ITT: De-botneting and hardening your system

ITT: De-botneting and hardening your system.

Hi Sup Forumsoys. I'm installing Antergos on my computer and Mint on my wife's (DEs are between Xcfe and KDE for mine, KDE and GNOME for my wife's). The issue I'm having to go through without scouring a million goruns and YT vids is what is your consensus to hardening our systems respectively and, especially for mine (cuz she's on Faceberg so it'd be a moot effort), what do I need to uninstall to out of botnet/ security risk? I've heard people talk about LightDM I think it's called and a few others, so just gimme the.. Ahem...
> quick
> rundown

Other urls found in this thread:

Get her a macbook and keep your paranoid autism to BSD

Hardened Gentoo is the patrician choice

> being this obvious that you shill for DoD cyber-psyops
Yeah... Like, no kys


You may start by purging systemd from your system.

I've heard it's a complete bane. Care to elaborate in Sup Forums-Linux newfag terms?

encrypt your wife

If you want to be super secure, but don't want to cripple yourself then is your best choice.

> downloaded the iso months ago
> too scared to install it bc I know next to nothing about it
Idek if it's Linux based, I literally saw it in passing and downloaded it just to remind myself to look into it eventually. What are your beefs with it for gayming, programming, browseing, streaming, rendering, etc?

That's my boy.

It's a deliberate attempt at making simple operations more complex in the GNU/Linux ecosystem. NSA operation ORCHESTRA:

>What are your beefs with it for gayming, programming, browseing, streaming, rendering, etc?

You can run a full Windows 10 install on it. QubesOS is basically a framework where you have different compartments for different things. One instance for Windows gaming, one instance for Linux gaming, one instance for torrenting stuff, one instance for buying stuff online and they can't interact with eachother. So if you install some malware on your windows partition then it can't find your credit card number because it has no access to the "internet shopping" part of your computer or your "banking" part. The only thing connecting them together is QubesOS but none of them can communicate back.

take the video tour:

So its just a virtual machine OS? It just partitions everything? That sounds extremely useful and makes me think why more cia paranoia autists don't use it if you can run multiple instances of multiple OSs simultaneously so to speak

Yes, that is what it does, but it simplifies everything. It's much less of a pain than doing it in the conventional way and everything is color coded and marked properly and each have their own connection so one can run Tor completely while another part just has a normal internet connection.

>makes me think why more cia paranoia autists don't use it
Snowden uses it apparently, it's used by people who are a bit paranoid. But it also requires more technical skill than just using tails for example.

Is Thunderbird worth using for email and rss?

There are literally NIST, NSA etc standards for hardening your OS.
Microsoft even provides auto-harden group policy scripts

>De-botneting and hardening your system.
Stop visiting Sup Forums.


install gentoo

hardenedbsd is the new meme choice

ah, total security achieved

not really. there are tons of airgap attacks

Holy shit this is what I need
Thanks a lot user