How accurate is this map?

How accurate is this map?

germany should be a cockroach

Pretty memetastic

Based Belgium.

I need to visit Poland

Our corner is about right.

too kind with Spain and Portugal

just visit their fucking country before you depict us as niggers


Bilel al-Francia

Portugal is a fish, but iceland is a fish also. I don't get it. Where's Alberto?

My fucking sides

You forgot liechtenstein, vatican, andorra, monaco and san marino


You are so irrelevants


Gibraltar would've been a nice touch

i want to see a world one

What's up with Poortugal?
And I know what the trianon is but what is that thing?

portugal is a fish because we eat a lot of fish

The Netherlands?

literally a candle

we're the only corner of the map that is pretty well represented :D

