Name some reasons to use Linux instead of Windows. Oh that's right, there aren't any

Name some reasons to use Linux instead of Windows. Oh that's right, there aren't any.

First PC windows for work
Second PC linux for experimentation and general tiem wasting

Use Linux when somehow you only need a kernel (are you developing a new userland?).
Use Windows when for some reason you want a proprietary closed source operating system.

OP, name a reason to use Linux or Windows instead of MacOS. Oh that's right, there are none.

1 Your work relates to it.
2 You like to be botnet free (cucks still install Steam and Chrome on it).
3 Personal preference.

That's about it.



It's free as in beer and freedom

Is this real?

It's windows, what do you expect?

Name some reasons to use a computer. Oh That's right there aren't any

Just because you can't think of any, doesn't mean there are none. Retard.





>had to install LaTeX for university.
>using Window s at that time
>searching for guide
>have to search installer for Miktex
>installer for Ghostscript
> installing Texmaker
>15 min messing around with the config
>some additional tweaking for UTF 8
On Linux: sudo pacman -S texmaker
Package manager are great

>Name some reasons to use Linux instead of Windows

it's generally more secure than any windows.
it runs faster. it's free and you don't need to buy expensive software just to use it (safely)

My job demands it.

choco install texmaker

Where do you need speed for on linux? All software that actually requires speed (professional video/audio/photo software, games) is not available for it.

Web servers, supercomputers.

You can be a child predator off the internet