Fuck the fucking faggot who fucking created this fucking shit

fuck the fucking faggot who fucking created this fucking shit

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not nearly as bad as molex

what's so bad about it? plug it in, now your motherboard has power. What we should really be upset about is how no company will take the initiative (or at least none that I've heard of) to simplify the motherboard/CPU/case power/etc into one side or the other instead of being all over the board.

What's wrong with it? It's easy to plug in.

>easy to plug in

>not easy to come out

whats the porblem?

>difficult to remove
so what? you bitch?

easy peasy. Let's talk about THESE cables.

>easy to plug in

>literally had to use pliers to get the fucking thing to cilck in

awful indeed, makes no sense for that shit to be hard to unplug even if you know exactly how to

some of the boards i handled almost bent when unplugging that shit

Sounds like a garbage cable and/or motherboard you have there.

at least I think we've finally eradicated that one

The real cancer is when Seasonic gives you a CPU power connector that's too short to manage and it just runs across your case. Oh and SATA ports being relatively inaccessible.

I somehow ripped off the USB 3.0 connector on my motherboard when I needed to replace the case. There's literally no other way to get it off.

lmao kys cuck.


These basically decide if your computer works or you just throw the whole thing out.

I think that's technically molex as well.

how about we talk about the fucknut that decided we needed to ad an inch of depth to our motherboard just to print the the labeling on a fucking raiser.
I just use the thing as a reference and plug the connectors directly to the motherboard.. already can barely fit a fan at the bottom of my case, no way in hell Im dealing with that shit.

Praise Asus for those little block things

not him but i've had several different power supplies and plenty good mobos and these fucking connectors just never fit right and always need persuasion to get in and sometimes even take out, it bends the whole mobo when you fuck with it, it is a fucking cancer connector as far as i'm concerned

They need to standardize this shit. Make all the mobo front panel pins the same layout and then have all cases use one solid connector for all the wires. That's it. It'd take two minutes of R&D and a couple of phone calls too.

its really handy for xoc, so you can put your board in the sink to dry and back in easy. makes assembly into case easier, servicing mobos, easy to read if there is no manual.

>My new motherboard came with a case for those for they're one plug
Holy shit it was glorious

So it's actually possible to ruin it by those shits? Never had any problem when plugging them wrong.

Yea thats cool and all but they should still have printed it on the motherboard so that I dont have to fish this little chunk of plastic out or go find the pdf for my mobo.
xoc is an overclocking program right? how does this relate?

lol sounds like a personal problem

Sounds like you have shit grip strength

Much better than it's predecessor, pic related. You could actually plug this wrong way, happened to me once but board survived.

Came to say this. ATX mobo connectors are great. You can only plug them in one way. The only way to fuck up is if you use Dell parts from the late 90s, when they switched a couple wires in the connector to fuck over anyone not using official Dell replacement parts.

The old connectors could be switched, shorting out the board. The way to remember which way to put them in was the South Africa rule -- keep the blacks together.

This separates the boys from the men.

same, just the plastic bit tho
oh we it still works so idc

>South Africa rule -- keep the blacks together.

Sadly no. :/ If you ever do a custom loop 99% of the pumps use a molex connector.

good thing no one here is stupid enough to do a custom loop

This doesn't happen on my Mac Pro®


I don't now if these are supposed to lock in somehow, but mine certainly doesn't.

it's not like AIOs have any advantages over aircooling

These need to be super glued in.

OEMs are jews and wouldn't cooperate

Some OEM owns a patent on modular PSUs and forces all other PSU manufacturers to pay them for using their 'patent'.

One of the solutions is raising the bar on complexity needed for a patent to be granted.

my build wouldn't turn on because I had these shits connected wrong, wish I have that block next time around

They don't.

>Dust off PC
>Check all wires and stuff
>Close case hoping all finish
>Hard drive makes some noise
>Open case again move shit around
>Close case all fine
>Remember you pushed and moved around THAT cable
>Have to pen case again to check if it's all plug in.

sounds like you need to get a screwdriving license, you incompetent twat

Those cables are fucking retarded. They are THE WORST.


Retards in suits that worked at IBM in the 80's. The same fuckers who ended retiring with a gold watch and NO LAYOFFS during hard times.

Those shit head.



That is literally a Molex cable.

>you didn't get it

are you autistic? or just plain retard?

Poe's law.

OEMs are faggots and will never agree to such a thing.









I think his name was Charles ATX the 2.1st

>soft as fuck
The shits are impossibly soft and the slightest nudge can destroy the shits.

>hard as fuck
Your fingers bleed/cut when pulling them out/

Why isn't there a more middle ground approach? What were they thinking? Did the 90s people lack common sense?

some AIOs ive used have molex connectors, same with fan controllers and custom loop pumps


Not to mention the fucking motherboard feels like its gonna snap in half because you have to wiggle it around like a retard to get it out.

>$20+ connectors

I don't hate it THAT badly

I was under the impression this board had enthusiasts that would appreciate a custom loop. Guess not.

custom loops are equivalent to ricing a honda civic

Or, you know, it's just another aspect of PC building that people like to do just for the sake of doing it and don't care about results; see: SingularityPC.

I mean, a lot of us are single and have jobs that pay us way too much for the shit we do on this board. We waste money on stupid, mundane shit all the time. What's a couple hundred....in fittings alone??

>needing to train your grip strength to use a connector

> implying

That connector is fucking robust as fuck (physically/electrically) and practically idiot-proof.

You just have shitty eye and hand coordination. If you can't handle plugging/un-plugging that connector.

Those are the worst, mine never sits straight and usually always have to reseat it every time I open the case... Fucking ASRock cheaped out on it (z77)

I leave them all disconnected except the power switch. I don't like all the blinky lights anyway.

>I'm a weak bitch boy

military com equipment uses these fucking cables and I hate them so fucking much.

We have these pieces of shit on the aircraft I work on. I can see why we use them, but taking them off is a bitch when you're hands are covered in grease, fluid, and sweat.

>people have trouble with this shit
i remember being intimidated by them on my first build but


that's it. it's that god damned simple you stupid faggots.


>Actually reading the manual that came with the motherboard.
Didn't know /gif/ trapfaggots were here.

These are job security.

Yea sure not hard to figure out where they go, a huge pain in the ass to actually put in

In what universe? You just pinch them between your fingers and plug them in. They don't need any force at all or anything so it's not hard to be careful either, even when removing them.

What's with that little bitch ass clip? I have to plug them into my mobo one at a time.

I took my shit apart to dust a while ago and put the power one back in backwards. Still haven't bothered to fix it.

yea but, at least on my previous two motherboards, all them are grouped together making it a pain in the ass to get them all in, it is literally the worst thing about putting together a pc

*blocks your path*

>connect fan to molex
>flip the molex

fuck yeah, silent pc

Mine on the other hand stays connected even I used pliers.

How about this one

Those fail only on shitty gaymur motherboards.

You'll very very rarely see those gone bad on OEM prebuild.


Don't be retard.

>but I'm too stupid to wire fans properly

Use pwm fans that can share headers.

>implying they'd cost that much if they were as common as the piece of shit OP's complaining about

>one connector to worry about
>polarity doesn't even matter
What's the issue?


thats an atx 20+4 pin, be thankful you're young enough to have never had to use these.

has one of you installed one of those fucks?

>hold 500€ SSD the size of a USB stick in sweaty hand while trying to force that fuck slantwise in
>nothing is moving, decide to google whats wrong
>tfw you have to slam that bitch in harder then ram

What's wrong with molex?
Was fine for HDDs and works fine for fans now.

At least it doesn't break all the time like sata, or spontaneously ignite like sata.

>tfw you have to slam that bitch in harder then ram
What the fuck is wrong with DDR4 anyways, DDR2 was so god damned easy to install but DDR4 you have to fucking turn yourself into a human press machine to get the sucker locked in because there's only one clip.

Sure thing JayzTwoCents

never again

Tried 850, was very easy. In fact I had to utilize that screw slot on the left to stop it falling off.

>only one clip
That's how I've always used DDR memory, secure one clip, slip the module in, then cram it in the other side.

>mfw I destroyed my motherboard multiple times because of this

Jesus Christ is everyone in this thread a brainlet or manlet? All of these can only go in one way and slide in quite easily. Only issue is those front panel connectors that aren't standardised for some odd reason. Be thankful ATX exists because the old "standards" were a lot worse.