Why does recaptcha keep showing me images of this impending car crash?

Why does recaptcha keep showing me images of this impending car crash?

Are they trying to social engineer me to associate cars with car accidents, to advance their autonomous car agenda?

I keep getting it too
Google is probably having a hard time with that specific image

>humps for 180 yards
Good endurance

Those are parked cars, lad. Do you not park on the road in America?

Those are parked cars, you fucking retard.

The Jews want you to be afraid

parked card would be partly on the pavement, this is retarded.

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>he actually uses his brain while solving captchas
i just select random shit

Not necessarily, here's a photo from Google Maps of a road in my city.

This image is like the second word in the old captchas.

They already have the answer and are using it to see if you are retarded, which you obviously are seeing as how you don't know those are parked cars.

Are you okay?

>When you can't complete a captcha, because you're not a Europoor

that road is bigger, those cars aren't occupying half of it?!

Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you dumb fucking shit stain.

2nd word was always nigger

How's this?

select none of the images then contact google customer service to complain

Just brain damage, then?

These are google's driverless cars, dummy. They're still in training so they don't know which way to go sometimes.

Most people park in the same direction on one side of the road.

If a road isn't wide enough for both lanes of traffic and on-street parking, then parking is usually banned