommend me a single page app routing package that isn't shit. I went with path.js because it was lightweight but calling path.run? (If I recall correctly) straight up does not work. Had to call html5 history api instead.

this shit is full of cancer

Do you guys use wordpress? where can I find a free facebook-like theme?

Is Firebase a meme or what's the catch?

Where should I be saving all my media files? In the server or database? I'm using Heroku + MongoDB Atlas.

Don't store media files in database

I'm trying to implement babbys first rate limiter. I'm using node and my plan is to route every request through a function which creates a temporal redis key which autodeletes after n seconds, then do a count of the keys for the requesting IP and if the number of keys is greater than some threshold reject the connection, otherwise continue to the requested resource.

1. Is this a good idea?
2. Is this something that should be handled in nginx rather than node/redis?
3. Should I just let the CIA fuck my ass and hand it to cloudflare to handle?

I'll answer my own question, I'm going to leave this to nginx.

When would one prefer fuse-box to webpack?

Well you figured it out in , a reverse proxy like nginx is a better layer to handle this at but the idea is reasonable.

>3. Should I just let the CIA fuck my ass and hand it to cloudflare to handle?
plz no

>When would one prefer fuse-box to webpack?
When one doesn't want to use webpack because it's a monolithic pile of shit. I've yet to be sold on monolithic "bundlers" over simpler task runner designs.

>When one doesn't want to use webpack because it's a monolithic pile of shit. I've yet to be sold on monolithic "bundlers" over simpler task runner designs.
yarn > npm
fuse-box > webpack
although at most corporations your boss is going to be demanding magic black box shit on the regular so might as well use webpack

You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about. Web dev is about learning new shit daily, including those frameworks you bash on, as mostly every company is going to be using them. Now, one should definitely be comfortable enough to create applications in vanillaJS, and yes they should have a deep knowledge of it. But honestly, using frameworks will also deepen that knowledge.

You sound like you have down syndrome.

Fuck off, wannabe developer.