How easy is it to crack someone's wifi router? How would you be able to tell someone's leaching off you?

How easy is it to crack someone's wifi router? How would you be able to tell someone's leaching off you?

Depends, WEP is easy, WPA with WPS is (usually) easy, and pure WPA is very difficult unless the password is in a word list or something.

How can you tell? Typically your router should have a list of DHCP leases, which is an easy way of finding out. Another way is by ARP scanning or by using Wireshark.

if it's old then it's easy, if it's relatively new then you're fucked.

Most people are using the defaults from their ISP, which is near impossible to crack nowadays since the passwords are secure and they use WPA2.

Just hit it with a rock.

WEP is easy, WPA will take anywhere from a while to fucking eternity, depending on the password

my uncle works at NSA and he says bruteforcing is for steers and queers
and you don't look like steers

literally if you just go ask them there's a 10-40% chance they say yes depending on how nice your neighborhood is.

You can increase the likelihood up to 90% with social engineering.

European here, never in my life have I seen a WEP secured wifi.

Where in my post did I mention bruteforcing, you retard?

My neighbours are niggers

when you talked about the password being in a wordlist

> never in my life have I seen a WEP secured wifi.
You got connected too late. They were a thing before XP SP2 since XP didn't work even with WPA1 at release.

use ur own wifi tyrese

> WPA is very difficult
For you. :^)

meant to

True, but what's wrong with wordlists?

You can try Fluxion or WifiPhisher as additional methods, too, I forgot to add.

I imagine brute-forcing a default password wouldn't be too difficult. I think I've only seen routers use 8 characters as default passwords, so you know what to look for. Also, the portable 4G routers that are popular here only use numbers in the default passwords, so those are even easier. Lots of them even indicate that they are 4G routers in their names.

If I cracked someone's wifi could I get nudes from their computer?

As trump would say
>possibly or probably

Install Gentoo on the router

I am 32 and remember 56k modems.

But now that I think of it wifi wasn't much of a thing then it was mostly cable. But if WEP is so outdated, does it really still exist /is still used?

They fell off in the US circa 1998 when broadband became affordable

>European here, never in my life have I seen a WEP secured wifi.
They're no longer common here, but I still see them now and then.

t. Burger

Two of my neighbours still use WEP, including one piece of shit that I hate. That's the first WiFi I've ever cracked, his password is "1111122222". I've always wanted to fuck with him somehow but I'm not really a hackerman and he uses only Apple products. Any ideas?

Literally just call them pretending you're the ISP and drop a lot of technical jargon. Depending on their stupidity and ineptitude and your autism levels you have a decent chance of getting it out of them.

Just use his wifi for all your torrenting and seeding

Block traffic to/from apple on his router randomly.
Works on non-technical person, does not work on a sysadmin for example. You need to get more sophisticated with techies. You can get his provider to remotely reset his router if he uses one of those for example.