Is there anyway I can lower my CPU temps without having to get a CPU cooler...

is there anyway I can lower my CPU temps without having to get a CPU cooler? I have an AMD 8350 and during games it will last about 30-40 min before the temps steadily increase until shutdown. The room the PC is in is pretty cool so I don't think it's due to that. And yea I have cleaned the case and re-applied thermal paste. I could do that again but I don't think it would help. Any ideas guys?

Underclock your CPU.

>without having to get a CPU cooler
what do you have now?

how low you think? it's currently at 4.2ghz how low would u recommend I set it at?

Real men don't underclock, the CPU is bitching about the heat.

just the stock cooler that came with it. I'm almost certain it's due to the shitty stock cooler but I don't have the funds to buy a nice third party cooler

Did you overclock it? What CPU is it?

AMD FX 8350 at stock speed

How hot does it get?

When I play games it'll rise to about 70-75 degrees within like 5-10 min. Then in the next 25-30 min or so it'll keep rising past 80 until automatic shutdown when it reaches 90. I've noticed the temps tend to jump sorta randomly like it'll pretty consistently jump 8-10 degrees. on idle it's fine rn I'm idling at 20 but any time I game it just can't seem to handle it


Get better case airflow
Get better thermal paste
Underclock (but especially undervolt)
Or just buy a fucking cooler you only need a couple dozen dollars you fucking retard

try undervolting

Was it always like this? Might be something wrong with the stock cooler. You could also try enabling thermal throttling.

re-apply better thermal paste

I'll give this a shot

Not that I remember. This started about a year ago I think. How do you enable thermal throttling?

Try setting it to 4.0ghz or 3.8ghz and lowering the voltage as much as you can.

stop being a jew.

There should be a setting in the BIOS to enable thermal throttling and a setting for boost clock "turbo". Turn down the boost clock or off altogether before enabling thermal throttling cause having your CPU thermal throttle is just sad.

seems like the undervolting worked, tho i notice the game audio cutting off a bit is that cause for concern? Is there any long term consequences due to undervolting?

The only problem I could see would be instability. You should be fine as long as you give it enough volts to be stable. You probably have some serious dust blocking the flow of air if your PC is shutting down from overheating. You really should just clean your PC and get an aftermarket cooler for like $30.

Why would you resize a thumbnail


3.8Ghz and also lower the voltage