Is there any reason at all to use Atom over Visual Studio Code?

Is there any reason at all to use Atom over Visual Studio Code?

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Is there any reason at all to use Atom or VSCode when vim exists?

GitHub Markdown Preview.

is there any reason to use shitty electron-based editors when there is sublime text?
>inb4 muh money
literally took me 3 seconds to find a good license on pastebin

Also if you want to be truly autistic there is vim,emacs & dozen other variations of those

Why any of them?

200 User License
1D77F72E 390CDD93 4DCBA022 FAF60790
61AA12C0 A37081C5 D0316412 4584D136
94D7F7D4 95BC8C1C 527DA828 560BB037
D1EDDD8C AE7B379F 50C9D69D B35179EF
2FE898C4 8E4277A8 555CE714 E1FB0E43
D5D52613 C3D12E98 BC49967F 7652EED2
9D2D2E61 67610860 6D338B72 5CF95C69
E36B85CC 84991F19 7575D828 470A92AB

Atom has better Fountain support for writing screenplays.

That's illegal.

Also ST is proprietary and you can't see the source code. Atom and VS Code are both legally free as in speech and beer.

atom vim module isnt bugged as fuck

>using another company's license
>not hacking sublime text with redare and a hex editor to disable the nag popup

Come on, man. Literally one byte gets changed from a jz to jnz.

How is VS Code's bugged?

use sublime as the hex editor for funny irony

They're also slow javascript garbage

Fuck it, just use emacs

Works fine on my machine.

If your computer is powerful enough to run electron, you should try a real editor. It'll be silky smooth.

using multiple files in vim is clunky

>Also ST is proprietary and you can't see the source code.

Gee, really?Maybe it has something to do with the fact that 90% of the serious and good software out there is closed

No, it just has to do with the fact that ST is money grab scam for gullible hipster web devs to drop 80 dollars on text editor.
And it would be hard to do with open source.


emacs is straight up great man

> Literally create one of the best text editors
> Wants some money in return

Kill yourself.

>""""serious progamming""""
does not not compute. use NetBeans

how fast or "silky smooth" can a text editor possibly get? it's a text editor.

There's no reason to use VS Code over IntelliJ either.

>muh money
How little do you make that you can't afford it?

need to update pic with vscode's new shitty logo OP

>20 seconds
I just tried to open a 6MB xml file in VSCode and it was instant.
Pressing ctrl+end to get me to the end of the file was also instant.
Syntax highlighting took a second to kick in after I jumped to the end but after that it was available throughout the entire file just fine.
The largest xml file I have is 40MB and that one also took less than a second to open.

>why i still use vim
>because my "modern expensive laptop" performs like a toaster

I'm not a programmer (I'm a writer), but I like Atom for writing up documents quickly in Markdown and in LaTeX. One of the reasons I use Atom over VS Code (for now) is that Atom has a PDF reader extension so I can see the compiled LaTeX document in a separate pane without having to leave the app.

I like the way this guy has his editor set up:

it's perfect

it doesnt work with multicursor.. also, the EJS templating-engine is very poorly supported in VSCODE

To each their own.

Well, it is open source. If you have a few moments to spare, feel free to chip in.

Use neovim

i wouldnt know where to start. it doesnt throw errors, it just acts weird in multicursor

If the issue is reproducible, you can file a bug report.

yeah, I dont know about that. there are already 266 issues posted, It would take me 20 minutes to list through all of them and check if its already posted.

And I sincerely doubt those guys can handle this all. Microsoft should support them or create their own vim module which works lol.

so many fucking editors, and all of them suck..

Do you really not see the search bar


Sublime Text is such an affront to freedom that I could not be party to its use under any circumstances whatsoever.


Java shit

I take a well-programmed Java application over a fucking web browser bastardized as an application platform any day.

>4 people want to have an issue

Jetbrains products still rule (if you are not poor)


Why use an ide when you can
>cat > program.cpp

ctrl D
>nano program.cpp

>g++ program.cpp -o program

>program segfaults
>you are not taken to your editor where it shows the exact line where the segfault occurred along with all the values in the stack to help you debug

>inb4 don't make mistakes

I know it has Markdown Preview, but it uses the syntax theme. I wish it had an option for the preview to look like something resembling GitHub's Markdown CSS, it looks beautiful.

Never mind. Just found this delicious extension for VS Code. Must be new since I don't recall seeing it in the marketplace last time. Gonna try it out. :)

can one of you send me a 6MB xml file to test?


after taking 5 minutes to update all dependencies and 10 seconds to load vscode, the xml opened instantly

game over rn