Why is it that hard, Linux-bros? Most people just want a cute desktop environment...

Why is it that hard, Linux-bros? Most people just want a cute desktop environment, easy to use without endless configuration sessions and unexpected errors. They will use it for daily tasks, internet and lots of porn. If you can give that for free then I promise that your maket share will increase really fast.

Just focus on a single product instead of hundreds of unfinished distributions.

Other urls found in this thread:


linux sucks

Linux and Mac market share is like the fucking same.

Is this the new desktop thread?

Cause most of us are of White-European origin and have Neanderthal DNA in us, giving us functional autism. Thus we are not crowd people, like to do our own stuff and prefer terminal navigation systems due to its efficiency and speed.

Hi, is this the thread I think it is?

Ubuntu already does all of that.
It is just as easy to use and to install as windows is.

Why exactly should I give a flying liberal about what "most people want" on my projects?

t. currently working on wayland window manager

I would download something like OPs pic in an instant if it didn't require so much hassle and constantly putting out fires

>Screenshot (121).png

Not everybody can pay thousands of dollars for a cute desktop.

We don't care. Nobody is trying to sell a product. Most of us are content with the inner workings and aren't overly concerned with the fluff. When features are added it's fine, but part of the fun is watching Linux evolve.

It's the filename Windows chooses by default when you use the super + printscreen key combo. It appends the (121) because it wants to call all screenshots Screenshot.png but it's mindful of the fact that you already have other ones so it increments the number each time if you have multiple files in your pic folder

t. written 5LOC patch for some trivial bug


>a cute desktop environment
>use it for daily tasks, internet and lots of porn.
The problem is, and we both know that you know this already, is that some people are perfectly fine with an environment like Gnome, while others need a lot of customization options and use KDE, Cinnamon, Xfce or a window manager with lots of ricing.
There is simply no way of making the -one- DE to rule them all. Ubuntu tried, Mint tries, Deepin tries and Elementary tries as well, but it's not what the market wants

Desktop thread? yes/No/maybe (N default)

Sir, you speak of the hassles involved in using Linux, but have you considered how using the latest Windows is like playing Russsian roulette? Accepting an update these days is taking a risk. Linux is easier to fix in the long run.

I used to have updates permanently disabled when I was using windows

papierkorb where?

is there a good tilling wm for wayland ?

Iirc there is an sway, which is basically i3 for Wayland.

>I have no idea how marketing affects a product's market share
freetards don't buy ad space

also just use KDE or Gnome or something

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen

just under my desk.. nothing on it tho ~/.Trash...

You blew it.

It's not good enough to have one feature that doesn't work. Users need more to choose just how they don't want shit to work.

>Just focus on a single product instead of hundreds of unfinished distributions.
that's not how the free software community works, sweetie

Something about the icons on macOS gives me aids. The setup look so messy.

>easy to use and to install as windows is.
Fact: Ubuntu is quicker and easier to install than Windows.

is that gnome? if yes, how do i get gnome to look like that?

not OP: but .. yes thats gnome.. and its incredibly simple: extension.. (I see Dash to Dock, Activities Configurator, Frippery Move Clock, Places and some others I dont know)

this is fuckin uncanny.. what

What theme though?

could be some other third party panel instead of Dash to Dock

hard to tell, since no windows are open, you can change the appearnce of the panel and dock without touching the theme in gnome

I don't blame you. I've experienced everything from network dropping out, permissions issues, drives not being mountable, you name it. Not to mention, the hour long updates that always seem to arrive at the worst possible time.Windows is games only, for me now.

>White-European origin

Is there Black-European origin?

Or did you mean Native-European origin?


Are you telling me that you don't want more people involved?

Am I wrong if I say that it worked for the MacOS? It's just a matter of integrating Docky in a stable and simple DE, and optimising it all together for a "don't touch this" system. If you want to go deeper you can do it, otherwise you just have a system ready out-of-the-box.

>that's not how the free software community works, sweetie
Pic related

I doubt it. It looks more like this:

Oh boy, give us a detailed explanation of that screenshot, please.

um, there are non whites in europe like italians and spaniards. what are you talking about?

Wayland sucks

why does it pull xorg-server-xwayland as a dependency ?

wayland can not change brightness on oled display ...

I don't know jack shit about programming or managing server systems or anything really. I run Ubuntu Gnome and shit jus' werks perfectly. No errors, no configuration, browse the internet fine, watch videos fine.
Supposedly gnome use to be much better so it must have been perfectly capable for a long time now.
Sage because your thread is absolute garbage and bullshit.


Perhaps the people who develop GNU+ Linux aren't doing so for some slack jawed mouth breather who clicks thumb shaped icons while staring blank faced into a monitor and accomplishing nothing of value. Just a thought.

Working on as in written from scratch.

Tell me again why I shouldn't do this as a Linux user and think about what most people want instead.

If and only if you have a recovery partition on your laptop.
In any other case, installing gnu/linux is easier and microsoft will never be able to catch up.

And fedora is even easier

Don't ask me, but I would guess for comparability reasons for X applications.

On the Wayland arch wiki page there is also a list with more tiling wms.

>Why is it that hard,

It isn't hard. You are just dumb.

I'm a die-hard compiz and docky fan as well. Glad I'm not alone :) You know of compiz-reloaded? The folks at MATE desktop environment are working on a compiz 0.8 fork and it's getting better and better.

Edit: lol i just saw you linked compiz-reloaded. Nevermind :D

Hi there, you seem to have a misunderstanding on what makes a desktop technology vs simply posting a wallpaper. Allow me to brief you: a desktop (and therefore desktop threads) are technology related because we post them to discuss sciences such as usability, workflow efficiency as well as how the implementations of various softwares and technologies impact our lives. Technology is literally the study of man-implemented and designed things that make our lives easier and comfier.

A desktop is not just an artistic/personal expression, but the interface to the entire computing world. If you don't think computers are technology then you're retarded! /wg/ is a board for general-themed wallpapers. A wallpaper is only one component of a desktop, and many users don't even use an image on their root window at all. When we post our desktops we tend to include part of our wallpaper (pape) to convey the style of interface we were shooting for but you will almost never see papes discussed in a desktop thread beyond idiots that are too stupid to reverse image search asking for a copy of said papes.

Saying desktop threads belong in /wg/ really just shows that you have no idea what a desktop thread is really about.

no u

Linux Mint is for people who want to get work done without stupid bullshit happening.

modifying a pedofiles copy pasta doesn't make it true, faggot.


>Just focus on a single product instead of hundreds of unfinished distributions.
and so everyone focused on one, and we ended up with hundreds.

windows is way harder to install and use than ubuntu. Ubuntu is a baby OS.

>Most people just want a cute desktop environment, easy to use without endless configuration sessions and unexpected errors.

But I don't want this user, I want my riced up tiling WM written in haskell just so I can use it to run a fullscreen tmux session.

>If you can give that for free then I promise that your maket share will increase really fast.

What do you mean market share? Does that mean normies like you will learn haskell?

>Just focus on a single product instead of hundreds of unfinished distributions.

Please tell that to microsoft, who tries to package a hundred products into a single bloated-to-fuck OS. What is a base Win10 install at now? 40GB?

I call it a mother OS .. my 70 year old mother never had any problems with it... I wouldnt use it for long even in a dream

This literally has nothing to do with the point I am making.

>Without endless configuration sessions and unexpected errors

Adding this to my ``Internet arguments won'' folder I guess :)

Can I have that GTK theme?

Wallpaper plz


Again. Ubuntu has that.

He pulled the comment from the reddit link expecting (you)s

>I'm a die-hard compiz and docky fan as well

Is pic related your desktop?

If that happens big corporations will take over and we will end up with more things like systemDick or android.

And that would just hurt our freedom.

Until you want to do something simple like adding Java to Firefox

What might that even be and why would you ever want to do it?
And why is it easier on Windows?

>adding Java to Firefox
why on earth would you want to do that

linus fags on suicide watch

Thanks you

(mods deleted the thread: rbt.asia/g/thread/62549727/ )


Nice chinkintosh poorfag

>Why is it that hard, Linux-bros? Most people just want a cute desktop environment, easy to use without endless configuration sessions and unexpected errors. They will use it for daily tasks, internet and lots of porn. If you can give that for free then I promise that your maket share will increase really fast.
It's called Fedora.


What visual style plz?

You have to be over 18 to post on this board.

>yes thats gnome.


jordan has been posting here since u were in diapers nerd

Yes, that could be Gnome that by some luck of events happens to look EXACTLY like macOS, or it could be macOS.

I can assure you that I do not care.

linux is the ultimate garbage


hence the manjaro icon, retard

Mozilla EOL'd Java and most other NPAPI plugins a while ago. If you truly need Java in the browser and not just a "javaws" binary to launch jnlp applets, you probably need something like Sun JRE 6 in an XP VM anyways.


waylandfags cant into global hotkeys

care to elaborate ?

Meh sure, but that's still easy as crap to change I guess. Easier than turning Fedora into that. How would he even have managed to install all those apps? WHat's Photoshop doing there? Fake icon or wine?


>format windows 10 laptop because its full of shit
>install ubuntu-mate for babby's first actual linux computer that I intend to actually use as my main computer
>spend an evening fucking about with the themes and shit
>leave it alone and use it as a computer

How long do you autists actually spend configuring your desktops?
Related: How much do you think the aesthetics of your desktop actually depend on the wallpaper image you choose?

well actually the problem is this...

the only way to change brightness on my oled notebook is xrandr and wayland doesnt agree to work with xrandr..

>How long do you autists actually spend configuring your desktops?
None, it's a myth perpetuated by paid mac shills.

>turning Fedora into that
do you mean manjaro ?
with enough time to loose and an unsavoury fascination for macOS this is perfectly doable
I'd be impressed if it actually showed some convincing windows decorations
