What are poor people so obsessed with iPhone? Is it because they want to be accepted by everyone?

What are poor people so obsessed with iPhone? Is it because they want to be accepted by everyone?

Poor people are obsessed with iPhone for the same reason middle class and rich people are obsessed with iPhone, the reason everyone is obsessed with iPhone.

>people SO POOR they think $29/mo products are status symbols

Niggers get distracted by shiny objects.

to boost their social status?

People are still animals that'll collect things that show status and wealth

Fox and grapes. They realise how good it is, and then realise they can't afford it with their McJob, and play mental gymnastics.

>Hurr I don't want that, I quite happy with my green text bubbles and shitty chinkphone

It's sad.

consumerist sheeple. eternal debt slaves.

as long as you are not one of them who gives a fuck. my job is making money off their stupidity.

T. Too poor to afford an iPhone

>applefag reading comprehension

The main reason for the threads is to ridicule and make fun of devoted Apple faggots.

lol okay

I read just fine. Android poors are utterly obsessed with the iPhone, because they can't afford one.

That's why there are so many threads of povvo whinging. Poorfag salt on Sup Forums has been amazing these last few days.

>progressive people in the nutshell

I feel comfy with my Android Phone because It can do what I want


>I settle for my android, because it's all I could afford.

they aren't. No one cares about the iphone anymore. Poor people use smartphones because sometimes that is their only internet device and it is relatively within their budget since it usually comes in installment plans as opposed to lump sums (lump sums which have a habit of other poor people taking advantage of via informal loans, etc)

But if poor people are obsessed with iPhones, than why is Sup Forums obsessed witch chinkphones? Something doesn't add up.

they just werk

No, I own most of the device before just stop shilling with this over-priced, over-engineered even poor people and kids today can earn money just to buy this not so useful device just to gain attention because lack of social life or no social experience.

>Green text bubble LARPing that he's not poor, on an anonymous message board

So sad it's almost heart breaking.

I hate myself for not doing reading comprehension first before posting.

iPhones are a fashion statement and nothing more

>So sad it's almost heart breaking.
Not if you born in traditional way :^).

You got it round the wrong way homo

Where im from, you'd have to pay well over $100 a month to get the new iPhone on a contract.

dude who fucking cares. you act like world peace can be achieved if Apple dies

>fashion statement

>balding man screen
>back tumor

>Hurr I can't afford a Vertu, I'm quite happy with my iPhone

You sound like the Andy's gay friend in The Devils Wears Prada

>What are poor people so obsessed with iPhone?
Yah I know, why are Lagdroid fags so fucking obsessed over the iPhone here? Especially the Samshits



[spoiler]admittedly the black one looks pretty nice[/spoiler]