Why do telemarketers keep calling me? Can I get something like ublock or adnauseum for phones?

Why do telemarketers keep calling me? Can I get something like ublock or adnauseum for phones?

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*passes the controller*

what would adnauseam for your phone look like to you?

There are applications which flag / filter calls from known telemarketer numbers.
>why do telemarketers keep calling you
They receive lists of active numbers from pizza places

>Why do telemarketers keep calling me?
cause you gave out your phone number somewhere, be it a physical place or even the apps on your phone, and those sold your number to marketers

answers them and responds with random generic phrases. starts with something simple
>hello, who is this?
>tell me more
>sounds interesting
it waits for the telemarketer to stop talking and then plays the next line

Because you live in a third world country that doesn't have laws against this kind of thing.

What about doing it yourself?


>he still uses landline phones
I haven't had that useless garbage in over 5 years.

because microsoft pajeets care
other companies make you wait while they play shitty music
only microsoft calls you

This is the greatest thing ever!

It's probably because you're an easy target.
How many mobile phone subscriptions have you got? How many social media sites have your details? How many C.V. have you sent?

>Ad nausium for pajeet telemarketers


And he has the audacity to be scornful that he might be getting his time wasted.

>I'm going to fuck your whole family
Fuck my foot this is amazing.

Why not just block the numbers as they come?

Here's another one of their bots talking to a telemarketing bot.


the sequel:

>mom, I can't find my leggins
>"I don't know check your brothers room"

>check your brothers room

What's worse is they spoof the number to a local area code so you think its a legitimate call.

Is this another thinly veiled adnauseum shill thread?

They spoof numbers. Your blocklist would grow and grow but they'd never actually be stopped.

The "do not call" list also doesn't work.

>fuk my foot u motherfukr

Pajeet feet *are* pretty nasty..pajeet *everything* is pretty nasty.

you just need to tell them you don't want them to call you anymore.They're forced to stop after that

Put you number on the national do not call list. If they call you threaten their employers and they'll never call again

Go whitelist.
Not in whitelist? My phone doesn't ring.
Interrupting me is a privilege few people have.

Technically, telemarketing numbers listed on the do-not-call list is a federal crime. Some executive faggot recently got nailed for doing exactly that in a rare case of FCC actually being able to do its job against corporations.

nice paw

Are you a grill?
Install Google dialer from apk mirror
it has built in spam screening app.

I made one company stop by doxxing one of the board members and calling him at home after work hours. Said I'd do it twice for every call I got from his company. Calls stopped the very next day.

>This call is about fuck you

Literally jusr answer and hang up. I had a telemarketer on my ass for a few weeks, if I answered the phone and heard "hello sir" I would immediately hang up. Haven't gotten a call in months.

issue is the telco company in my country is retarded as fuck, they charge me to answer or make a call.
when a telemarketer calls me and i answer it, i get charged to answer the call. even if i end the call 1sec after i answer it, they still charge me the amount for 1 min. i.e. 10cent/min means within the first minute no matter how fast i end the call
inb4 dont answer call that you dont recognize, negative sir, I am in the middle of job hunting and I need to answer calls to make sure i don't miss out on job opportunity

Go to Walmart and buy an air horn and some ear protection.

The next time someone calls, blast the air horn into the phone. Wear the ear protection so you don't blow your own ears out in the process.

Because you keep giving out your phone number, retard.

Make a bomb threat

>Get charged to answer a call
The fuck? What sort of third world shithole would have something like this?

even though the US has laws against this, it's become popular among telemarketers to spoof their number to look more familiar to the recipient of the call. the way telephony works makes it pretty much impossible for end users to get the real number or location, making enforcement off do not call lists impossible when bad actors are involved.

Make your voicemail recording sound like a dial-up tone. When calling, they will hear the tone and think they called a modem and will hang up.

This. The simplest solution, just don't waste words and hang up.

nice of you to call it a 3rd world cause this is in canada

I don't understand. What's the reasoning behind this? It seems logical for the caller to pay for the call.

no idea, they are so backwards in telco shit that its a joke to call them first world country. in a real 3rd world country (malaysia) only the caller pays for the call and the callee doesn't. when I moved to canada I was shock to see my phone bill the first month.
I usually just try to make the best of it when it is a telemarketer call within the first min since i am already paying to answer the call already.
the worst shit is the insurance tele calls are from my bank. fuck scotiabank

Hey kiddo, you do realize that your phone number is in databases and there are bad people that steal those databases, right?

How do I tell the red cross to fuck off?
I donated blood once but when I found out how much the top guy made I stopped and now they won't stop calling me even though I thought that I told them already to stop it


That has nothing to do with identity theft..

just answer your phone and threaten to scalp them
works for me

>implying canuckistan isn't second-world at best
>infrastructure somehow more fucked than burgerworld



works great

Just get a burner phone and put that number on your resume

Don't answer the calls (at all) just let them ring out and they won't ring back anymore. If you answer they'll just ring again

Just block the number after while you're at it

>tfw no pajeet ever calls me

>he owns a phone number

This seems needlessly complicated. I just blast them with feedback because they're always wearing earpieces or headsets. They have to sit there and take it for a couple seconds because they're slower to remove from the ear.

Do you live in Nunavut? Because there isn't a single provider in the provinces that is even permitted to charge for incoming anymore.

I use an app called Truecaller It's really good because the users themselves report the numbers that are spam plus my Nexus has caller ID but I don't think it works. And my country has an agency for preventing telemarketers to use your number.