Can we have an IT CV thread?

Searching for job? Post your CV anons will critique it. Got a job? Post your CV to see good examples.

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yes, let me just go and black out every single identifying detail so some user can see examples...


Didn't the fag get a nice job with this abomination?

Where did you find that template? I kinda like it.

Damm, its quite well executed


I'm a pretty recent CS grad. The amount of conflicting advice I received regarding resumes during college was mind-bending, but I'll share what worked for me.

Pic related is the template I used which can be found at and it got me hired pretty swiftly.

My experience was that a clean resume is significantly better than what you posted OP - to me that comes off as kind of childish. The most important thing though, of course, is your experience. Doesn't matter if you use Times New Roman and make your resume in Word - if you're a good programmer and you know it and your experience backs that up, you will be hired.

How about this? I will wager that nothing is unironically this bad.

man all good template like this are not free :^(

What do you put on your resume if you've literally done nothing but exist for your whole life?

I like this one a lot. I never thought about using latex for a resume, but it works really nicely in this case. I hear those poster-esque mockup resumes are pretty common for graphic design and frontend work though. Anywhere else, it's usually better to keep it pretty conservative.

pic meant for

Work on something and say you worked on it for a longer time, I made an app in 3 months and I said it took me 6 months, got a job and made the short list in other companies. If you can make it to the technical interview, all thats left is not being a retard and show them that you are capable of learning

Personal qualities.

And go out and do stuff besides existing.


It's even worse when the job ads look like this (yes, I just saw an MLP ad for a developer position the other day).

When you hire a webdev to make your resume template

This is the kind of CV I throw directly in the trash without reading

I don't want colors. I don't want a photo. I don't want your CV to look like a fucking android app.