Why is apt bad? what's so good about pacman?

why is apt bad? what's so good about pacman?

It's a pain in the ass to have to update then upgrade

Pacman have AUR


They are both fine. hth

Pacman is the best. It stores a copy of everything youve every downloaded in a cache folder and when you run the command for pacman to clear the cache everything youve every downloaded is STILL saved in the same cache folder and is left untouched :)


Pacman is an alright game.

alias update='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'

Wow that was hard

paccache -rk 1
has worked for me so far. I don't see why you couldn't also manually delete the cache folder if you so desire.

It's quite useful to have earlier versions of installed packages readily available so that you can rollback easily if you encounter problems with the new version.

For some reason, when I ran arch, I noticed that installing packages with Pacman from the official repositories was was faster compared to installing packages from PPAs with Apt.

But AUR is one of the reasons I eventually switched back to Ubuntu. It's too annoying to have to re-compile programs everytime I need to update something not on the official repositories.

I did, went it with rm -rf and wiped everything out.
Its not an issue on my main machine but on a security vps I ran into an issue where the drive had more shit on it that it should have. I tracked it down to the /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ folder.
I ran paccache and all of the shit was still there.

I just ran that on my host, it removed 2.1GB of crap, and yet /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ still contains another GB of crap.
Am I missing something? is this not just the compressed archive programs come in before they get moved to bin or something?

pacman -Scc faggot

The directory you mentioned does indeed contain compressed archives, but even they can be quite large in size, for example on my system the worst offenders already take up quite a lot of space:
45M /var/cache/pacman/pkg/mono-
46M /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-firmware-20170907.a61ac5c-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
56M /var/cache/pacman/pkg/chromium-61.0.3163.91-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
65M /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-4.12.13-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
172M /var/cache/pacman/pkg/noto-fonts-cjk-20170601-1-any.pkg.tar.xz

By default paccache keeps three most recent versions though, so that might be one of your problems. Also it seems like the command I've been using also saves packages I no longer have installed (Chromium and mono), which leads to further wasted space. Will have to look into that.

yum for life

Judging by the paccache help, paccache -ruk 0 should deal with those. I just nuked the whole cache though, so I can't test it right now. Hoping that X still works on my next reboot!

LOL I know this feel

thanks daddy!

I googled fag above yours post and found and thread about "Re: pacman -Sc vs. pacmcan -Scc". I guess -Scc removes fucking everything and -Sc just takes out the stuff you dont have installed. If you try it let us know how it works out for you

The man page agrees with your findings:
Use one --clean switch to only remove packages that
are no longer installed; use two to remove all files from the cache.
In both cases, you will have a yes or no option to remove packages
and/or unused downloaded databases.

I still prefer the paccache script though.

>But AUR is one of the reasons I eventually switched back to Ubuntu. It's too annoying to have to re-compile programs everytime I need to update something not on the official repositories
Huh? The equivalent on Ubuntu would be searching Google / CuckCuckGo for PPAs to install, then adding those PPAs and installing the software. Way more steps and really annoying to do.
What software are you getting from Ubuntu's official repositories that aren't available in Arch's?

Pacman is good for you when you have a lot of worthless time you need to fill up and also you want to pretend to be rewarded for your made up autism when you think the only thing between you and your system breaking is your pseudo vigilance

It's amazing how less retarded you would have looked had you googled that shit BEFORE you posted.

>using CLI for anything