Are there good and free (no pay) Protonmail alternatives? I am going to delete my account...

Are there good and free (no pay) Protonmail alternatives? I am going to delete my account, because Protonmail has been compromised. They comply with Swiss anti-hate laws and are made by engineers from (((CERN))).

Other urls found in this thread:

>protonmail has been compromised
source: OPs ass

Meme parens aren't and will never be funny nor witty.

Did you see the thread?

Check catalogue and don't make duplicate threads

Sorry, but that thread is gonna be archived. for various shit
Tutanota for your official email


t. butthurt mountain jew mail admin

>Falling for a smear tactic of a three letter agency. You're contributing to making it easier for them to spy on people.

Take your antisemitism back to Sup Forums please

Cute angry loli!

Who are you quoting?
> wahhh wahhh a reference to jews as a synonym of deceitful business where only shekels matters
> wahh wahh pol you are holocausting me

Did you know that protonmail routes all traffic through Mossad servers?

"Made by engineers from CERN", you don't know that before stupid ?
Why subscribe account so ?
Their servers are outside USA and EU legislation, if you want to left for gay reasons it's your problem, don't involve others.

Did you know that that is fake news?

Satanic motherfucker!

too bee honest, knowing that they cause this much butthurt to alt right retards is just more reason for me to use it. Maybe I'll even subscribe to protonmail plus.

>source: Mossad

So you're telling me I should believe them now after they decided to keep the Israel reroute incident secret until somebody else found out about it?

That's bullshit and you fucking know it. They had to respond to a fucking conspiracy theory.


1. Mossad ddoses protonmail
2. protonmail got (((help))) by israHELLis
4. (((Y0U))) got jewed, as always.

>outside USA and EU legislation,
ahahahahahahahaahha poor little faggot. they are forced to keep at least 6 months records of all your data & metadata according to suisse legislation; coppers at any moment may ask to analyse and eventually backdoor their servers with or without their cooperation with or without their knowledege and even without court order (the so-called "surveillance task force" is completely autonomous from the administrative and judicial bureau and autonomously reviews if and when court orders are deemed unfit; they also may intercept someone not directly related to anything), on top of it your outbound traffic is 99% unencrypted unless you're messaging protonmail users only (which should make you wonder why are you using email to begin with, use'd rather use a different safer free tool without trying to construe >javascript encryption spaghetti monsters as your best privacy buddy)
and on top of it. swiss cooperates tightly with intelligence from both yurop and burglerland. and still so many faggots believe the lies of literal israeli businessmen shelling a literal useless service for any privacy or freedom of speech or professional purpose with no respect to anything but virtue signalling

>don't involve other
get rekt faggot, _you_ shouldn't involve other in your downward spiral

>conspiracy theory
>the reroute actually happened - see

German hate laws though...even stricter than Swiss hate laws

>good and free (no pay) Protonmail alternatives

fpbp and checked

>three letter agency

No, its just Sup Forums being triggered

> free (no pay) Protonmail alternatives
As long as it is free there is always a catch.

They were hit by a ddos, but the mossod angle is Sup Forums-tier tinfoil hat conspiracy theory grade A bullshit

>someone deleting accounts without looking at them

>pls Sup Forums end this holocaust
Yes, but they aren't (currently) subjected to keep a record of all and any data generate by their customers up to six months to be ready upfront at any police request and AFAIK they don't pre-emptively ban accounts without a Court order; they seem more pro free speech than Protonmail, even if "support free speech" is defined in Protonmail' threat model. Can't really vouch for them anyway.

poor gato
>someone deletes accounts for political reasons
>not compromised
hold tight gato

what's the catch here? was actually turned in a user. So it is not safe.


Also Id be suspicious of any free alternative. If you dont pay for the product, how is company going to going to pay developers, knowhow, hardware needed to provide you service? They have to monetise it somehow, so either theyd serve you ads, sell your metadata or even data to third parties. Be careful not to become their product instead.

Daily reminder this is a not a user-made thread, but either a reverse-psychology shill thread by groups (ProtonMail themselves of the state). The shills come out of the woodwork to waste time, you can tell they are because of the liberal use of politics in their posts.

We've had these threads for a while and they always turn out the same way. OP says ProtonMail is compromised, PIDF comes out and says it's not, some other group trying to derail conversation comes in with politics, and then at the end there was never any discussion. This is the same with the Net Neutrality threads.

When you see "this is a common CIA trick to foster distrust and discredit really secure applications, it's been done before" remember that this man is a literal govt-paid CIA nigger trying to honeypot you.




>PM bans a couple of accounts associated with dark market trading and known hate groups thus violating the TOS of using PM service, but nothing adverse happens to the users
>better use instead
a service that LITERALLY handed over tons of data to the feds on a whim
no problemo :^)

>Also Id be suspicious of any free alternative. If you dont pay for the product, how is company going to going to pay developers, knowhow, hardware needed to provide you service?
idealism? volunteering? something like but without the political manifesto and the
>anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-militarism
albeit it's difficult to keep something like that running on donations if you completely destitute it of memes and libtardness
people like those hacktivists suggest that the yearly cost is somewhere around 12k € for running services at large (they offer also hosting for free and whatnot); a private gentooman could rent a 1U for something as low as ~ 500 €/year in a country with true neutrality like Netherland; then again you're trusting some guy for your mail hosted in someone else' DC
>a service that LITERALLY
responded to a Court order. Can you spot the difference?

>"ok you're right I'm full of shit and it was real, BUT THIS OTHER CLAIM IS TOTALLY-" you're just embarrassing yourself

You are calling out protonmail for deleting accounts of their customers for alleged hate speech, without court order. Their went out of their way to please specific ideological group, against interests of their customers. This is "idealism and activism" in reality.

Not saying there is no free privacy minded mail provider ran by dedicated free speech activists, but I havent seen one yet. And Id have more confidence in such service, if it was full time job, devs werent dependent on some other income and their career and livelihood was closely tied to not screwing their paying customers.

Personally I dont consider "volunteering" pinnacle of trustworthiness, because there is ALWAYS some ideological background behind it, usually with seeking of approval from specific social group on top of it. Yeah, it works as long as you share their views, but when you dont, you suddenly become literally hitler and it is civic duty to punch you.

>mossad involvement is conspiracy theory
>5 posts later conspiracy theory about thread being cia psyops

How much data did they give out though? Protonmail said they can only give encrypted data to officials, which can still be useful, but depending on what cock gave out...

Those anti Protonmail shills are really desperate. There was even a case where some retarded Basilian used his Protonmail account to buy drugs on a Draknet Market. But he still bitched on reddit why his account was blocked, instead of being happy because Protonmail didn't give his info out to the Police.
Someone on Sup Forums tried to use this against Protonmail...

I actually believe that some Agencies try to badmouth Protonmail, since they can't crack the encryption.

Protonmail banning illegal account is ok. No one is arguing that.

Protonmail banning illegal account without court order, labelling it hate group then saying that was not the reason for the ban, and then virtue signal about it on Twitter and Reddit, is not ok. The fact that they stumble on every single argument put forth by everyone on Twitter, Reddit, and everywhere else, indicates they were going to ban it no matter what the reason is, because to virtue signal on Twitter and pushing political agenda was their goal.

The fact remains that they labelled it a hate group without evidence, they accepted some random guy tweeting a picture as evidence and acted without investigation, and they fucking tweeted about it. When you do all of these together, you send a clear signal that it is a deliberate political virtue signalling, and not some sort of administrative procedure.

They even said in their Reddit thread that there is no rule, there is no 100% certainty, they can only use judgement. Their judgement of labelling it hate group and then immediately saying covering their ass saying that wasn't their reason for the ban. Their entire course of action speaks volume about this company as a whole and hint at some deeply unseating agenda at play. Protonmail marketing their privacy but hiding a clear political agenda, makes it a honeypot by definition, one which lures you in so that they can potentially kill your operations by banning your email.

Nobody even said anything about using any other email, we are discussing some Protonmail's real actions and how it is clearly flawed and undermining their entire point of existence. If this is some three letter agency shilling against encryption, they would have told you to use Gmail or some other actual honeypots they already have access to.

This is pure and simple Protonmail fucking up.


>I actually believe that some Agencies try to badmouth Protonmail, since they can't crack the encryption.
t. NSA
OpenPGPjs (and crypto with js) is considered harmful and exploited since the beginning, moreover all this blabbering about crypto is pure non-sense unless you're messaging with other protonmail users exclusively, but then see


disgusting baguettes, they closed IMAP and POP3 without sending notice to all their users; and they some deactivated owncloud installs they previously offered, without sending notices too. On top of it, France isn't exactly the first country you'd investigate if you're looking for something something privacy
*not a botnet afaik but I wrote it so you read the rest of your post

I live in Serbia. Should I be worried?


Fuck me, this is the most obvious shill thread I think I've ever seen.

> Be me, first day on job
> Boss says "user, you must discredit ProtonMail on the Papua New Guinean Mosaic boards
> What the fuck is that.jpg
> Hmmm, Sup Forums is racist hate machine final boss of the internet that hates Jews
> Technology board, sounds right
> Heard triple brackets make me alt-right


>Can't argue any of the point
>We fucked up
>Let's just slide the threads and call them names




you are a big guy

Tutanota is what I've used from the start. Protonmail's premium features are WAY too expensive, and their free shit doesn't allow users to send E2E Encrypted mail (while Tutanota DOES).

Disroot seems promising, too.

>Can't think of any defense
>Call them CIA for no reason

It is easy to call anyone CIA, but calling people CIA with no reason just makes you obvious shill.

Are you sure Protonmail is not run by CIA to hide emails after Hillary's email fuckery? They sure need some encrypted platform that is easily manipulated and policed as demonstrated in this whole mess.

Are you breaking any laws?

? you meant gmx?

According to who and under which jurisdiction?

Is it really worth transitioning to another provider. I've only started using protonmail as my primary email provider this year.



t. goygle

I have already said that in another thread but I have seen this pattern many times before - whenever NSA has trouble cracking something, like Tor, they start claiming all over the internet that it's "compromised".

We've seen that they made very little progress on cracking Tor despite years of research and all existing exploits require running javascript and acting like a moron. Suddenly, whenever Tor is mentioned on the internet, a recently registered account helpfully pops by and claims it's "compromised" and "feds run it" despite little evidence of either. I believe Protonmail, when used correctly, is giving NSA a lot of reouble, since they use strong encryption and don't have the keys to users' emails, so some agency is trying to drive people away from it, towards less secure alternatives. Worth noting is also the fact that Switzerland has some of the best privacy laws on the planet, which makes user data extraction by foreign governments especially troublesome.

>NSA has trouble cracking
>Switzerland has some of the best privacy laws on the planet
NSA has allegedly issues cracking what, exactly? javascript in a browser? cracking unencrypted outbound mail? and excuse me? Switzerland has "the best privacy laws" apropos IT? you don't even know what' you're talking about, see Way to move the goalpost anyway, the core of topic has been clearly expressed by some user here and here We didn't ever talk about Tor or the like nor anyone suggested to move to unsafer place (beside the obvious memesters)
suddenly people calling out these PM faggots (who explicitly recalled and described freedom of speech and absolute neutrality in their threat model) are the NSA
get fucked

This is partially why I use a VPN based in Hong Kong.

Mailfence is solid
Don't bitch about the space

Fufk if I know you're the one asking questions

Avoid French services and products at all costs.
France has been in perpetual "state of emergency" since the bataclan massacre in 2015, which grants the police the power to shut down, seize, or forcefully backdoor any service in France that is "suspected of helping "terrorists"" without any kind of warrant.


How to close account on

quite the contrary
I wonder if Belgique (see: mailfence ) will fall soon to similar measures, even if I don't really see that lil' kingdom buffer state as anything acting so brave and independent

try to message vc about it, I don't recall any "close my account" desu senpai
he'd then have to "blacklist" your email address to prevent it getting re-registered by someone else

>so brave and independent
*so brave and independent to begin with.

Anyone knows how to check if my residential ISP can relay my mail-in-a-box and the like? I've a mail address connected with my ISP account but I highly doubt they'd allow me to do that

Vince getting constantly fucked by the law.

I've just received this from
just a heads up

relevant bits
>Yesterday, on Thursday 14 September, we found out that a few days ago an
>admin account had been compromised. As soon as we spotted this
>intrusion, we immediately got to work for solving the problem. We have
>already taken the necessary mitigation measures and have secured the
>machines. We are still analyzing logs and reinstalling the
>We are examining the details of the situation to figure out what
>happened exactly. Given the nature of this intrusion, all users' data
>might have potentially been accessed by the intruders, but so far we
>have found no evidence that someone touched the mailboxes.
>As a minimum security requirement, you should change all your passwords
>and the recovery questions for your accounts (email, webdav, mailing
>lists and newsletters,

>If you have already enabled 2-factor authentication, you should reset
>that too, by deactivating it and activating it again.

Isn't this like the second time this happened? Or was that someone else?

it happened before in a distant past
TL;DR the ISP "Aruba" (notorious in the IT business in Italy and worldwide, at least in the cheap VPS market) allowed the Postal Police to seize and copy a server of theirs in 2004 without contacting/notifying them at all. They outright lied about the downtime of the server

this seems different, someone breached in and they didn't realize "until yesterday". I don't know how someone could feel relieved learning that "so far we have found no evidence that someone touched the mailboxes"
I do wonder if they'd be able to even tell if something like that happened at this point

but there's a lesson to be learned: if even people running mail servers for 15+ years can make blunders, self-hosting could really, really be deceptively difficult

to add on this: after that incident they moved all their server outside of Italy (Iceland, Netherlands and Norway, IIRC)

Or are you the CIA nigger?

Good point with the net neutrality threads though.

I've seen this exact thread, with this exact image, at least one other time. Tutanota is always presented, and almost entirely ignored.

what you're saying is the equivalent of blaming 9/11 on Lizard people. It's plausible to say it was an inside job. But the extra information you tack onto it is total bullshit.

>what you're saying is the equivalent of blaming 9/11 on Lizard people.
No, it's not.

>Tutanota is always presented, and almost entirely ignored.

So what? Their hard drives are encrypted.

Server side encryption? Their server side is not open source and you have to blindly trust them. Client side encryption? Yeah, as long as you message another user in the tutanota ecosystem and as long as your browser run js just fine..

>Server side encryption?
Can't you just build the client yourself, since the code itself is open source?

>Client side encryption? Yeah, as long as you message another user in the tutanota ecosystem
I KNOW that's false. They offer E2E encrypted emails to people not using Tutanota. Sends them an email saying that they have an email waiting for them at Tutanota, with a link. They click it, enter the password, and they get the encrypted message.

>and as long as your browser run js just fine..
Pretty sure you can also use their app, or a Microsoft Outlook plugin.

>Can't you just build the client yourself, since the code itself is open source?
No, it's not. The server side code is closed source, they never disclosed it. They EXPLICITLY stated they will remain closed source on the server side to beat competition. Moreover, you can't really tell if they're encrypting anything server-side. One should always assume that server-side encryption is a marketing gimmick, as it happens with most OpenVPN providers.
>I KNOW that's false. They offer E2E encrypted emails to people not using Tutanota.
In order to be interoperable they NEED to send your email unencrypted OR with a "password". Otherwise, your gmail recipient wouldn't be able to read a thing.
They propose to address the ancient issues with OpenPGP (namely, perfect forward secrecy and the bunch of metadata it leaves) with a "custom crypto" and symmetric keys. An in-house home-made standard, absolutely non interoperable without the aid of additional js or "apps". In crypto, when you have to pass along a password to decrypt the ciphertext, the safety of the password exchange or of the OTP exchange represents the overall safety of the ciphertext. In other words, if you email in cleartext "hey I'm gonna mail you from now onwards with stuff encrypted with password "niggers1" lol, delete this mail" then the subsequent crypto is moot. Also thinking that you'll be able to interoperate with non-tutanota users this way is just naive - they'd just tell you to send the mail in cleartext and that they're annoyed they're required to open your mails in a browser in a special tab just to decrypt your ramblings with a one-time password.
still js, but sure better than nothing

Maybe Riot will eventually replace IRC, e-mail, WhatsApp, Telegram and whatnot?

> Still using Tutanota

Lmao vpns are NSA monitored .

You all bunch of retards , when i read these tinfoil tier thread i always think myself " do all these people HAVE SUPER SECRET STUFF that the NSA MUST ABSOLUTLY not know about ? Are they all secret agents ??" And no i m not one of those who say " if you don t have anything to hide don t worry just use gmail " . But you idiots should know that NO SYSTEM is safe , if NSA or CIA wants to read your fucking email , they will one way or another . I mean for christ sake INTEL CPUS have backdoors in them and you say " MUH PROTON IS COMPROMISED "
Inb4 t. NSA T. Proton dev t. Mossad


>You all bunch of retards , when i read these tinfoil tier thread i always think myself " do all these people HAVE SUPER SECRET STUFF
>defuse NSA and CIA
You didn't read a single thing, but hey thanks for the bump.

ITT: Butthurt nazis