What does Sup Forums think of the MaXX Interactive Desktop?

What does Sup Forums think of the MaXX Interactive Desktop?

For those who don't know there was a company that was big in the 90s called Silicon Graphics Inc. that made specialized MIPS workstation hardware that cost anywhere from $50,000 to over $100,000. These days you can get their desktop and server hardware for a couple hundred bucks on ebay because of how obscure and old it is and as far I know you can't virtualize the hardware or OS. SGI had their own special OS tied to the hardware called IRIX which focused heavily on using a graphical environment called the IRIX Interactive Desktop, or IID. MaXX Interactive is a port of IID to GNU/Linux. It only works on 64-bit x86 machines running a Fedora or Debian based OS. It could work on other distros but I haven't tried it. I did try to install it on 32-bit Debian and I found out that it does indeed require 64-bit only libraries and stuff. I've tested it on Fedora 25 and it works well. It costs nothing and there's an easy installer script for it. The website also says that an update is coming later today.

>inb4 OP is a paid shill
I'm an unpaid shill and I do it because I just like the project and IRIX/SGI related stuff in general.

>it's nonfree!
You could always use something shitty like CDE instead. You're all adults so read this and decide for yourself:

>isn't this the thing from the old Jurassic Park movie?
Pretty much. They had an SGI machine running IRIX with IID.

>why should I install this?
Because it's lightweight and fun to use. It gives your desktop a nice retro look and feel.

Pic related is my current desktop.

Other urls found in this thread:



this belongs in the same obscure-tier trash bin as Amiga and Be

And you belong in an even bigger trash can with the rest of the nofunalloweds.

This is Sup Forums, you're not breaking news here new jack. Shame on you for not even mentioning their work for Nintendo's N64

>This is Sup Forums
You mean that board where everyone gets mad when someone makes a thread about something other than phones or macbooks?

Also I don't care about the nofriendo64. Console gaming is stupid.

you promise it works on debian, user? I want to try it for the obscure memes but i don't want to ruin my perfect install

Try it in a VM first or wait until later today and try version 1.2 that says it'll officially support Debian.

>What doe(...)

Thanks user. I'll post some minimally indexed waifus while I wait.









Can it be used with tiling window manager?
I like the styling but without tiled windows it would kinda suck.



I don't know. The main point of this desktop is that it includes a window manager called 5Dwm which is one of many components that gives it the "just werks" experience.

Also be sure to install additional X apps on Fedora if you want xclock and stuff. I don't like the default config for it so I wrote a little script that opens xclock with custom settings to make it digital and stuff and just tossed it onto the desktop, made it executable, and then changed the name and icon. That's what the "Clock" icon is in the OP picture.

xclock -digital -update 1

lets take a break from phones n gaming parts

I said this in the last thread but the ironic retro look of this DE basically relies upon you having nothing but terminal and system settings windows open all the time, which you will do for screenshots. Just open a browser and a modern webpage and the look will probably be rather poor.


I'm new to this desktop ricing stuff. But I wonder if there's a way to adjust things so browsers only render a set amount of colors. That might help the web look more retro. But I don't know.

Or you could just install a retro theme on xfce. The advantage is once you get tired of it you can change it back to modern appearance with a few mouseclicks.

not enough bevel edges
not enough shitty dither
not enough shitty colors
not shitty enough

>that espresso maker

Hideous icons. Also remove that text background from the desktop icons

I didn't know it was actually usable yet. Does it have virtual desktops?
>Shame on you for not even mentioning their work for Nintendo's N64
The N64 was a shitbox for children, who cares about that in the context of IRIX?
That's half-assed garbage, how the fuck could you think that's acceptable?

I think that's the point?

Nice, I used to admin a few SGI workstations back in 99, a nice change from the zillion sparcstations.

yeah, hideous, not half-assed

fuck yes, just got my O2 working yesterday.

cute, is it an R5000 or something nicer?

nevermind saw the hinv
the R10000 ones were shit anyway

You don't know ho to install an icon theme?

For instance




>THIS thread again
>bumping because nobody gives a shit
fuck off

What are people like you doing on this board in the first place?

>ITT: Baby's first UNIX workstation

>THIS thread again
Why not, this DE is beautiful.

Make a thread about SGI, not your specific desktop environment.
This thread is shit.

>there are no applications out there other than web browsers
>he doesn't know about neocities

Looks like shit and the UI is totally different. The IID is more than just window boarders with a Motif theme.

>Does it have virtual desktops?
Not that I can find. 1.2 probably will though since it'll be a massive update.

Nice. I didn't use one until 2007.


Just look at those horrible status icons on the bottom and your fuzzy scribbled font. Looks like ass.

>your specific desktop environment.

>Just look at those horrible status icons on the bottom and your fuzzy scribbled font. Looks like ass.

you people are mentally disabled

If you don't like it then as the OP you have my full permission not to look at it, you retarded cunt.

IRIX requires special hardware and only the 3-4 people that probably own SGI hardware would want to contribute. The MaXX Interactive Desktop is more accessible because it runs on Fedora on standard hardware.

>you people are mentally disabled
Where the fuck do you think you are?

I always liked the paradigm of icons on desktop that Unix had, before window managers like FVWM and IceWM started the emulate windos craze.

Openlook, CDE, NeXTstep. So nice work and job well done to whatever neckbeards scratched that itch.

GNUSTEP is pretty good.

>Not free as in Freedom.

Into the trash.

Go bitch at all the third parties that would try to drag SGI to court over licensing changes. It's the same reason why they won't open source IRIX. If you don't like it then don't use it.

>Where the fuck do you think you are?

At a place where people have enough IQ to righ-click on a panel icon and then choose to remove if they don't like it?

Should compile it on SPARC to spite to license.

SGI today is nothing but a shell of its past. There is nothing left but HPE.

SGI is dead, that license is bull

>IRIX requires special hardware and only the 3-4 people that probably own SGI hardware would want to contribute.
>3-4 people on Sup Forums own SGI hardware
this is what baby's first non-x86 workstation plebs actually think

IRIX was hot garbage, even compared to other Unices available at the time. People bought SGI for the hardware, IRIX was a price that had to be paid.
Everyone I know who has used an SGI machine was glad to be rid of it by the time upgrades came around.

Even if it wasn't proprietary rubbish I wouldn't want it.

But apparently not a high enough IQ to understand the difference between something like XFCE having a totally different window manager and application that MaXX.

>Should compile it on SPARC to spite to license.
You can if you want but this is a great way to get SGI to stop cooperating and I don't know what off the top of my head what other specific software dependencies MaXX has or how much source code would actually be available.

>this is what baby's first non-x86 workstation plebs actually think
You mentioned something similar earlier and I have no idea what you hope to get by leaving such an inane pile of shit over and over. Do you want a (You)? There you go, nigger.

That's your opinion. I like IRIX and I'd use it daily if all of the software for it wasn't two decades out of date.

Oh, wow Im such a haxor on this board where people only talk about applel and phones. Finally an interesting thread, don't fuck with it.

I admined a few workstations and in some regards I agree, Irix had some peculiarities and un-Unix like configuration. But it rarely had any issues and XFS was nice and stable. This was back before Solaris UFS had journalling.

Am I autistic for sort of liking the "ugliness" of these stations? Even the hardware has a sort of "ugliness" to them, what with the dumb colors.

The mismatched colors and rough design of the UI and hardware give it character and make it more pleasing to look at than a flat, sterile black case with the UI being bright colors on a black frosted glass panel. Modern software is uglier than this stuff.



that's a inopportune statement, that devalues the whole post, oppo

your post expresses autismus

>these were considered max-power workstations for the time
>today the raspberry pi, which is 10x as powerful (at least) can't do half as much

What went wrong?

CDE has an interface which is significantly less intuitive than IID/MaXX. I know because I still use CDE on some of my old ThinkPads that run Debian. CDE is garbage but it's the kind of garbage that you end up falling in love with.

Unoptimized software and a billion programs that do a half assed job rather than a small collection of really solid programs.

>It only works on 64-bit x86 machines

Damn this would be great for my old Thinkpads.

Guess I'm sticking with WindowMaker.


You should go one step further and start using groff for all your document presentation.

Can you get Point Blank for this?

Does it actually work now?
Does it include any other applications than the terminal and window manager?

nobody bought SGI for the hardware dude, that shit was the limpest RISC on the market and the graphics options could barely hold a candle to consumer solutions for most tasks by the turn of the century

they bought into it for IRIX, its software base and development tools, which was why SGI went under pretty much instantly when they shitcanned it for Itanium/Linux

>10x as powerful
watch the model 1 get the shit kicked out of it
bet the new ones are maybe 3x at best, pis are fucking trash

Redpill meon neocities. It seems like that place fucking died. The same sites are always on top and no one ever updates.

I really want Sup Forums to make web1.0 and neocities seems like the easiest for babby way to do it.

shit font
system tray
resolution too high
keep trying nerd

NeoCities is a good idea far too many years too late.

Really it's a stop-over until ZeroNet gets a bit further along.

>bet the new ones are maybe 3x at best
Not him but nope, the new ones are massive improvements to the original one

I like the simple websites people serve through IPFS. Shame IPFS has bugs and is slow. I want it to work out too.

The thing is, having small websites which many people can download and have on their computers is the most stable form of retention going, because it takes away the biggest problem with stability and retention: the internet itself.

The standard limit of 10MB on ZeroNet is a really cool way of making people more willing to download large amount of site's content.

Yeah, I've tried to fix it so that it'll run on IA32 machines but it just breaks.

This isn't my work computer. I just use this one to dick around.

>Does it actually work now?
Yeah, and it's really stable.
>Does it include any other applications than the terminal and window manager?
Version 1.1 has a couple but it's really limited. I'm about to check the site to see if 1.2 is out yet. When it is I'll install it and report back.

I got like 30 views on my shitty little website in like 3 days, so it's not as dead as you think.

This kills Pajeet.

I've been noticing this for a long time now. All people do is make shitty threads about laptops and smartphones. Is everyone on Sup Forums a pajeet?

Either that or kids from Discord since they always seem to have a server to shill. Discord is the new reddit, basically.

>Is everyone on Sup Forums a pajeet?
No but there are a lot of paid shills from Apple and Microsoft here. I see the same posts and images on numerous other image boards and forums. There's also a lot of phone posters spilling over from Sup Forums and Windows users from Sup Forums. I've been here long enough to remember when people were unironically posting screenshots of their Rainmeter garbage on XP here.

Discord is fucking cancer and I hate it so much. The whole interface is unusable garbage thrown all over the place with no clearly defined controls or simple way to do things, and it lets the CIA niggers spy on you. Anyone who isn't retarded should use Telegram with a fake number (generated by Talkatone) or IRC or just secured email.

Man SGI machines are beautiful

OpenSTEP > Other crappier unix environments for people to poor to afford a NeXTCube.

>to poor to afford a NeXTCube
You should use GNUSTEP instead because that's actually being worked on. You can also run that and actual NeXTSTEP in QEMU pretty easily. Meanwhile you can't emulate SGI hardware well enough to run IRIX in a VM. Besides, the IID/MaXX have a different look and feel which I prefer.

The change happened around about the same time the consumerwhores turned up, who'll get mad if you tell them that there's been no major improvements to standard usage for about 10 years.

>I just like the project and IRIX/SGI related stuff

do you have a girlfriend?

There are tons of broken ones floating around on ebay for less than $100. I've been thinking about trying to find an old Indy that's water damaged or just broken beyond repair so that I can gut it and use the case with some modern PC hardware inside. I would of course run MaXX on it.

>there's been no major improvements to standard usage for about 10 years
Things have gotten more bloated and buggy since then. This is why I made this thread. I want a lightweight and simple alternative to the flat and colorful hell that is the modern UI and I think that some others might also want it.

>do you have a girlfriend?
No. Please look at my hostname in the screenshot.

It's more consistent than any shit halfass freetard DE so I will give it that.
And hey the windows don't lag when moving them like Xfce.

it's also a centralized IRC where they openly declare they're collecting your data and selling it to third parties (and most likely governments). but who cares because you get a free tshirt of your favorite twitch streemer

What bothers me is how every /vg/ seems to have a discord and that piece of garbage is somehow bleeding into Sup Forums generals. Even cyberpunk larpers are buying into the surveillance meme.

I've found that the biggest drain is internet browsers. I've got 3 Sup Forums tabs open and Firefox is using 500MB. I know that's "not much" these days (even this old t60 has 2GB of RAM), but it's still a massive insult.

I just can't stand people who just say things like "it's meant to be used" as if that's the point, and not that it's being used at all for something so trivial.

a pre-openbox DE?

does it have my rc edit files?

open your own goyish thread, nu-faggot

I love it for the aesthetics, sucks that it's proprietary though. It's cool how IRIX has vector icons that are rendered in an aliased way.

Oh, you got it working on Arch? Nice job. Hope you enjoy it. If you look around on Deviant Art there are some nice IRIX icon packs you can use for desktop shortcuts so that they don't look out of place.

I love how that timeline image just keeps growing.

Chrome and Chromium are even worse. They'll just eat your CPU instead which causes horrible lag and makes your fans sound like helicopters.

>sucks that it's proprietary though
I feel you on that. The dev and SGI don't really have a choice because of asshats that'll take them to court over """"intellectual property""""

use a low fidelity monospace font in your Sup Forums css to help it blend in

MaXX sucks
gay thread OP

the modern web is complete bloat garbage and unfortunately modern web browsers are bloated trying to render them. My suggestion is to use a light-end browser without a lot of currentmeme-support and make/use web1.0 sites. You'd be surprised how many modern websites you actually don't need in your life once you do this.

I think that he's just using Photon. I might work on a custom Sup Forums CSS to go with MaXX but I'm feeling lazy today.

See You were described perfectly right there.

It just makes me mad.

It wasn't meant to be like this. I've seen people with Amigas and old Windows 95 machines and they're functionally as fast as a modern computer in real-world usage. Even SSDs are losing their benefit compared to a few years ago.

Most people here don't have "technology" as their interest - they are mostly interested in consumerism, aka /fa/, /biz/ and Sup Forums shit