Not using the most advanced operating system

>not using the most advanced operating system

What's your excuse?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's still in beta

Does using a hackintosh count?

I use GNU/Linux. macOS hasn't even implemented POSIX 2008 yet.

cuz wine won't even let me play games :(

i'm broke as fuck

>most advanced os
>only for Macintosh systems not for PC's

Yea, I'd tell everyone it was advanced if I spend $2k on a shiny shitposting machine.

Look at those fucking specs, LOL

It's me or the font rendering looks blurry and disgusting

Of course. It's even better.


OS X font rendering is best. Also HiDPI scaling

That's your font on no-hinting.

really makes you think, huh?

Yes, makes me think you're even dumber than I thought.

it's blurry but it probably makes sense on a 13/15" laptop screen in 1440p/4k or whatever the 16:10 equivalents are

It uses FreeType for rendering fonts.

I'm not cute enough uWu

I hate those glossy monitors. They always look cheap.

Lol why?

It's a cheap monitor. It costs me 150$ in 2010.

It has neither the widespread software for nearly everything you could possibly imagine of Windows nor street cred and amazing ricing capabilities of Loonix.
Basically the worst of both worlds. Don't even get started on "software for artists" because I don't make music and Windows has everything else covered perfectly.

Outside Sup Forums the street cred of Linux is absolutely nonexistant

>macOS hasn't even implemented POSIX 2008 yet.
macOS is almost 10 years behind

You must live in a shithole. Where I live, people suck my dick immediately then give me all their money when I tell them I run Arch Linux.


I do use the most advanced Operating System ever.
PS2 Demo Disc One - YaBASIC.

Only the best allowed

If you want to fanny around with it, here is a JS version of YaBASIC exactly like the PS2 version in pretty much every way.
Have fun with those fucking atrociously mapped controller buttons.

People that use anything other than Linux are like people that live on the street in a techies world. So yeah, linux does not need street cred. It already owns all the streets.

this is what delusional linuxfags think

>high sierra
I wait until I know is it worth to convert my hfs+ to apfs since I'm poorfag and use hdd not ssd.

The stupid will always outnumber the intelligent. Name one IT company that uses windoze/ifag machine to run its super important piece of code. None not even Microsoft and Apple can claim that. It's just the way it is.

Also if you belong to the tech world at all, you would know that Linux is the real currency. Your knowledge of the linux platform defines what you get paid, quite literally your worth. If you don't know this, you are either not from this industry of literally a newfag, and thus the lowest of the low in the tech ladder.

I am without excuse because of one fact: The Ubuntu operating system is the most advanced, whereas macOS is not.

He is probably a pajeet or college monkey with 1 year of Java under his belt.
Literally lowest tier in the industry.
You're the prison cleaners of the tech world. The people carted out to do community service in chains.

It's a troublesome to install on an AMD PC.

are we talking about a home computer or a server at work, you dumb cuck?

>doesn't support apfs
>not having Safari browser

top zozzle

>It has neither the widespread software for nearly everything you could possibly imagine of Windows nor street cred and amazing ricing capabilities of Loonix.
To be fair it does have most if not all developer tools and it's just freebsd (mostly) under the hood.
My only real issue with it is the ancient version of opengl but it's not like my fucking air can emulate ps2/GCN so it's not too big a deal.
You do get amazing battery life though


i don't know how to hackintosh using a z170 board, without using tonymac's bloat

What's wrong with iridium?

>tonymac's bloat
What do you mean? the kexts? or the bundle dmg one?

Just any modified installer. Don't they distribute weird modified installers?

If Ubuntu wasn't dependent on Canonical it would be the perfect OS and the fact that Canonical is based in the UK makes it even worse.

KDE Neon is fine for me and I don't have to spend a fortune on a homosexualbook

Nigga what?

You install stock OSX and then load up the required kexts. Tonymac just provides tools to do this.

There are people who provide modified installers and you're right to avoid them but to my knowledge tonymac isn't one of them.

nah, osx is shit. I tried it once or twice. It's retarded. Windows is so much similar with Linux in terms of functionality user experience. OSX is straight garbage.

So all I need is clover, an usb with the installer and kexts? Is it possible to somehow hide the clover UI and instantly boot into OS X (kinda like how ozmosis does it).

Windows is better for my desktop in literally every way. I like MacOS and have it in a VM for testing but I can't justify spending money on a Mac desktop,

>Windows is so much similar with Linux in terms of functionality

Nigga, you are retarded

No, I am not. But you are because you missed "user experience". It is simply so much superior, intuitive and easier. Even Linux does it better than homosex.

Topkek son. Fedora tier post

You sound pretty special needs bro, trying to tell people that your GAYMur OS WinDERPS is more similar to Linux than a BSD distro ( OSX )

learn 2 posix new fag

>No, I am not.

Yes, you are.

prove me wrong.
#protip: you can't!
not an argument.

Linux / Unix has alwayse been king of the server farms.

However It's retarded to use it over OSX for a desktop environment, even the Gnome / KDE devs develop KDE / Gnome on OSX.

Stay mad "king of the streets" ;D

>De Lcaza, Gnome creator & founder, announced on his personal blog that he regularly used Mac OS X instead of Linux for desktop computing.

KDE and Gnome are shit.

Before Poettering, there was this faggot

I'm not a homosexual

>keyboard without numpad
What's your excuse?

>prove me wrong.
>#protip: you can't!
I just did, OSX and Linux are POSIX based ( although not always certified ) operating systems and Windows is it's own proprietary Microsoft shit show.

We can't help it if you're too stupid to know how to read

Maybe tell you're handler to get you over to the MLP board where things are more your speed?


I said in terms of user experience and functionality.
But nice try moving the goal post kid.

>Name one IT company that uses windoze/ifag machine to run its super important piece of code.
From my experience a lot of datacenters use Windows Server with Linux virtual servers running under Windows. I don't know how representative it is of the industry as a whole, but I have worked with some large companies. The "noone uses Windows for servers" meme is a bad meme, a good portion of those Linux servers depend on the reliability of Windows Server.


>literally copies Mac default DE in an inferior way

>spouts retarded 12years old poorfag memes against Macs

>What's your excuse?
I'm not homosexual.


>in terms of user experience and functionality.
You are still wrong (and dumb)

OSX uses 4gb of RAM at idle... bloated as fuck!

Could you take a shittier picture?

>use Windows Server with Linux virtual servers running under Windows
I wonder if they wanted to use AD or just being stupid.

This is a OSX user experience, there is ONE difference here between a Linux user experience and a OSX user experience.

Can you spot it pleb?

the point is that you can do the same thing for free plus without the apple botnet

> he spent 2k on a computer that has shitter specs
> his computer overheats loading facebook

butthurt Applel fanboy detected

Linux users are overwhelmingly homosexual furfags or indian/african.

>same thing
are linux users really this blind?
>shapes shit into a hamburger
>mmmm i love hamburgers and im not a homosexual!!!!

>a fucking food analogy

>makes desktop look like an applel desktop
>hurr not same thing cuz its not applel

food analogies are the only things that work on fat fucks
>vaguely looks like something
linuxfags: blind furries as usual

>vaguely looks like something
it's pretty close desu
what looks different to you?

it doesn't come prepackaged with a homosexual mystique.

so not only did you go onto leddit, you went to the furry sub, which leads me to believe that you lurk there enough to be able to find this exact link. the absolute state of iFags. i personally ain't click that shit nigger.


How well does a Hackintosh work? I'm thinking about replacing my windows partition with Hackintosh for normieshit.


>it's pretty close desu
are all linuxfags this blind?
>wahh im mad at evidence
>wahh how do search engines work

The NTFS support and the OpenGL performance are terrible.

I have a working hackintosh partition, but I rarely use it because of those 2 issues.

With advanced you mean windows 10?

not him, but my setup has been up for 56 days and i haven't had any problems with it. if your hardware is all compatible, then it'll be a breeze. certain aspects get way more difficult if you go off the reservation, though (using a different power supply than one recommended is obviously not an issue, but trying to run AMD or something might be a bigger problem.

sorry, to clarify, i've been running my hackintosh for years now but i mean that my hackintosh hasn't had to reboot in ~2 months, which i meant to illustrate how stable it's been.

b-but i do

Poorfags GTFO


Nice ascii art.
>apple logo
A child's hand giving the finger

I do though.

>tfw I want to use Safari since it's not shit on battery life but it doesn't support Webm and 4chanX

> iterm2
muh nigguh

Why did you even delete your post if you didn't have any identifying info?

i wanted to see if i could shrink the png further

I actually do, although it's on a 2017 mbp 13 inch so it isn't as swanky as yours. fucking nice, mang

>using PC hardware that looks like AIDS is better
found the poorfag