You literally do not need anything better unless you're an engineer or system administrator

You literally do not need anything better unless you're an engineer or system administrator.

>what is music production
>what is advanced graphic design
>what is animation

Or a computer enthusiast. Or someone who wants their computer to last them a long time, this one might not make sense to you because you're 13 and have never owned a computer with a more powerful cpu than that celeron, or for longer than 8 months.

You literally do not need anything better unless you're an engineer or a mechanic.

I need to compile software


>hurr durr i'm a fucking retard who can't even imagine the existence of computer use beyond my pathetically limited own

Sup Forums - Neo-Luddites

Fuck you

Or if you're browsing web. Because modern js-filled sites are fucking horrible.

That Lada is equivalent to AMD Athlon X2 6000+ black edition. This celeron would be a Smart or Shevy Aveo or some similar cuck toy car.


thats gay

t. poorfag

""""computer enthusiast""""
Also, there is no point in wasting money on a powerful machine you won't get any benefit from. Just buy cheap computers.


>there is no point in wasting money on a powerful machine you won't get any benefit from
Unless you get enthusiastic at the thought of a powerhouse machine. Enthusiasts are people who get enthusiastic about something, so what if someone is enthused by the idea of a powerful computer? Are you the arbiter who will stop them from buying it because 'they don't need it'? Fuck off.

That post is equivalent to a symptom of severe mental illness.

At least it looks better than most modern cars.

>Are you the arbiter who will stop them from buying it because 'they don't need it'?
Yes. People like mactoddlers and gamers burn a hole through their wallet for no legitimate value.

Value is subjective. Maybe time playing games with good friends on their gaming computer is more valuable than the ~$800 up-front cost.

But are you really going to use it for that? Even if you do, it may still be usable. Twice the clock speed does not necessarily mean twice the productivity.
The CPU would be more the engine of the car. You don't need an ATV to go the supermarket do you?

>Just buy cheap computers.
lol no.

Gaming is for children. You can always do that on your phone anyway.

lol cuck


>implying apple computers are enthusiast machines
I'm the guy you're replying to and even I can't fucking defend that. But has a point, even beyond playing games with friends, many people see value in being prepared. Being prepared for obsolescence, being prepared to suddenly have a passion for something that may need a heavyweight computer. Many also see value in having a high quality product, you will not convince me that companies like Dell, HP, and IBM all put the exact same attention to detail in their low end models as they do their high end models, simple as that. you have no reason to tell people what they should or should not buy based on what you think they need, let them buy whatever they like.

Gaming on your phone? The fuck that's terrible, anons hes just an elitist shit poster, just sag we and move on, pic semi related , but was about another post

>falling for most obvious bait

fucking newfags


Does it count as falling for it if I'm only replying because I'm bored out of my fucking mind?

Your image describes exactly the problem. How many of us will become professional animators, engineers, system admins, etc? There is no point in getting a computer more powerful than a celeron for the vast, vast majority of people which includes Sup Forums users.

I excluded saying manchildren because I thought that was obvious.

Does it being bait imply that what he is saying is untrue?

>implying anything besides a thinkpad or elitebook is high quality
>don't educate people, just let them be idiots

Even the elitebooks are shit, buddy of mine had two of his keys fall off through normal use.
He's not a hard typist or anything either.

Why shouldn't I let them be idiots? Their idiocy doesn't affect me directly. I should instead not let myself be an idiot, and I should not let my children be idiots. This is my only responsibility, not anyone else.

please stop calling yourself an enthusiast because you spend lots of money on toys, that's just being a mindless consumer sheep

enthusiast implies someone who's actually interested in technology beyond just spending lots of money on it, something that any grandma or dipshit mactard can do

Kill yourself my dude. The minimum is a 3rd gen i3. The recommended is a 7th gen i7.