There's a Linux distro called Fedora

>There's a Linux distro called Fedora

how did I not know of this meme magic

they are beta testers too, top kek


Fedora distro came out before your 2007 era stupid reddit meme

>how did I not know of this meme magic
Because you're a dumb newfag who uses embarrassing terms such as "meme magic"

Fedora was released on bold text 2004 unbold text retardando

>how did I not know of this meme magic
>a system as old as Sup Forums
get the fuck

>the fact it's older makes it magic
No, it makes your argument reflect your IQ

mmm let me savour those tears, you're so easy guys seriously. Hey I guess that's why you're on here, khv betas

thehehe i was only pretending to be retard xdddd

>Well I was jus trollin guise

>on /g
>mentions IQ as a rebuttal

yep, checks right out

He very likely was. Everybody knows about Fedora. You got baited into being tough guys propping up their street cred. Which is really not difficult on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general due to the concentration of insecure knowitalls.


>autistic beta tells me information I already know and fails to recognise a joke

have a good day jacking it over your waifu guys

>Everybody knows about Fedora
Everyone who's into technology does. OP is obviously some dumb consumer who came to Sup Forums looking for tech support.

>Call him an autist to look smart
wow you must be the trolle mastur of 2017

Get out


hush hush now I know you're insecure because of your beloved os which you hold more dearly than any sentient being and that you do in fact wear a fedora

That's the only reason I've been avoiding it for so long.

Fedora is a good distro tho, newfag. And older than your Reddit meme.

lol, that was a funny post. (for any newfags like OP: Fedora is basically the beta version of Red Hat in many ways)


The hat that you're thinking of is actually a trilby.

Found the fedora xd

Epic meem, grandpa ha ha ha xde


That's a trilby.