Tell me again why electric cars are not a democrat voting vegan meme?

tell me again why electric cars are not a democrat voting vegan meme?

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Not to mention electric cars are coal powered anyway.

That's not a lithium mine

here's a better oilsands picture for ya

This meme is retarded. It's implying that if a resource tends to have larger sites then it is automatically less efficient.

how about dis one.

Might as well walk

That's actually one of the largest copper mines on Earth.
The rest is explained here:

cool, would work there.

lithium mines are fucking aesthetic. Breddy bad for local flamingos apparently.

Oil sands aren't bad due to their immediate local environmental impact but due to the fact that it COSTS MORE ENERGY TO GET THE OIL OUT OF OIL SANDS THAN YOU GET FROM THE OIL THAT IS PRODUCED. Also
>wanting gas or electric powered cars
>not cars powered by nuclear fusion

Putting aside any of the political / environmental factors, any consumer should see the benefits in long term savings from eliminating traditional maintenance and fuel costs from gas car ownership.

With an electric vehicle you don't need to purchase fuel, you don't need to pay for oil changes, you don't need to replace your fuel filters, you don't need to replace your spark plugs even. Tesla also claims that brake pads last longer with their vehicles, though I don't know of any data to support that claim.

You can also get all of your electricity for free with public charging stations.

In the first year of owning an electric vehicle you can see thousands of dollars of savings over a gas vehicle. Even if you couldn't care less about the environment, you should care about that.

Nice propaganda.

>With an electric vehicle you don't need to purchase fuel

You plug the car into a tree do you?

>humans are literal cancer cells attached to the earth

Literally one sentence later:
>You can also get all of your electricity for free with public charging stations.

do you only read the parts you want to read?

>public charging stations

OP do you happen to work for Exxon?
Oil is more expensive than electric supply AND it will deplete faster.

>people with autism are afraid of change

Yes I do

and this electricity from the charging stations, how is it produced?

You know, somehow I feel that these massive mining operation aerial pictures are kind of beautiful, in their own way. It's like I'm looking at living proof of man's ingenuity at one of it's largest scale, most powerful incarnations.

Who cares? I'm not paying for it, and there aren't free gas stations.

Looks like mordor

How long do you think that'll last. Electricity costs money

Well, you see, sperg, there's a dam, with water flowing down it, which in turn spins magnets, which then produces electricity.

the most aesthetic form of power generation

Oh wow, that's actually pretty cool.

>not cars powered by nuclear fusion
lol heat engine

You don't "mine" lithium. You go out into a dry lakebed and scoop it out and dry it out in a tarp. That image is of an open copper mine. Actual oil sands areas look like an image from the Persian Gulf War.

>Tesla also claims that brake pads last longer with their vehicles, though I don't know of any data to support that claim.
Their engines can brake generating electricity, in theory. Don't know if they actually do.

A car powered by nuclear fusion would be electric. Fusion requires impractically high temperatures (and probably large volume/weight devices, if we ever get it working), so it makes more sense to use a conventional electric car and attach a fusion plant to the grid.

That's the main advantage of electric cars, from an environmental standpoint. If we come up with cleaner or more efficient ways to generate power, that improves the environmental footprint of the cars already on the road.

Territory planner here.
The problem is not the density of pollution in a single place, but the pollution in dense urban areas and the general pollution of the planet. That's all.

Electric cars are not a thing for you americans, maybe just for your metropolis, but they are perfect for europe.

The point is that we need to keep people safe, today and in the future. We can't ruin the air or the water of seas, but really, ther's no problem to make a mine

You can't be this dumb. The mining is a good point but obviously ideally that energy will eventually come from sustainable sources.

I'm hard.

>Electric cars are not a thing for you americans
They should seriously consider a massive railroad project for increased connectivity across the country.

You get 80%+ of your power from coal gas and nuclear.

this is why LA and NYC need to gtfo of USA, these faggots are the ones bitching about overpopulation and pollution. wtf do they expect? plenty of space, trees, and water where I live.

Right. And in how many centuries will these sources become efficient enough to produce most of the world's electricity? Until fusion reactors enter the picture, mass clean energy is almost a pipe dream.

A single wind turbine can charge 100,000 cars in a year. A single wind farm can supply the electricity to power all electric cars in the US annually.

I think we'll be fine.

>Even if you couldn't care less about the environment
People like that should be made into fish food as fast as possible. Saving the planet only works if everyone does at least something. It's like trying to sail to safety and someone onboard keeps drilling holes into the boat. Without them the process would be faster and more efficient.

not true. Or else it would not be a viable business
t. engineer

Alto, cars are not the cause of pollution for the plant, the problem are the building compartement ( from construction to dwell ) and intensive livestock farming, but cars are maybe the more directly dangerous for man in dense area.

>A single wind turbine can charge 100,000 cars in a year

Fucking source please. also what happens if the wind stops?

Nuclear is clean though

>thinks people use $100 in oil to pull up $99 in oil and that it somehow works as a business

>sustainable sources
>for the quantity of electricity needed to power a full city's car traffic
Retarded faggot, the only thing that can sustain the electrical requirements are Thorium Reactors, and that's about it.
Even Dutch faggots had to import massive amounts of electricity just to satisfy a good part of the train system to make it "clean" without any capacity to provide it on their own, let alone fucking cars.

It would with subsidies, because coal is heavily subsidized right now and still manages to shrink.

>if the wind stops

The fuck? You don't put wind turbines in these places obviously.

>not knowing about oil subsidies by the government
>not knowing that the actual price of gas is like 9 dollars a gallon without the government paying oil companies to keep the price down

Some engineer

Its not about being better for the environment and more because when we do start running short on fossil fuels all non el cars will get fucked, better spending what we have on other things.

Electric cars are still garbage unless somebody stops making them look like marsmellows

At the end its clean but they still to mine the material they use to create heat

"It probably wont happen som why bother even try lmao"

Mining is localized damage. That's nothing compared to the global damage oil is causing.

Im norwegian, we don't subsidize the oil because oil is more than profitable enough so it did not occur to me. Seems like a shit system if it's effectively draining your tax dollars AND wasting oil at the same time.

Why is nobody ever complaining about hydroplants' dams that flood huge areas and altering rivers to fuck local ecosystems the fuck up?

I dont like electric cars
They look gay

Same reason I don't like you

Enviromentalist groups bitch about that constantly. But its still small scale damage compared to most other forms of energy extraction, so it happens anyways.

Again, localized damage. Nobody gives a shit about that.

they claim to when it's fracking

>small scale damage
You best be shitting jimmy.

>reading literally half of the sentence
ffs reading literacy just gets lower and lower

>small scale damage
You best be pulling my leg, or i'll be pulling your balls out jimmy.

go back to Sup Forums

Please research what global warming is doing to the planet before you try to voice your opinion on the subject.

And yes the damage a dam does is smalltime.

We've been burning oil and coal for centuries and have been fine it's so fucking dumb that people think we'll run out of it. Like how, that's like running out of air land water or diamonds. The shits here forever and it's literally the most perfect fuel source on the planet, after nuclear.

Fucking with rivers contributes to global warming with effects on plants as well as wildlife if it crosses into a anthrax pocket, so you should seek your own advice and research smartass.

It's stupid people like this who have turned global warming from a problem people cared about into a meme when blasted from mouths of idiots that rest of society stopped caring about. It's like watching a meme become stank just by it being taken up by a band of idiots.

Apparently marketing people think that making electric cars look "unique" makes them sell better to appeal to people who like others to know they are saving the Earth and they are better than you. Marketing people are fucking fags.

They should just make normal looking electric vehicles. No one wants to drive these rounded abominations.

What the fuck have you been smoking? The global population keeps growing all the fucking time. What was enough centuries ago has nothing to do with the fact that we're running out of everything due to overpopulation.

>Their engines can brake generating electricity, in theory. Don't know if they actually do.

Look up how their drive train works. When you're not using current from the battery the drivetrain turns into a giant generator and the kinetic energy of your car coasting gets turned back into energy. You only use the disc brakes if you press hard on the pedal or below like 5mph.

How are the hurricanes treating you?

Global warming would be resolved much quicker if the people who preached about it like clerics spent their time studying and getting jobs to combat it, instead of wasting time on the Internet trying to get upvotes by virtue signaling. Because signaling about how you care about global warming does fuckall to maintain it.

Nah. I don't buy it. It's horseshit. Right now the oil prices have been tumbling down all year because there's so much of it, literally an abundance more than we've ever seen and the population is so high.

Renewables are fine (they aren't really renewable though, nothing is, it's just a marketing term like "organic") but coal and especially oil will be around forever. There's so much of it. There's no way we "run out" in like 100 years.


are these colored rectangles brine pools, or building roofs?

Oil can be burned in generators 1000Km away from the city you live in while you drive a car that is powered by the oil being burned 1000Km away from the city you live in.
It is the do not shit where you live concept.
Thank Nikola Tesla.

You fucking moron it's a group effort only achievable through politics. And to get politicians working on it you need people that are convinced that it's a problem.

The problem is that the ones drilling holes are industries who don't have the capacity to R&D filters and systems that require specialized companies, and those specialized companies who R&D and also go to industries and outfit the shit, should be seeing employment from the whiners.
Except global warming preachers don't do or study because that takes effort and work, they'd rather bore people on the Internet hoping for upvotes.
You know the tale: Take responsibility for your words, or shut the fuck up, because only those who whine take upon themselves the responsibility.

>they aren't really renewable though

I don't get how wind isn't renewable. Unless you're afraid that we put up so many turbines that the wind just stops altogether.

I think that a lot of people (and politicians) are convinced, it's just not their priority. We're living in an increasingly fucked world - it's 2017 and we have yet to see the famous "world peace". It's obvious humans are just cancer cells attached to Earth

Oh so it's like "free" healthcare.

And those turbines require upkeep and maintenance and I doubt are manufactured without the use of fossil fuels.

I just hate it the entire concept is a lie. They are alternative sources for energy sure. Renewable they are not. Same with Solar.

If we went full nuclear / thorium it would be extremely cheap. Virtually free? Does that count?

>the ones drilling holes are industries
No, it's everyone everywhere. Avoiding responsibility and saying it's someone else's fault entirely is not helpful at all. It is harmful. You can also boycott the industries that are the most harmful until they publicly prove that they have done something about it.

>You fucking moron it's a group effort only achievable through politics.

>I don't want to R&D clean technologies and implement them into fabrics and refineries, survey tree cutting and plant the exact trees where they were cut while following the heels of cutters, and do tangible work
>i want the industries to do the work for me even if they don't have the capacity to achieve it which requires specialized and subsidized entities as mentioned above
>i can achieve this non-solution via politics
Yeah, you can achieve nothing through politics;
OR you can learn some basic economics and business, and then go do shit yourself.

Your whining on the Internet does nothing except desensitize people and bore them with your idiocy.

>No, it's everyone everywhere.
It's those who do the damage, and those who whine about it but don't do any tangible shit to help fix it.
>Avoiding responsibility and saying it's someone else's fault
The fault is with those who create smog without filters and fuck up greenery without replanting or maintaining, and at the same time with those who whine about the aforementioned and don't do shit to create filters, to survey who is doing damage and follow in their footsteps to fix shit.
The rest of society has better things to do.

Electric cars are a meme and not a good idea at all. The only reason they're being shilled so hard is because of everyone's boner for Elon musk.

The future is in hydrogen fuel cell
>no long recharge times
>no harmful emissions
>no harmful mining sites required

>and then go do shit yourself.
If you think that at any point an individual has any impact on the environment see link.

Our economics literally dictate to produce shit as cheap as possible to maximize profits. If you don't enforce laws that improve environmental impact NOBODY WILL FUCKING DO IT.

>guys stop protesting international conglomerates that are literally destroying the earth
>just use ECONOMICS and do it PEACEFULLY XD
you are a cancer. you seriously think people defending the status quo are going to play nice?

>You can also boycott the industries that are the most harmful until they publicly prove that they have done something about it.
Or you can become a company specialized with cleaning and fixing nature. You know, like basic economics works. Not all companies can, or should, do 10 things at once.

We'll reach a point where new wind turbines and solar panels can theoretically be manufactured using only wind/solar power (although maybe not without petrochemicals). Would that be good enough for you?

When did you realise that you were going to starve to death in a refugee camp as the sea swallowed 60% of our urban centres?

I'm done. You legitimately retarded.

In other words, the people who whine about climate won't do fucking shit about it, their only purpose is to whine on the Internet for points and expect others to do it for them like a noble commanding a serf.
So basically ecofags are proponents of the serfdom system. Their intelligence being stuck in that age as well.

I live at 1300m. I think I'll be fine

You are a retard who wants to boycott anyone not doing what you should be doing yourself, and you are calling others retards?
All I see when i read your post is a feudal monkey.

but that can be changed and doesn't require a change to every car on the market. if vehicles are electric, you let giant plants (which are more efficient than any ICE) do the dirty work and you can phase out those plants for wind/solar/hydro/nuclear over time without requiring a change in EVERY SINGLE CAR on the planet. it won't matter where we get energy from.
from a programmers perspective that's insanely better. it's like we have code for every letter you see in a program (ICE car converting gas input to movement output) instead of just making them read (pull power) from a more efficient batch processor that handles all of the letter code and can be swapped out at any time without needing to edit the code of every letter to adapt.

You'd better have a gun and a basement full of canned goods and water. The refugees will be coming to you.

>muh socialism
>muh serfdom
>muh feudalism
you people are a broken record.