So what is Sup Forums's view on traitors and self-haters?

So what is Sup Forums's view on traitors and self-haters?


Now from this point we are NOT the Mexico of Europe...


Worst people

But that's talking ethnicity wise

If you hate your religion you were born into, it's okay as long as you have legit reasons for it

>They are horrible people as long as they oppose my opinion.
Sup Forums was a fucking mistake

I dunno, but you tell me how I'm supposed to act.
If I take the piss out of myself I'm a huge cuck, if I say I'm happy with my life as it is now or that I like Sweden I'm a huge cuck, if I say anything to anyone on Sup Forums I get called a cuck (though that one is probably just banter, to be fair.)

Du är ett misstag ditt rasblandade missfoster.

idea for a fun Sup Forums game: 'did pol or [website pol hates, like tumblr or reddit] say it'

Stick to your cancerous contaimentzone Sverigetråden

Du borde verkligen skämmas. Det är på grund av människor som dig som Sverige har förvandlats till Europas våldtäcktsparadis. Du kan tramsa så mycket du vill, men det förändrar inte faktumet att du är medskyldig till de hemskheter som nu pågår i vårat land.



jag röstade f! i valet men tycker de har blivit för extrema. blir v 2018

Ta livet av dig.

what does this say i dont speak egyptian

He went full cringemode Sup Forumstard, you really don't want to translate it because it's a shitpost made by a 17 year old autist

Angry things

They need to work on their daddy issues.

"You boarded wholefully shame. It is pale ground of men sum of you Sweden has foregrounded to Europes werewolfparadise. You can transexual so much you will, men that forespoke Sup Forums facts attack you are medieval to the heterosexuality summer now pagans in whole land.

Alt han gjorde var å si at alt-right bevegelsen er kreft på et tibetansk buktaler-dukke-forum, og det betyr at han umiddelbart medskyldig i å ödelegge Sverige?

Kall meg cuck så mye du måtte önske, med det er faen meg noe av det dummeste jeg har lest på lenge.

Borde ha skrivit violencetakingparadise men annars får du 7/10 poäng.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

Här har vi ett prima exempel på autism i sin renaste form.

Återkom när du lärt dig att tala rent, du din grötsmaskande och tuborgdrickande orm.

.egnel åp tsel rah gej etsemmud ted va eon gem neaf re ted dem, eksnö ettåm ud eym ås kcuc gem llaK

?egirevS eggeledö å i gidlyksdem trableddimu nah ta ryteb ted go ,murof-ekkud-relatkub ksnatebit te åp tferk re neslegeveb thgir-tla ta is å rav edrojg nah tlA

self haters should move their asses toanother country and traitors should be gased

Self hate is unhealthy.

Not sure I understand the meaning of traitors. Nothing wrong with dating who you want. Racial pride is a form of degeneracy.

Northern Ireland should pay for their sins.

The problem of "self-haters" is not that they despise themselves.
It is that they think themselves to be above their own kind.

A typical example is the American fedora who thinks all other Americans are stupid rednecks (except himself ofc)


Special snowflakes who think their country isn't good enough for them.

Never met one who's dug a ditch, if you get my drift. What the hell do they know about suffering and pain?