Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git...

>Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git, desktops, office applications and many other packages, will want Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed appeals to Power Users,

>Uses Firefox 52 ESR

How do you defend this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Technically, 52 is the latest Firefox version in the ESR branch. But if you want bleeding edge you should stick to Arch desu.

Firefox is patched to have a icon file picker on Opensuse. Maybe they can't keep up with Firefox's release schedule.

>le Arch desu maymay

sudo zypper se -r pacman

>uses ESR

That's a good thing.
Here's the reason.

>Firefox requires rust mandatorily now to build
Tell the rust maintainers to do their fucking job then

>Firefox removed Gtk2 with FF53; Leap still used Gtk2 builds
Just use the GTK3 builds then, Thumbleweed isn't Leap

>Firefox 53 dropped NPAPI plugin support for everything but Flash
Which is a good thing, don't see a problem here. Nobody uses the Java Plugin anyway

Download the blob from Mozilla's ftp then? It auto updates as well, literally who cares what the package manager has.

Tumbleweed is literally one of the best distros.

After Leap. Of course

What are the advantages of Leap besides stability?

Stability. What are the advantages of Tumbleweed apart from instability?

>bleeding edge
How is that advantageous? Bug hunting?

Is not that unstable
have you even used it? the packages gets tested before the release

Not waiting 8 months for substantial release is a good reason.

Leap is one of the worst distros at the moment. Stupid default settings, ancient kernel, etc. Yast is a nice but it's so slow that it's just easier to do everything from a command line.

Tumbleweed is a rolling distro with server settings which makes it useless. It's literally the worst distro in terms of boot times and perfomance.

I tried to like openSUSE because btrfs, openQA, etc. but their distros are just not worth the time which you have to spend on them to make them work properly.


How? I use Tumbleweed and don't have the filepicker icon view.

>Tell the rust maintainers to do their fucking job then
If you mean the upstream maintainers, I've had long and frustrating arguments with them where they basically told distributions that "I guess you have to solve it now that Firefox depends on it".

openSUSE has OBS and we must build all packages inside it, while rust hasn't even attempted to solve the packaging problem. Not even Debian has figured this one out yet.

Fedora is RPM and ships with Rust IIRC, Suse should have no problem.

When the chairperson of the project and official SUSE employee acts like that I can't agree to support it anymore. I would have been over it and had already forgotten all about it had it been the expected "Yeah, that was probably a little out of line" but when the response to "your community can be a little toxic" is passive-aggressive at best and leading-by-example toxicity at worst I just can't see why I would want to be involved in that. Calling your contributors baseless malcontents for respectfully suggesting that web development conversations happen on the web development mailing list, and starting the conversation with the phrase "make sure you get your facts fucking right" to highlight the fact that openSUSE has never changed its capitalization as a justification for official openSUSE forum moderators abusing new users isn't acceptable to me. To some it might be, but I'm not one of those people.

>has issues with hurt feefee's

Like pottery.

Try Geckolinux, it's openSUSE but without being shit

You mean clockwork.

kys faggot

FF Nighlty doesn't support tree-style-tabs. Why the fuck would I want it?

Legacy addons are the reason FF is still so freaking slow, good riddance

Tried installing openTOILET twice. Back in 2015, and now in 2017. In 2015 the installer shit itself for no reason at all and refused to start.

In 2017 the installing process was just painful and unclear, as if the developers tried to obfuscate everything as much as possible, so beginner-advanced users have no chance of installing it on their own.

1/10 would not recommend

That's illogical. Since last time I checked, 57 doesn't come with any addons that can replace the addons I use in FF.

Stop using the shitty addons then

even ubuntu is recommending butterfs for root partitions and shit now, nothing special about opensuse anymore. If you can't figure out an installer you're definitely stuck in beginner-beginner though.

>tried to obfuscate everything as much as possible
>Opensuse installer
holy mother of fuck, this must be bait, too stupid to be real seriously

I installed Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Manjaro and Fedora without problems before, it's only opensuse's installer that's trash. Although, Fedora's was confusing as well, but much less so than Suse's.

Anything that isn't ESR/LTS is an unstable/beta development release. (not just in web browsers) 52 is properly the "latest version" of Firefox.

Fedora's has always been the worst, opensuse is basically identical to ubuntu's though.


i installed openSUSE four times in July (my fault, not SUSEs). the installer was not at all 'obfuscated' and I struggle to understand how you could describe it as such.

He should rather enable the Mozilla repo on opensuse. No need to change distro.