
Hello friends, I /need/ to learn C++ or a considerable amount of it before this year ends, I'd like to do STUFF with it, so please help a nigga out.
Thing is, I need some recs, I'm reading C++ Primer (lippman & others), but what should I read next?
Any insight and/or experience is appreciated.


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Best, **uptodate** resource I personally ever found

Not OP but I've checked your link - I've used it 3 years ago to learn, nothing has changed in the articles there... + it's not a complete tutorial it's rather a short introduction to C++

poke around github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp you're not doing shit with the c++ standard library

How would you compare it to a book?

>nothing has changed in the articles there
No other book is as modern as that tutorial, fully adheres to C++14 and he's going to add C++17 features by the next year.

> a complete tutorial
So you are looking at a 4000 pages book

A book was more helping than that website back then, but I say the website helped with computer science / history elements better, at least it invited me to google the right things and expand.

A book keeps you locked in its walls and you work with that till the end, the virtue of a internet guide is that it can send you to different places, or read recent comments of people pointing out mistakes, tips and so on.

For that matter, I welcome online guides like that, it would be nice if they would be update - but again by good programmers not amateurs..

For the purpose of speed learning, watching Bucky's youtube series and then reading in conjunction learncpp.com - is a fast way to end up programming early and focus more and more on your code...

BUT unless you trust yourself 100% and you found yourself in life being able to forget wrong things you learn and re-learn... I suggest to just go with the slow, painful process of a reputable book such as the one OP is learning.

I say the younger you are the less you are risking by going deep in, if you are like under 20 - go with first method and start to program like crazy, if you are older and impatient go with a book.

If you already know Java just start programming with it and Google syntax as you go along

Sorry, I don't know Java, and considering its reputation I don't really know If I'd like to use it someday.

I'm 22 but I think that the video/cpp website route will do for me, and use the book as a fallback if I don't quite get something.

You won't need to go back to the book, because video / website route covers everything.
Especially Bucky series are like - here's a very complicated concept, you watch the 10 min video and you understand it and can code it yourself, WHAT you won't learn is good practice for that concept.. but in this age of internet - you can google "concept x" practice / code practice / guide and fix the damage that way.

A book usually covers a concept in a lot of details - sometimes boring you or let you re-read it 2 times before getting it, but at least gives you a basic fundamental coding practice.

But honestly that's no big deal, if you're gonna to dedicate yourself and code many hours every day and learn from internet - you will be golden.

Alright, I take your word on this.
Thank you and thanks all the anons who contributed.
Polite sage.

Grab Firefox source code and fix an annoying bug or implement a new feature.

I hated this fucking meme. Yeah just jump right into a massive fucking codebase with no prior experience. Not like autistic territorial contributors will scream at you until you leave

I never understood why was it actually recommended around these parts.

Anons who don't know how to program read in passing somewhere to contribute to open source so they parrot stupid suggestions. I'm just salty because in almost all cases open source project contributors absolutely do not want new blood. They want a patch fixing bugs they're too lazy to fix and want them fixed the exact way they would fix it. God help you if you have a question to ask


they want newbs for testers/bug reports not patches

>I'd like to do STUFF with it
what stuff?

Java's reputation is great among people who actually get paid for making important software

He wants to learn C++, not programming

C++ Primer is great, keep using that. Don't use web tutorials.
After Primer, read Effective C++.

TCPPPL is a reference, by the way, not a tutorial. Start with Primer (5th ed.) and go from there

Create some shitty projects to entertain yourself, and follow em thru, like trying to literally recreate big rigs.

Thought the thread would have died while I was sleeping.

I do, but I already have some books in mind for programming itself, however this book list as this one is really appreciated.
I'll take it under consideration, I have to figure out what works best for me (probably the book).
I'm about to enroll in EE so I thought that learning C++ beforehand could be really useful in the long term, also because of job prospects around these parts, there are too many webshits in general, and just a handful of C/C++ programmers.

Anyways, thanks again.

>useful in the long term
Definitely. Competent C++ programmers don't have trouble finding a job, it's a difficult language with a lot of features that takes years to master.
That's not a thing, the languages are too different to be grouped together like that.
If you want to learn C, I'd recommend doing so after having read Primer, with a short reference like K&R that will allow you to pick up C's features quickly. C is a small language, and learning it doesn't take long if you're already familiar with C++.

A'ight, thanks for the heads up.