I just acquired a bunch of 18650 cells for free. What chinky gadgets can I buy and power from them...

I just acquired a bunch of 18650 cells for free. What chinky gadgets can I buy and power from them? I've already bought a battery bank and a flashlight. What do you power with 18650 cells?

Vape mod from aliexpress

Dank cloud making vapes.

vape pen

I fell for the vape meme 2 years ago, didn't like it much...

Give me tower back Daniel

Make an electrified sword like Dead Island Xdddddddd

Using el-cheapo batteries during vaping would probably make the unit explode anyway so you dodged a bullet there.


I went to the local recycling center and got a couple of old laptop batteries. There were some pretty nice cells from LG and Sony

whats the obsession with these fucking meme batteries

Their maximum continuous discharge rating is far from being acceptable for vaping. You should be using a battery with about 20A MCD, laptop batteries often don't even break 10A.

I don't vape so I Don't think I'll even break 5A from each battery.

Why can't someone link 40 of these into a huge battery pack and attach it to a thinkpad, dock-style?

High energy density, 3.6V nominal voltage makes them pretty powerful for portable stuff. Flashlights, laptops and powerbanks are the biggest markets for 18650s. Also I believe Tesla uses 18650 battery packs in their cars.

Misinterpreted, thought you were saying you used them for vaping.

I think Tesla uses over 1500 of these batteries in their cars. I'm thinking of building a big flat battery to have in my backpack when traveling for charging my phone and laptop.

yea that's probably a bad idea unless your feeling depressed and don't mind being on fire.

because they're nasty to work with and it's not worth burning your house down

Make a railgun or a taser.

I need them

there is a guy on /diy/ that made his own powerwall out of a bunch of them.

put them in your enormous faggot vibrator you faggot.