>using windows

you literally have no excuse, or development tools on windows for that matter

worry about yourself

hello pajeet

what's the weather like in uttar pradesh now friend?

wonderful shoop i love it! top kek 100%

>using licucks

My name is Brian and I live in Texas. Linux users are a minority in America. If anything India has way more linux users

hello friend, my name is rakeesh and i'm a friend of pajeet

we'd like to thank you for using windows friend. you seem to have a virus. did you try rebooting your system friend?

I've never received those calls because I'm on the don't call list or something

I'm going back to windows because of the horrible screen tearing. Linux is not a desktop.

hey its good for me there is everything a noob like me needs

What desktop environment did you use? No screen tearing on Gnome for me

im a 1337 haxx0r because i use loonix. it has so many tools I don't understand. I just use screenfetch and vim to config my DE.

Lmao I'm gonna keep using Windows 10 as long as it causes you anal pain

I like messing with music production software, and there isn't any decent one on Linux. In particular I like FL Studio, and it only uses one core in wine, which makes playback glitchy.

Also most people use Windows, so if you want to make something to sell and make money that's what you should use.

I'm using Kubuntu with an Nvidia GTX 750 Ti. It doesn't matter what driver I use. It tears like it's 1997.


there's your problem

back in 2003 nvidia ruled linux, but times are changing. now amd open source drives are the best, and nvidia is just shit.

>even poos reject him

Well yeah you should try another DE, that might help

Windows has the highest level of compatibility with professional software, and since Windows 10 has native ELF binary support with bash I don't even need Linux for development anymore. The only reason to use Linux is if you need your anime rice.

Why would a programmer ever use windows?(Not counting C#/.Net devs obviously)
Linux provides a much better environment for programming, and it doesn't run like dogshit either.

Why should someone who doesn't program use linux?

>Caring about what OS other people uses

Do something productive and stop being an asshole, Sup Forums

That's a bit of a dated argument, you can use Linux toolchains on Windows without any 3rd party tools/software with WSL.

Maybe you don't like that Microsoft collects a lot of data about you
Maybe you like free as in freedom software
Or you like free as in free beer software
Windows isnt free nor free


literally every windows 10 thread
>OP: just installed, how do i debotnet it?
>users: you cant
>shills: you can, just do this, this and this, repeat after every update
shit os you have to fight with all the time? why even bother? sometimes i think all these w10 threads are made by paid shills, every single one


I use both.

OP is rigth

why do indians call themselves brian?