I'm going back to windows 7. Fuck LOONIX

I'm going back to windows 7. Fuck LOONIX.

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Poor baby can't terminal?

What a little bitch.
Scared off by sudo commands little fella?

Linux is a meme used by code monkeys who enjoy tweaking everything about their OS.

Think about it like Windows being a new modern car vs. Linux being a classic car. Windows will always just work and get you where you need to go. Linux requires some work on it but some people really enjoy tinkering with an OS like they do with a classic car.

no sorry I need MUH GAYMES

dual boot nigger

Download the network driver before formatting. Have fun playing games!

>Code monkeys
The majority of freetards on Sup Forums couldn't even manage a Hello World in BASIC. They just fanboi on random shit because they have no identity of their own.

Fuck YOU.

Reported you to the antipiracy authorities. Have fun with Wangblows. :^)

>they have no identity of their own.
Who is talking? :^)

we wont miss you

Not an argument. Nobody wants to or should have to upend their current working state just to change tasks.

Good riddance.

Got a link to that iso?


>trusting random isos of a depreciated OS

>random iso
softlay is legit though

What is GPU pass-through?
Either you're to poor to buy a second gpu, or you're to stupid to set it up.
Either way, you lose

>modern car just work
Do you have a car?

where did you downloas official iso?

And nothing of value was lost.
No one cares, just please, don't come back.

It shows the hashes or it gets the hose.

Leave him alone as he just tried to say linux is shit and windows is good in a retarded way.

They're far more reliable than older cars

You're so polite, user. ^^

Unless OP fell for the Ryzen meme, he still has Intel HD, which is good enough for most tasks. Hell I'm getting 130 fps in a 3D arena shooter on low-to-medium settings at 1080p on whatever iGPU came with my craptop skylake.

>Linux is a meme used by code monkeys who enjoy tweaking everything about their OS.
>T-that feature that my OS don't have or that is much worse on my OS is for nerds anyway!
Way to kill your own argument dude.

this. only retards dual boot.
just set up a fucking qemu/kvm VM, pass through a gpu and pin it some cores

Poonix is pretty bad. Tried installing Ubuntu on my ryzen system and got nothing but errors when I was trying to install it. Thankfully the test for Ryzen segfaults can be done on W10 now.

but by judging that font rendering you're already on windows, op

Pasta but relevant:
Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.

The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.

I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

Some links:

So do ryzen CPUs of 25th week and prior segfaults on Windows? Or is it Linux thing?

An uaz will run until you fill it with water and oil. A bmw 5 will run until its computer shit itself and decide to change the oil. Also they got way more thing to screw up the car and make the maintenance impossible at home. If that's pleases you then go fuck yourself for being a corporate whore.

It's apparently easier to replicate in loonix and might take less time, but there are ways to do it on Windows. I saw some guy with a link to it on a forum and will probably test it out when I get to my computer.

I'll use a Linux distro when Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch, PUBG, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, DOOM (2016), Destiny 2, and the 90+ other games in my library all work with zero OS related issues.

Dual-boot is a meme.
GPU pass through is a meme.

I'm going back to arch linux. Fuck WANGBLOWS
>inb4 why not do it already
Check the folders.

Legit mirror of the old DigitalRiver isos: mirror.corenoc.de/digitalrivercontent.net/

Don't trust ISOs from any other site.

GPU pass through might be a meme, but that shit works with very minimal overhead.

>windows 7


when you dd that iso onto a USB stick to re-install Windows, keep in mind how many third party applications you would have needed to to that on Windows.

Ok but at least admit the games argument is not like some people here tried to paint it. There's a big number of games on linux and the only necessary thing now for growing more is a bigger marketshare, this way developers will be encouraged to choose multi-platform tools instead of windows-specific tools.

>Dual-boot is a meme.
>GPU pass through is a meme.
The pasta never claims linux is better for gaming right now, the information in the pasta is useful for people that genuinely likes linux more or that may be interested into giving it a shot, which is not your case. No one is trying to make you switch, that's your personal decision. However i think posting the pasta is important because there's the misconception that linux has no games or that it has not good games, people deserves to know the other side of the coin, if that bothers you then answer the questions in the pasta.

BTW, doom 2016 works perfectly on wine with vulkan, there's a video right in the pasta, you clearly replied without bothering on reading it properly or opening the links, you just got triggered when you read that someone disagrees with you.

Not even windowsiso.net? :(

Link me some quick rundowns on this meme.

Good decision.

Except i don't think he even tried linux tho. The screencap is clearly from windows.