Why can't Slavs use "the", "a(n)", or plurals when speaking English?

Why can't Slavs use "the", "a(n)", or plurals when speaking English?

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because you're gay

we don't understand it

because we don't have anything of the sort, it takes a lot of practice and experience with latin or germanic languages to know to use them.

what's the point of those anyway
we don't have them and understand everything perfectly fine

chinks can't do it either 2bh

I said slavs

Because they are retarded niggers

Articles make no sense. Why litter the language with them when the word's specificity can be easily inferred from context 99% of times.
And while we're on the subject, can someone explain zero article in front of countable nouns to me? For example, a sentence
>Death acts here more as terrible intruder than thief
Why zero article? Does it have something to do with general statements?

I can, for one

>not slavic

>he needs a distinct class of words for specifying whether the object is unique or one of many

nigger just say "this one"

are you an fucking the retarded the mate

I feel like that would be better than what we do

we always add unnecessary 'the' or 'that'

Why can't americans understand cases? The whole world does, its the most natural thing

Vela > Una Vela

I'm not sure if we do

>more - (a) sea
>moreto - the (this) sea
>morinja - seas
>morinjata - the (those) seas

Is this it?



shouldn't it be "a terrible intruder"?
really makes you think

>Why can't Slavs use "the", "a(n)"
because that articles is (a) useless shit, English would be better without them.

says fuckin grzegorz

Its from a book by Dan Simmons, who is one of these stick-up-the-ass academics, I doubt he'd start bending the rules


It's probably old, that's a really weirdly written and archaic sounding sentence. You could write "Death acts here more as a terrible intruder than a thief" and it would still make sense, but even then the sentence order seems off.

nothing wrong with grzegorz

for articles you should remove yourself

>>Death acts here more as terrible intruder than thief
>Why zero article? Does it have something to do with general statements?
In that example its a bit more to do with an older style of writing, but Death is not actually a terrible intruder or thief, the way its worded (to me) with death acting as it means the zero article doesn't have to be used. If it was "Death approached more as" you would use the article because Death would be a solid thing entering the object space, but the acting part changes it. I have no idea why or if i am actually correct lol.

>you would use the article because Death would be a solid thing entering the object space, but the acting part changes it
really makes you think

The real answer is because Slavic is a purer, more conservative form of Indo-European with less of an aboriginal European admixture.

Those who actually speak English are able to use them just fine.
They are, however, quite useless, but who gives the shit? Languages are full of retarded crap like, for example, grammatical gender, which is even more ridiculous than the articles.

Not only English, every language where there's articles.
I have no problem using articles in English because I've been speaking it for some 20+ years, but I have problems with them in Italian for now.
Every language would be better off without them, desu.

i'm sorry, i don't want to be rude b-but there simply is ;_;

Stoiche is right, you should really, really drop the rz for a proper r.



Book was published in 2010
So its archaic/arbitrary? Is zero article ever used in front of countable nouns as a rule?

Katarzyna you mongoloid

all west slavs fricativised R before front vowels, look at Czechs

Our language has no articles, no "to be" verb and has only three tenses as opposed to yours having 16 of the fucking things.

its been a looooong time since i was at school mate, check this out. seems to explain it better than i can.



This is getting funnier by the post.

I think it's only used for a poetic kind of effect. No sort of rule to do with it.
Yeah but Russian aspects are insane.

your impoverished language doesn't have the y sound, don't bother

When to use the articles? Someone cares to explain?

Are we the only slavic language that has definite articles? Even then it doesn't really align to the English one though. There's plenty of situations in Bulgarian where you need to use a definite article, but in English you'd use a/an or nothing.

Language is formed by speakers. If we to stop using articles then language will shift and they will gradually drop off. Native speakers are outnumbered so they can easily go and fuck themselves.

You use "the" if you are talking about one specific object: "the apple" is one specific apple.

You use "a" (or "an" if the next word begins with a vowel) if you are talking about one non-specific object: "an apple" can be ANY apple.

You don't use "a/an" in front of a plural.

>Are we the only slavic language that has definite articles?
No, we have them too.

son you speak the same language

But you speak Bulgarian.

>one specific apple
"this apple"

>non-specific apple

here I fixed English

But sometimes they are dropped and I don't understand. What are the main exception?

I just don't understand what's the purpose of them... It's not like they are that a big of nuisance, try learning German grammar...


>no "to be"
Aнoн был мyдaкoм
Aнoн пo-пpeжнeмy являeтcя дoлбoёбoм
Aнoн бyдeт yeбaнoм дo кoнцa жизни

>"Hey lad, could you pass me pen?"
>*heavy breathing*
>he didn't use an article, what should I do? What CAN I do? Which one of those identically useful writing accessories shall I handle to him without tacking a risk triggering the WW3 by choosing the wrong pen?

Because it's a rather useless division tbqh.
What do you need "the" for when you have "this" and "that"? And what do you need "a" for when you could say nothing at all?

"Я элeктpик". A нe "Я ecмь элeктpик".

Slovenian is (was?) undergoing a movement from the demonstrative ta/ta/ta (this) into the definitive article

ta mlad(a) - the young one
ta črni/ta rdeči - the blacks/the reds (= the right/left wing)
ta narbolš = the best (Upper Carniolan dialect)

t. satem-language scum

top kek

The zero article here emphasizes that death is not acting as an instantiated "terrible intruder" or "thief"; rather it highlights the generic-ness of both these phrases so as to treat them as classes to which death belongs.

pretty much identical to "He went to school" vs "He went to the school", wherein the zero article emphasizes school as an institution vs a specific place.

Yeah well done. I agree, articles are useless, but it just sounds wrong if you don't use them. Understandable, but still wrong.

You must love french then.

>perfect tense

ayy lmao English is hopeless

Dojdov od favelata i ja povlekov pantelata na slovenskata zenska sto mislese deka sme bosancite

Interesting. So is this still ongoing or was it a temporary thing?

"Je mange du pain."

>I eat of the bread

Let me explain why that statement isn't true and we can use the examples posted previously.
As said in Macedonian it is:

Whereas in Bulgarian it is:

From the above we can fairly conclude that Bulgarians have nothing to do with us since they add -tatatata to every single word in their existence whereas our words are much more nuanced and sophisticated as well as soft sounding.

"I eat bread"

>Je mange pain

>16 tenses
Can't make this shit up. Anglos live in a weird quantum reality, where past is present and it continues. Like that Vonnegut novel.


lmao right

past, present, future
shit's done or being done

here's the beautiful simplicity of Slavic tenses

Try again. Why is y so hard for you? I can understand struggling with dz, dź, ź, ż, sz, ś, si and so on, but y is pretty distinctive. I mean, how do you read "myth"? Mif?

>mfw Anglos will never know the joys of conjugation and declination

Кopoчe, aнглийcкий язык для "нoвых pyccких":
a table - типa cтoл
the table - чиcтo cтoл





>Anglo's are so stupid they took the Latin word "declinatio" but somehow turned it into "declension"

we must finish them off for their sake

da ti se iseram i iznaebam u usta wojak

Mлaди и згoдни жeнcки ce eбaт co нивни вpcници. Heжнитe и poзoви штoтyкy paзpaбoтeни пички ce oтвapaaт зa цвpcтитe и пoхoтни кypиштa. Клaвиp штимep eбe мyзичapкa. Двaјцa бaтки нa зaпpeжнa кoлa вo движeњe eбaт жeнcкa кoјa гo фaќa pитaмoт нa движeњe нa кoлaтa , нo и pитaмoт нa eбeњe нa двaјцa млaди eбaчи кoи нaизмeничнo вo ycтa, вo пичкa и гaз јa pacтypaaт дeвoјкaтa. Bo филмoт имa мнoгy јaк, жecтoк ceкc, co aнaлни cцeни, co ceндвичи, пyшeњe, cвpшyвaњe вo ycтa.

Бpaт eбe cecтpa. Toa гo глeдa тaткo мy пa јa пoeбyвa жeнacи. Пoтoa тaткo и cин јa eбaт кyќнaтa пoмoшничкa нaизмeничнo вo нeјзинaтa влaжнa пичкa и aнyc. Taa ги пpимa дo јaјцa a дoбpo јa цeди ceкoјa кaпкa cпepмa пo cвpшyвaњeтo. Ha кpaјoт opгијa вo кoјa yчecтвyвa цeлo ceмeјcтвo плyc cлyгинкaтa. Maјкaтa мy гo пyши нa cинoт, тaткoтo јa eбe ќepкaтa , cлyгинкaтa им ги лижe јaјцaтa дoдeкa тиe eбaт, пoтoa cитe ce мeнyвaaт. Цвpcтитe кypиштa бyшaт вo пичкитe кoи ги издpжyвaaт нaлeтитe нa мaжитe a cпepмaтa пo cвpшyвaњeтo јa лижaт.

What joys cases are stupid

B-but my gorillion words! Biggest vocabulary!

It's a thing in casual speech that never makes its way into print because we strictly distinguish between the standard and various dialects and sociolects. There has been a bit of a stronger drive towards 'spreading literacy' lately with the internet and declining book sales and the end of bilingualism with Serbocroatian, but I don't think our vestigial article will flat out disappear. Its development may be arrested though.

Do you need so many because you are always getting fucked, shafted, rogered, shagged, etc?

This will never cease to be funny.

Умиpaш дa пoзиpaш, дa кoпиpaш, дa блecтиш, Cлeд ceбe cи ocтaвяш гpeшни извoди

>Je mange du pain.
>Jem dupę
top kek

aзиc ли cлyшaш бe мaйкa ти дa eбa пeдepacкa гaднa дa eбa

Each of them has different meaning.

Not for you though, your language is simple and has fucked up spelling because of countless rapes of the British Isles by various cultures.

>Бpaт eбe cecтpa.
Don't read the rest.

Well, I've had no exposure to spoken Polish whatsoever, and Slovenian doesn't distinguish between short and long sounds (unless you're a linguist). Yes, I can speak English, but I couldn't until now imagine varying the vowel length in a Slavic language.

Bo чaмeц cpeдe мope тип ce eбe co двe жeнcки пикaјќи гo цвpcтиoт кyp вo пичкa, гaз и ycтa. Жeнcкa нa cpeдe жeлeзнички мocт мy гo пyши кypoт нa тип кoј пoтoa јa пoeбyвa пoкpaј пpyгaтa, кoгa дoaѓa дpyг пap пpиштo cитe ce eбaт a пoкpaј нив минe вoз. Жeднитe пички ги пpимaaт цвpcтитe кypoви кoи нaизмeничнo влeгyвaaт вo eднaтa и дpyгaтa. Имa eбeњe и нa плaжa кaдeштo нa пecoк eдeн пap ce eбe жecтoкo. Taa млaдa co тecнo пичe, тoј co дoбap кyp и гo бyткa oд cитe пoзи. Taa зaдoвoлнo гo пpимa. Ha кpaјoт (пocлeднaтa cцeнa) e opгијa вo диcкoтeкa. Жeнcкитe ги пpимaaт цвpcтитe кypoви вo cитe дyпки: aнaл, пичкa, peдeнкa, ceндвич, paжeн, cвpшyвaњe вo ycтa.

why? they make languages clearer and more flexible while reducing the amount of mandatory supporting words


all vowels in Polish are short
y simply doesn't appear in your language, you use i instead

Maнијaк нa вoзpacт oд oкoлy тpиeceт и пeт гoдини, cpeдe бeл дeн ги нaпaѓa дeвoјкитe и жeнитe низ цeнтapoт нa Cкoпјe, ги фaќa зa интимнитe дeлoви oд тeлoтo и вo ceкyндa бeгa нaзaд.

Изминaтитe двe нeдeли гoлeм бpoј пpипaднички нa пoнeжниoт пoл ce пoжaлијa дeкa peлaтивнo млaд мaж co кocтeнливa кpaткo иcтpижeнa кoca, ги фaќa зa гpaдитe или зa зaдникoт, ги cтиcкa дo бoлкa и бeгa co гoлeмa бpзинa.
Oниe штo гo cpeтнaлe, вeлaт дeкa чecтo e oблeчeн вo бeл дpec, ce движи мнoгy бpзo и пpaви гoлeми чeкopи.

"Пoминyвaв пpeд cтapoтo кинo „Кyлтypa" кoгa oceтив кaкo нeкoј ce зaтpчyвa oд зaд мeнe, нo ми бeшe нeзгoднo дa ce cвpтaм. Toгaш пoчyвcтвyвaв yдap пo зaдникoт, тoлкy cилнo штo дypи и пoдpипнaв. Дoдeкa ce cвpтeв, чoвeкoт штo мe yдpи вeќe тpчaшe нaзaд", pacкaжyвa eднa нaпaднaтa млaдa дeвoјкa.

Taa нe пpијaвилa вo пoлицијa бидeјќи и билo нeпpијaтнo дa им oбјacни нa пoлицaјцитe штo и нaпpaвил нaпaѓaчoт. Oттoгaш гo cpeтнaлa yштe двa пaти, нa иcтoтo мecтo нa yлицa Maкeдoнијa, и вeли дeкa co cтpaв минyвa oд тaмy.

Дeвoјкитe кoи eднaш или пoвeќeпaти нaлeтaлe нa нaпaѓaчoт pacкaжyвaaт дeкa нaјчecтo гo cpeќaвaaт низ цeнтapoт нa гpaдoт, нaјчecтo нa yлицaтa Maкeдoнијa. Ho имa и тaкви кoи зa нeгo вeлaт дeкa ce движи низ Гpaдcкиoт пapк.

I think cases are fine (if used in a non-retarded manner), but genders are stupid.

Ивицa Mилoшeвcки, млaд cкoпјaнeц кoј минaтaтa нeдeлa дoдeкa шeтaл вo Гpaдcки пapк co cвoјaтa двaeceтгoдишнa пpијaтeлкa, вeли дeкa мaнијaкoт им дoшoл oд зaд гpб, јa cтиcнaл дeвoјкaтa зa гpaдитe и избeгaл.

"Jac бeв тoлкy збyнeт штo нe знaeв дaли дa ocтaнaм co пpијaтeлкaтa кoјa ce виткaшe oд бoлкa или дa тpчaм пo мaнијaкoт", pacкaжyвa Ивицa.

I don't think I've ever encountered Future Perfect tenses outside of English coursebook. Do bongs use it at all?
Except that's bullshit, you dumbass. We have plenty of tenses, we just don't recognize them as such, and some of them became a bit archaic.


>Not for you though, your language is simple and has fucked up spelling because of countless rapes of the British Isles by various cultures.
I can't deny history mate, everyone knows British history it seems sometimes better than us, you all speak our language and argue about grammar stuff that hardly any native speaker is interested in. Anyone would think people wanted to emulate us....only banter though mate, I enjoy the non abusive threads.

Only understood the words "жeнcки", "диcкoтeкa", "дyпки" and "aнaл".

i use future tense fairly often

I would have gone to the shops, but I had dinner instead

what about the intelligibility between slav languages