Apple: “Impulse buyers only!”

The removal of the Wish List in the iOS App Store is a fucking scumbag move, and a good reason to switch to Android. In case you don’t realize, the removal of the Wish List forces low income people, who might want to shop intelligently and save money, into impulse-buying. It’s basically renders the App Store the opposite of Steam, and it’s a very selfish move on Apple’s part. Now, I know some real intellectual is going to say that Apple should do anything that would generate more profits, but the App Store is a service, and respecting customers is important. This is proof that the iPhone is losing its edge in the reasonable people market, and making an iPhone purchase almost as absurd as the purchase of a new iMac.

>writing a wall of text about this complete non-issue
there are literally 0 low-income people using iPhones

nice opinion

>there are literally 0 low income people using iPhones
this is very false

I like iPhones as devices, but you sound like a total iTard. Can you even operate a normal computer?

How does the removal of a wishlist equal impuls buying? Just use your note app to track apps you might buy. The only disadvantage would be the missing notification on sales (if sales or their notifications even exist on iOS).

yeah how come app store dont take da EBT

Also, I mistyped. It forces everyone into impulse buying, including you.

>iPhone users are this dumb and rude
Explains why I only bought this thing because it came free with a contract.

>being so poor you need a wishlist

I don't need an iPhone to see that the relation "missing wishlist = impuls buying" is stupid.

>Explains why I only bought this thing because it came free with a contract.
Nevermind your are actually retarded.

>enjoying late stage anime

I can’t help you with your autism or dyslexia or whatever it is.

This is some nitpicky shit. Do you also need a wishlist for a 20 oz soda or dollar store items?

There is a solution: get a job and stop being poor.

People buy apps?

Spotted the Androidfag

Fucking poorfags should switch to poodroid anyway. Apple is only for the rich.

I'm fairly close to breadline. Count as under poverty line in my country. However I managed to get a used iPhone. But it doesn't mean I have money to mindlessly blow on phone apps. However it's not difficult to keep an external list of apps I want.
Get off of Sup Forums and go outside for once you autistic fuck.


Almost a decent point, but the quality and price of Apps has gone up, and will probably continue to go up. It’s basically going to be Steam except more fucked up.

Yeah the wittiest post is obviously an Android “fag.”

I have a job. I still spend my money on worthwhile things, except for this gimmicky phone.


>paid shill writing a fake anecdotal

Steve Jobs died of cancer. Anime is dying of cancer. Coincidence?

>I'm fairly close to breadline. Count as under poverty line in my country. However I managed to get a used iPhone
am I supposed to be impressed or something?

>the Jews are trying to make people thrifty
>the Jews are taking people’s money
>mommy brings me the tendies because I’m a good boy

Pick one

>Yeah the wittiest post is obviously an Android “fag.”

>t. Androidfag

He means, you can masturbate to things, that came after 1980.

You're killing anime next?

Why don't you kill yourself instead?

“Some children actually believe this one stupid thing - click to find out what it is!”

>preferring Apple
>ever saying anything

The things you like are cancerous

>it forces everyone into impulse buying
How. Couldn't you just say "huh that's a nice app let me write that down on a piece of paper / text document for later"

>removal of the Wish List forces low income people, who might want to shop intelligently and save money, into impulse-buying
it's a moot point because if you're low income you shouldn't be owning apple products in the first place.

besides if you need a fucking app store to remind you to save money you should just be deported

yeah so Apple can crumple it up and throw it away

>Not being able to whip out a script in a few seconds to replace the wishlist

Supported refurb Apple products go for as low as $200. If you think that all “poor people” should be using chinky builds that don’t work then you’re a bad person.

wtf are you talking about. you’re stupid and don’t have anything to say about tech

i literally had a some apple fag ask me how to alt-tab


yeah so Apple can delete the script


> poor "people" who buy overpriced apple shit
> not impulse buyers

>This is proof that the iPhone is losing its edge in the reasonable people market
>thinking apple gives a shit about normies, poor people or "reasonable" people

Apple is swimming in an ocean of cash and short term investments and doesn't have to care what a few people think.

>there are literally 0 low-income people using iPhones
You might need some sources to back this up because there are plenty of sources showing that a lot of iPhone owners are heavily in debt.

Catering to their normal userbase (= morons). Nothing news.

What about older Iphones?

i lost

Respecting customers is obviously not important if they earn more money by not respecting the customers

Keep telling that yourself brosef, almost any bottomfeeder and welfare poor person I have seen was using an iPhone with some kind of horrid monthly payment plan.

Poor people tend to be / stay poor because of bad decisionmaking and buying the newest iPhone every second year in your contract is a classic example of a poor decision.

What about dumbass students who buy them with loans?

>who might want to shop intelligently
How can you intelligently waste money on dumb apps? Using iPhone for two years I never felt any inclination to buy anything on the app store. All the key stuff is free. Spending money on digital shit makes no sense when you have to worry about money.

Apple product are cheaper in the long run due constant updates and being more reliable. The resale value is much higher too. It's cheaper to sell your iPhone 6s/7 and buy iPhone X than selling some lagdroid from the same period and buying another flagship.


>people, who might want to shop intelligently and save money

aren't Applelfags in the first place.

>low income
>buys iFaeces

eugenics at work

>macfags too retarded to use a notepad

You're right, but still...

You're too invested in smartphones