I thought you couldn’t game search engine algorithms anymore because of muh AI

I thought you couldn’t game search engine algorithms anymore because of muh AI.

Is “AI” aka machine learning overrated bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=how to make a boiler&oq=how to make a boiler&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.8605j0j4&client=ms-android-sprint-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

they're showing you exactly what they want. nothing is gamed.

Modern AI (post-early 2010's) is applied statistics. If you can game statistics, you can game AI, kiddo.

It’s so widespread I think there’s something funky going on with SEO, not just Google.

So who’s behind gaming the algorithm?

It’s simply so widespread that it can’t be attributed to a few people it has to be an organized effort.

Tumblr, feminists, the media, etc. Google just indexes this shit: feministing.com/2013/10/04/new-favorite-tumblr-people-of-color-in-european-art-history/

It's hard to believe it's a conspiracy on Jewgle's part when the first text result is a complaint about the image search results.

By the gods...

It's the jews obviously.

>tfw OP's pic is real
It will happen eventually, but it way too soon. Even if it was only 10 years away, we'd be burned out in the hype.

>babby's first experience with SEO

I bet you don't even know what "google bombing" is.

wtf it's even happening with the world's most private™ search engine

Will Sup Forums ever understand how easy it is to game search algorithms?

>not all of Europe will be black

They look German or British.

They’re European.

>Sup Forums
You answered your own question.

reverse Image search has actually gotten considerably worse because of "muh AI"

You didn't need to make a thread about this.
It's perfectly obvious to anyone with a brain why this would be.

google.com/search?q=how to make a boiler&oq=how to make a boiler&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.8605j0j4&client=ms-android-sprint-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

Google can't be like a person till they make a computer with a human brain.

Also why is there like no research in turning animal brains into computing devices?

Oh jew clipboard fucking copied the wrong link

>This actually comes up
What do they even gain from setting these kinds of results?
That is just retarded.

Try "white man white woman".
And be just as stupid. Don't bother understanding anything.

No one is "setting" anything.

you must have a cool project in mind

whatcha buildin' user?

What year did Google actually become Evil?

The AI engineers and/or the people they report to. Getting an AI to behave like this if you are able to create or alter an existing dataset to give the AI the impression you want it to have. It's like having a child and only showing them an altered version of reality by only watching videos of a certain political slant. The kid would likely adopt the arguments presented in the video if they never saw any sort of refutation the same way that an AI would show you pictures of black people when you searched for European people if you repeatedly told it "european person" and then showed it a picture of a black person a few million times. AI should not be treated as unbiased by any means, it is sort of subject to it's own worldview.

Those terms are Google bombed to hell you idiots.
Google “renaissance paintings”.

Someone dun goofed it.

I was really hype for machine learning but then I realised that it came with diminishing returns and after that whatever it learns is irrelevant or even damaging to it's prior experience.


ITT: people not understanding how search engines work

>search for dog
>get cat

It works, you just don’t understand,

if people put images of cats on their websites and caption them with "dog", what exactly are you expecting?

