Why is this shit not dead yet?

Why is this shit not dead yet?

dx9 is still in regular use
game devs are exceptionally lazy fucks
expect to see dx10 start to pick up next year
dx11 in 2019
dx12 in 2025

Windows 7, also lazy developers.

When 50% of the Marketshare is still using Windows 7 do you think game developers are going give that up? Microsoft was selfish in reserving DX12 for Windows 10 and it's hurting more than it's helping.

>When 50% of the Marketshare
um no
>Steam isn't an accur--
Steam is the largest PC marketplace and the only one to release actual statistics, therefore best source.
You have to remember that an overwhelming majority of 7's actual userbase just don't play games. Sup Forums memes about muh games being the only reason people use Windows, but that isn't the reality.

this, nobody wants to do windows 10(dx12) exclusives or make a game that run on both even when dx12 could have better graphics

50% of people are running windows 10
That means by supporting DX12 your game only runs on 50% of everyones computer

*by only supporting DX12 and nothing else

So... get them on Vulkan? That works all the way back to Windows XP.

DX12 is extra dev time = more money and time. Making DX12 Win10 only was a mistake. MS are to blame for the shitty gaming market right now.

No body wants to build a game for Vulkan even though you are correct, that would be the most logical solution

AMD's opengl might still be shit though. and NVIDIA drivers are highly optimized for dx11.

The question is why? My guess is it's because time = money and getting your devs to learn a new API when you are trying to get the latest Fallout 5 New Ass Vega is too costly.


Retooling everything for another api is time consuming, why do it for only 50% of the market?

vulkan and dx12 are legitimately hard to use. Theres honestly a finite number of people smart enough to extract its potential, and most of those people are the type who would learn those apis for fun

35% is still a ton of people famalam

>Theres honestly a finite number of people smart enough to extract its potential
Like every console dev out there?

far from every console dev "extracts the potential" of low level access, why else do you think its so popular to use third party engines?

It's been around for so long that the majority of devs are only used to using DX11
That and DX12 provides little to no benefits so who cares

The only people who care are those with AMD gpus, or really enjoy RTS with alot of particle effects

Let's look at the list of shit you gotta have to actually get any benefits from dx12
1. Windows 10
3. High core count CPU
That's it, so literally nobody actually gives a shit. I don't think I've ever heard the phrase "ooooooo I hope this game is DX12"

Only with a compatible GPU

DX9 remains the oldest revision in support.

I'm amazed Windows 10 has any popularity over 0.

dx12 and vulkan are too hard for your average shit eating lazy game developer

More and better documentation compared to it's alternatives. Also multi core programming is hard for shitty indie devs

most of steam users playing momy's laptop

Wasn't 10 like 35% in February?