I haven't seen this thread for a while so why the fuck not

I haven't seen this thread for a while so why the fuck not

hometown thread!

Other urls found in this thread:

google.se/maps/place/Bäckvägen, Hägersten/@59.302447,17.9951908,3a,75y,251.5h,81.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1st5wurMju_mNpqx2GX0HpYw!2e0!6s//geo0.ggpht.com/cbk?panoid=t5wurMju_mNpqx2GX0HpYw&output=thumbnail&cb_client=search.TACTILE.gps&thumb=2&w=392&h=106&yaw=216.24352&pitch=0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x465f764d611f8507:0xa340a916601abcc7!8m2!3d59.3021751!4d17.9937746

Modelček pliz

>tfw you will never live in a 10/10 town sorrounded by mountains in butifel Slovenia

i wanna be fucked by your hometown, no lube no condom. it looks that hot




Capelle (aan den IJssel) is a beautiful town in South-Holland. They are doing very well on greenery. In fact it is the greenest city of the Netherlands. Just an old church and some houses. All cities should follow this Capelle-mentality, if we want to safe the Netherlands

Where I grew up, everytime I see these mountains in this valley my hearts gets warm and I feel home.


>Being born/living in a small town

What's with the weird style of brick buildings all over Latin America? They look awful yet they're somehow very distinctive. You can always differentiate a Latin American shithole from an African/Asian one for example.



the same problem with eastern europe, and
peripheral cities in the western, buildings with communist inspiration (ugly, cheap and useful)




where is that?

Wasn't actually born here, but I've lived here for most of my life.


My hometown.

Blessed by Maria.

I love this town, but people living there are absolute shit.

if your city doesn't have at least 2 UNESCO world heritage sites then is it really a city?



That green sign looks suspiciously like a British Job Centre.

I honestly kinda like the suburb I'm from and currently live in, just wish it were in a different metro area (Denver or Seattle would be preferable).

The street layout reminds me of American subdivisions, only nicer. I'd live there.Any good climbing or skiing nearby?

Visited there after hiking the grand canyon in 2014, I wouldn't mind living there. My eventual career field has some jobs there IIRC (planetary science).




Whats that palace thing in the bottom?

ignore that post, I picked the wrong city

this is the real one, couldn't find one with better quality

o-ok, but do you happen to know what it was?


no clue 2bh, the other pic was from a spanish city

Nur einmal dort gewesen und hab's sofort erkannt. Nette Gegend



I get sick when im away longer than 2 weeks

This is the only one I have, I think.


Instead of posting the usual touristy pictures of Stockholm I'll link the street I grew up on so you can look around for yourselves

google.se/maps/place/Bäckvägen, Hägersten/@59.302447,17.9951908,3a,75y,251.5h,81.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1st5wurMju_mNpqx2GX0HpYw!2e0!6s//geo0.ggpht.com/cbk?panoid=t5wurMju_mNpqx2GX0HpYw&output=thumbnail&cb_client=search.TACTILE.gps&thumb=2&w=392&h=106&yaw=216.24352&pitch=0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x465f764d611f8507:0xa340a916601abcc7!8m2!3d59.3021751!4d17.9937746

it's a typical south stockholm suburb

I dont trust you


Come into my arms


Couldn't find a decent aerial shot of the whole city, but at least this covers downtown and the docks.


Pent fåvæ
Alltid pent vær når jeg har vært dær




>european villagers


home sweet home



monkey still on 56k