/sci/ is smarter than us guys. average IQ of 140 :(

/sci/ is smarter than us guys. average IQ of 140 :(

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if you're stupid enough to give a shit about something like this, then you should be ashamed of yourself, but not over this.


The more stupid you are, the happier you are, why would you want to be smart?


here's the test. Post results.

>tfw tow smart 5 g

i'm afraid if you believe internet iq tests you've got the funny brane

i got 130 on that thing last time it was posted last week and i'm a total fucking retard so that tells you something

lol okay, you keep sweating over what some other board of faggots on Sup Forums scored on an IQ test.


I got 125 and I'm a fucking retarded brainlet shit.

>Sup Forums being anywhere abobe retard level

/sci/ nowadays is just poltardianism, pseudoscience provemewrong ebyn memes, IQ tests, which college threads and freshmen homework plus 3.5 anons that know something about science and one autismal animetard that thinks producing semi-coherent word salad of babby topos theory terms will impress your average /the_donald/ teenager

don't go there. it's worse than Sup Forums. it may even be worse than Sup Forums.

di-did i get in?

115. Roast me.

My IQ is one of the lowest, but I find myself to be intelligent.

I chalk it up to analyzing the world in linguistic terms rather than visual pattern recognition.

Half of these are literally just XOR-ing shit.
Pic related is the only one where I had literally no clue at all.

>pick out right answers from the /sci/ thread
>blaze through the test
>150 IQ

Lateral intelligence, underachieving autistic technofreaks.

Most dumb people think of themselves as being intelligent.

flip top and add to middle, remove overlap.

Yea just saw it, didn't think of looking top to bottom at all.

I just have low brainspeed and short attention span, okay.
Doesn't mean I'm not a smart boy.

Is IQ the equivalent of "dick size" for deluded retards who think pattern recognition somehow measures something so complex like intelligence?



At least I'm above average

You have been replying like that on the /sci/ thread too my dear frogposter

post score brainmaster

115 first time, 119 second time. 22yo

i'd say pattern recognition is pretty goddamn important by any metric

sure it's not the sole thing, but still

most of these were just pattern detection. others were just adding and subtracting parts of the object. i got tripped up at the end though i hadno idea what the hell was going on

are you me?

>Since the test has not been standardized according to professional standards, the results should not be confused with a result obtained on a professional test
>to smart too not believe these results


The IQ test is essentially pseudoscience. It is almost on the same level of fiction as the Briggs-Meyers test. If the IQ test measures any form of intelligence, it only measures ONE FORM of intelligence. There is no such thing as general intelligence.

>inb4 brainlet
>inb4 pajeet
>inb4 IQ 40


How does it feel to be inferior to an user?

I scored 40, I must be really dumb.

I got a job in technology though, unlike most of this board, how does that make you feel?

that's completely false

>There is no such thing as general intelligence.
of course there is

I'm more interested in whether there's support that any of the individual tests actually measure what they claim to be measuring, by their own definition.
If there even is a definition of what IQ tests measure.

Can we test the tests themselves? Other than being a series of increasingly more difficult pattern recognition tests, by what metric can we measure the tests themselves? Is there a rigid methodology to verifying that an IQ test does, in fact, test "IQ", whatever it is, and also verifying that a test of given difficulty does, in fact, correspond to an IQ level?

Can an IQ test be broken down and examined through deductive reasoning?


>citing Wikipedia
just give up while you're only this far behind mate

already out of arguments?

>citing citations of citations
bottom of the barrel, folks
you seen it here first. local brainlet btfo

still no arguments

Got 130

t. brainlet

fuck elitist smartfags.

yet another argumentless post. at this point you're just admitting you were wrong I guess

>strawman fallacy
what a brainlet

>philosophy + mathematics double major masterrace

what's the name for the "I made a claim that an established fact is false without providing any evidence and then I started to deflect with full power" fallacy?

>ad hominem texas sharpshooter fallacy
just stop while you're only this far behind

his argument is that you actually have no understanding of what you're talking about, you're just a retarded wiki scholar regurgitating articles and going "SEE? IT'S CITED!" rather than right off the bat offering a legitimate peer-reviewed publication (because you didn't even know where to find one until you looked at the bottom of the Wiki article)

this is why everyone thinks Sup Forums is a bunch of retards

Low IQ on "health profession"

Wonder how much you can really make being a great doctor in a sea of meritocracy? Heard of on Cali surgeon pulling 1m+ a year doing 1-2 surgeries/day. Was world class and specialized, didn't take insurance.

>2 points smarter
We all know mensa is rigged, faggot.

>still being measurable

Fucking Brainlets


Ahh, the "arguing on the internet fallacy", I believe it's called

That doesn't list your IQ. YOu have to pay like 10$.

Take this, free, same questions.

Medicine isn't actually a science, it's academic tradesmanship.

Your average doctor is not much better than a village shaman, regurgitating hearsay and applying heuristics.

The only difference between medicine and alternative medicine is that there hasn't been enough research to put most of the former into the latter category yet, where it belongs.

At which point did you realise this guy was just baiting you? Fuck off back to Sup Forums you wiki scholar brainlet drone.

>his argument is that you actually have no understanding of what you're talking about
I do

> you're just a retarded wiki scholar regurgitating articles and going "SEE? IT'S CITED!" rather than right off the bat offering a legitimate peer-reviewed publication
the wikipedia article is full of these. how is linking directly any different exactly?

>this is why everyone thinks Sup Forums is a bunch of retards
they are, but I don't see how that's relevant here

also what's up with this fucking deflection and subject changing? the only thing I pointed out is that the person who said that general intelligence doesn't exists was wrong, which is obviously true.

>say something retarded
>get told that you're wrong
>start memeing instead of admitting you were wrong
yes, I've been here for 10 years so I know how this works

>thinking you have an IQ of 132 when you can't even read properly


well i still got 128 on mensa faggot

IQ is a social construct

checkmate you atheist pieces of shit

>I do
not really, otherwise you would have linked a more relevant publication than fucking wikipedia

you have no credibility at this point, we're just here to laugh at you and string you along with shitposts because you take yourself seriously enough to bite the bait every time

>no true scotsman danish truffle slinger fallacy
just stop while you're only this far behind

Got 95th percentile. 99th percentile people, how does samrt feel being?

I actually took this exact test and got a 135.
Even if the online IQ tests are bullshit, they are consistent from my experience.
I always get around a 130.

bit fun to use our jedi powers to flip skirts.

/sci/ is the biggest brainlet board on the site, full of underage undergrads who are insecure about their inferiority and young gullibility to the point that they have to make a thread like this

>still no argument


>jibbly girugamesh fallacy
bottom of the barrel. its over for you

IQ is bullshit, ain't a reliable test

reddit and or Sup Forums needs you, go back to them

Of course it's bullshit. Anyone with a tertiary education knows it's all about race. Asian > White > Brown > Niggers


>Ashkenazim >>>> Asian > White > Brown > Niggers


Asian > Brown > White > Black

You know it's true

so many fucking posts and you're still not a bit less wrong than in the beginning. jesus christ

>electric boogaloo flying spatula spindle racket fallacy
hand in the towel

>If you're IQ isn't at least 120
for some reason I think he's trolling

/lit/ is the smartest board

>still trying to not look like a retard who just googled something to look smart

>all those wasted keystrokes
>general intelligence still exists
kill yourself

Sup Forums found dead bodies and missing people before the police did. Sup Forums is the smartest board

/lit/ could but knows better than to do someone else's job for no reason. /lit/ is the smartest board.

i wasn't aware that IQ tests were just shitty proxies for how quickly you would find a dead body.

oh yeah. I find one about every day when I go for a walk. I live in Chicago, but still.

>tfw too smart for Sup Forums


>scored 123
This test is bullshit. I'm pretty sure I'm retarded.

this. I scored 160 and I'm pretty dumb

mine is 106

how do you raise your iq?

Kill yourself and be reborn as someone with good genetics

imo this test is biased toward people with experience in analytical subjects. Like a bunch of the questions were XOR

Is 108 good for a neet who doesn't read books isn't good at math and has been out of school for 5 years?

no, but you're king of the Sup Forums fags.

I agree. It's a test of how good you are at answering IQ questions. No more no less.

>surplus testosterone
>surplus testosterone linked to less grey matter and violence.

