Is this what it looks like when you build a computer?

is this what it looks like when you build a computer?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not exactly.

Skirt and Kneesocks


Who the fuck makes these? Are they very old people stranded in the '60s or something?

And dont forget, always that lobster haircut

They all use Macs, what do you expect


like this

do people actually use these as stock photos?



there is no way this is real

this is now a stock photo thread

post nigger one!

lol xDD

shut the fuck up and go back to your containment board

??? i am not a racist.

Are you white?


Excuse me?

Go back to >>>/leddit/, roastie

no, i look like this


wew lad

is that a fucking lightbulb sitting in an open psu

u new to computerbuilding?

No i just prefer to use nixie tubes

Patrician taste.

>(((computer support engineer)))


this is probably the closest thing to working on a computer in the entire thread.

is that photo edited i cant tell makes okabe look like woody from toy story kek

MORE pictures of retards doing it wrong pls

more like this

Yes? Hello? Moshi moshi?

>that light bulb in the psu

it seems he's lacking proper tools for that job

He's not even trying.
Post more like this, anons, this is gold.


>no io shield


Honestly, the thing that triggers me the most in this picture is the fucking retarded haircut of that guy.


he just keeps trying

give him a break, he looks like he's 13 or something

it's really admirable desu

what's up bra

i dont have an io shield
are you supposed to have one?





i'm usually nude when i put together my rigs.

He's not wearing his programming socks so it must be a guy.

but why

>there are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW who don't solder their motherboard themselves
fucking disgusting tbqh

These made me kek.

if it doesn't smell like chicken, you're not soldering yet

What exactly was the plan here?

nvm me, just overclocking the modem

The IO shield allows proper ground discharge of IO ports....

this is legit on the wall of my university in the engineering department

nigga idek what that means lol

to destroy the HDD
isn't that obvious?

I thought that guy was floating in space for a second.

isn't there a stock photo of a hacker hanging from the ceiling like in mission impossible?
someone post it


Looks like a good femboy

>there are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW who don't rewire their PSU to bypass the NSAs PSU spying tools
back to >>>/reddit/


That's a soon to be girl

What is the use case for this photo. Let's say you're making a website, or you need a cover or some shit

That is gross

>there are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW who don't reverse-backwire their PSU to spy on the NSA their PSUs
back to >>>/ifunny/

>A brief history on how technically advanced dinosaurs actually were
>check my blog on


>Having hair OVER shoulder while working on highly sensitive electronics
Sure. And why not using a welder to solder your CPU to the motherboard, too?

Yeah, also noticed that. I assume it's some kind of joke

I think he forgot to apply the mayonnaise first.

many kek enjoyed

gotta delete those emails man

I'd use it if I ever wanted to make a RADICAL TECHNOLOGY website.

Where can I act like a retard for photos and paid for it?
Please help me I need a job

>tfw you know realize that some "papers" are actually inspired by browsing random stockphotos

>implying you get paid for it.
I read somewhere that Hide The Pain Harold got like 80$ for his shoot

Fun fact: he's an electric engineer and loves milk

I actually don't mind this one, because it strikes me more like symbolism than anything else.

In freefall?

this is what it looks like when i build a computer

>holding on the iron
oh boy



fags that got a camera and decided to try an make a job out of it. They are projecting hard to get the /fa/ label off of them and turn it on someone else.