Why aren't Austria and Hungary in a better relationship/friends?

Why aren't Austria and Hungary in a better relationship/friends?
If they'd coorporate and do things together they'd be superior.

What do you think?

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Why aren't Sweden and Finland in a better relationship? Oh yeah..


At least they're socially a bit similar, even if it's just a little bit.

I don't know about that.

Why? Where's the big difference between you and Finns - in your opinion?

>Trusting mountain germans
No thanks

after 200+ years of antagonism, dont expect hungarians to cooperate with their former opressors

Language, for starters.

it was only since 1990 we could choose our alligation and you were already in the political correctness bunch

just look at the latest crisis
you were saying we are evil fascists then start doing the same thing as us, we dont like that kinda spinelessness

I never understood why there was an alliance between Austria and Hungary in the first place.

do you have extended version of this one?

We are too retarded for that, friend. But the part of Hungary that's worth being friends with has either left for you/Germany/UK(lol)/Netherlands/Scandinavia or is planning to do so.
Implying the Monarchy was not the absolute relative golden age of Hungary post-Mohács
I agree that Austria wasn't very credible on this one but if there's one thing Hungarians don't mind it's spinelessness
First they just sortof took the country after liberation from the Turks. Then Vienna realised that we were worth more as almost equal happy allies instead of angry rebellious subjugates

We are both members of the european union. It is literally nearly not possible to have more Corporation without aut and hun fusing into ONE state

I like Austrians desu


Because your government is afraid to call things what they are


>t. buzizsidó

Austrian politicians: retarded

Hungarian politicians: retarded

But the people get along fine. Fuck politics and enjoy a langos instead

Cause huge land next to them and Habsburgs were not warlords but politicians so they lured magyars in

This tbqh

Well, Faymann is gone now

Tbh I never understood why many Hungarians are all about "muh oppression". I mean Hungary enjoyed a lot of politicial freedom during A-H times and the time before WW1 was probably one of the best ages both our countries ever had, especially when compared to all the shit that came in the decades afterwards.

muh language
muh autonomity

also we tend to see the negative in everything

>Be Rakúšan
>Cause two(2!) world wars
>Stay neutral and one of the richest countries

Fuxking jews


The 'muh oppression' refers to before AH times.

If they talk about muh oppression it's not about the AH times