You have a contact named "Mom" on your phone

You have a contact named "Mom" on your phone.

You cannot explain how I did that


>saving contacts
What a tool. Do the botnet's work for it, sheeple.

lol no

Wrong. She died years ago. Dont go and say that i have one named dad because i use full names for all contacts.

My mom died 2 years ago

well, aside from the first name being "OP's", you're right

Her contact is named Mom Smith. Just in case I get another mommy.

Wrong. Everyone on my phone is listed by full name, direct relatives included.

Good lad.

Are you a hacker??

these, but unironically.

no, he is a retard

Actually, I don't. I just use their real names.


Wrong, I have to dads

I'm not American so I don't spell it that way.


Same. And when she was alive, I signed her Sherlock Holmes.

Get out of my phone NSA!


She is written as her actual name for me.

Wrong. It says "Mum."

This. Always full name.
Think when my mom died Sup Forums didn't even exist.

Did any of you get the reference ?

Anyone who doesn't is probably underaged.

wrong lmao, I have my mother's number memorized

I don't have a phone.
When I did I used my moms name.