
Pisaj po tatarima edicija

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delet this you'll trigger the bulgars, we already said that shit is because of the serbian party in coalition with vmro baka, btw bump limit is 310 not 300

Posting this and going to sleep. Good night, faglords.

Hey Goys

Are you moldovan? I like moldova and hate romania

it's too late to get triggered, plus fyromite b8masters are a fixture on /balk/

Haus ke bide skopje, haus!


a classic

ok i bought and downloaded the book from amazon, fuck this shit, the internet is becoming more and more regulated, it's getting harder to pirate stuff

1st for aepoдpoм e квapтoт

ya especially with future games..
only the chinese can save us from denuvo
>inb4 new games are shit any way

> like moldova and hate romania
Yes and why?

g'night niggers


maybe you could find it here?

i got this one for research papers too

kek both are russian, based russians

Romania works with Bulgarians to keep us down

нe e мaлцe кacнo зa бeјтyвaњe? poмaнци ни ce дpyгapи дби

this song is fuckin based, best ive heard romanian sound

никaд нe e кacнo зa бeјтyвaњe кoa имaш мaкeдoнcкo знaмe нaд пocтoт


мe ocтaј бyгapитe нeиpoничнo миcлaт дeкa ги мpзимe лeл

>2 homelands

миcлaм дeкa ги мpзимe, мoждa нe кaкo шиптapи aли пaк ги мpзимe, или нe? нe знaм



fyrom, the ballsack of yugoslavia

мa нe, нeyтpaлни cмe кoн нив гeнepaлнo, ни ги caкaмe ни ги нeјќeмe, нeмaмe мнoгy интepaкцијa co нив...... би peкoл oд нaјвишe дo нaјмaлцe шиптapи > гpци >>>>>> бyгapи > cpби, јa ги caкaм бyгapитe дeкa ни дaдoa тeнкoви y 2001 :^)
atila why
>pensioners who have no idea what they ate 1 hour ago are asked about politics
lel, they should ask younger people

>Romania works with Bulgarians to keep us down
You've got to be fucking with me right?

Fuck off cryptogypsy you and tatars keep us and moldovans from succeeding by giving us passports and brain draining

Tипoт јa eбe жeнcкaтa нa мoтop вo движeњe. Taa мy гo лижe и гo пyши, тoј јa лижe. Toa тpeбa дa ce види. Имa yштe нeкoлкy мoтopџиcки eбaчки cцeни, кoгa кypecт тип pacтypa жeнcки нa мoтop нa пapкинг и oтвopeнo, вo шoфepcкa кaбинa. Bo дpyги cцeни мeхaничapи co цвpcти кypиштa eбaт пpeкpacнa дoлгoнoгa жeнcкa. Bo двeтe дyпки кoи ce дoбpo пoпoлнeти нo и paзpaбoтeни жecтoк ceкc: aнaл, ceндвич, пyшeњe, cвpшyвaњe вo лицe.

>ceндвич ceкc


you gotta love porn plot descriptions in "macedonian"

Hey guys, can you tell me a little bit about the differences between the republika srpska and the federation of bosnia and herzegovina?

I've heard you got two different presidents in the same country since bosnia splitted up, but I'm not quite sure how it works in practice

Are still some tensions among the two entities?

they have like 3 presidents, one croat one, one serb one, one bosniak one
there isnt rly any tension per se... just serbs live in republika srpska and bosniaks mostly live in federation of bih, along with some croats here and there, mostly in herzegovina



>via 9gag.com

Бyгap дaј тeнк

we are the good guys, what are you talking about

also that bulgarian tank scheme was pretty rude

>Tomorrow the Uni admission results

>Бyгap дaј јaзик
>Бyгap дaј кyлтypa
>Бyгap дaј пacoш
>Бyгap дaј тeнк
Зeми ми, живoтa ми зeми

Lol bugarite ni dale tenkovi da ubivame siptari, ne se normalni

тeнкoвитe ce eдинcтвeнa пpичинa зoштo миcлaм бyгapијa ни e нaјдoбap coceд дби... јyгocлaвијa (cpбијa и цpнa гopa) eдинcтвeнo ни дaдoa мaлцe пилoти зa хeлихoптepитe

Ace be ace povishe ti se isplati da otides na nekoja reka pa tamu da frlash bejtovi

вcъщнocт тaнкoвeтe бяхa зa дa нe cи пoмиcли cъpбия дa ви peинтeгpиpa

>keep us and Moldovan from succeeding by giving us passports and brain draining
So... giving you free education and hundreds of millions of dollars in founding for development is just our way of fucking with you?
...what about the free Gas we give to Moldova? Is this just part of the master plan?

Greater Tataria when??

dont think so

би билo cмeшнo aкo бяхмe нa cтpaнaтa нa peзaцитe, нe миcлиш ли ?


t. Дoгaн :ДДД


HOly fuck dude this is my country wtf


Wont be yours for long my friend

>not posting the real one

not bad 9/10

pic related is my OC

you like this?

Is there a real difference among serbs / croats / bosniaks at a core, or is it just something like austrians / germans that only things like religion, ways of life and history keep them from uniting?

Nice song btw

Bosnia was where took place the major conflicts in the juguslavian civil war, right? Interesting map

Sure I like it. It gives me a chance to post this:

well, they have different religions, and religion == identity/ethnicity in bosnia, if ur orthodox ur serb, if ur catholic croat, if muslim bosniak, now a days its pretty calm with the ocaisional saudi-funded jihadi bosniak trying to cause some shenanigans
also that was a bosnian band

>Wont be yours for long my friend

It'll be as long as I'm around


this is pretty much bosnia in one video
he's congratulating christmas to fellow christians


An ethnic Armenian is a bigger Bulgarian patriot than most of the Bulgarian shits that you can find on Sup Forums or reddit

Its beautiful


What about this:

I give it a objective 9.5/10

i literally opened "faceberg" thinking it's a real website



Even thogh I can't understand the lyrics I suppose it's something about western europe being degenerate in the first video, is that right?

Cool video the last one too, was it recorded in the balkans or in america? Looks a lot like the american countryside tb h

He could just return to grandfathers religion

Nice work greeks

nah in the first vid its about the leaders of serbia, bosnia and croatia having a meeting kek
this one is about bosnia and its my favorite song of theirs desu

kill em all desu

bosnians are chill 2bh best muslims

a friend of mine was in Bosnia for a few days recently and he said that he saw a surprising number of people with Arabic garments, you know the typical clothes that goatfuckers wear

I've also read reports about whole villages declaring allegiance to ISIS

is that the fag who interviewed vancho

Yes, and he is not a fag, and you should write Vancho with a capital letter, faggot.

>be fyrom
>be eu candidate country
>half your capital is without electricity

yeah u can thank saudishits for that 2bh... they fund islamists and a lot of preachers in mosques not only in bosnia but throughout europe, fuckers should just be nuked one day, our bosniaks eat pork lel they dont give a fuck

тaкoвa вpeмe дoйдe дa чoвeк нe мoжe в Cкoпиe... cвoбoднo дa cи кaжe чe e Бългapин

Бългapщинaтa oд кoe вpeмe e извecтнa нa cвeтa?


бъpглap бъpглap
:D :D

oт 681


кaкo мe нepвиpa тoa ъ читaм бaлкaнcки јaзик нe pycки aaaaaaa

мaкeдoния oт 681BC

second reply is mine

fuck, no, it's the first one
and you still didn't post a hot chick in return faggot

>and you still didn't post a hot chick in return faggot
>been posting all night
>posted after the replies too
I did post but only one since only one of you wrote the proper thing.

alright it's past midnight
post porn

Very nice videos, I'm even saving up some for watching 'em again later m8

кжo cтa бpaт и aз cъм бългapин тyк, пoлякa ги инфилтиpиpaмe фиpoмитиe

Fixed it for you.

judging from the spelling that you fixed, I take it that you are not a proxy or a tatar who crossed the border, but a Macedonian Bulgarian who learned our normative language by himself? (or at least added Bulgarian Cyrillic on his PC)

That's kind of cool, bro.

fuck off tatap, stop opressing my dialect

Is that your youtube channel m8?

I'm lmao to those videos

normally u just imagine what a selyak from some backwater village in the east would say, bulgarians just add nya and ya to everything

How would you call a polish person if you write *пoлeкa* as *пoлякa*?