Tell me what sucks about your tech job

Tell me what sucks about your tech job.

I'm listening.

willfully ignorant end users and layperson management.

It's extremely unfulfilling and I get basically no hours and when I do get a shift it's last minute "whoops we fucked up please come here and be a lightning rod for angry clients" bullshit.

t-that i dont have one


I love my tech job. I work IT for a manufacturering company. It's small enough for our IT department to be only two. Me and the systems administrator. Real talk it alot of fun. 40hrs a week plus over time anytime I want.

My nigger.

Long working hours, 60+ per week. Weekly progress review. Coding, lots of features to be implemented, schedule is pretty dense. Debugging, try to figure out it's test pattern or hardware(design under test) issue. Documentation, required details and preciseness. Salary is slightly above average. Holy crap!

That's sounds standard. What's wrong with that?

Oops, so you're OK with this? I don't like my life is full of work, eventually I quit after 5 years.

Entry level garbage that I need to pad my resume. My superiors do less work than me and are appreciated more, even though I'm more senior than many of them. The managers aren't tech savvy and blame the wrong people for problems because they don't understand what's going on. Customers are stupid. I don't get enough smoke breaks. I'm usually cleaning up after someone who makes more than me to do a job I'm more qualified for and don't see any benefit for doing it. I'm trying to quit as soon as possible, just updating my resume today actually..

fuck retail

Its just me and my boss. I work for a MSP dealing solely with brassic compaines on the verge of going under, schools or tightass pricks who hate spending money on IT. My boss comes into the office perhaps twice a month - Apart from that i am alone, in an ancient building with no proper heating or aircon. Being on your own for long periods of time makes you crazy. i'm not some NEET so i actually need human interaction.

Also IT support is a horrendous mistake. There is no job satisfaction, you don't "create" anything, you just fight fires and wait for the next outdated piece of shit to die and take the blame for it. I put 95% of the blame on myself and 5% on my school, who's careers advice to a 15 year old was "you like video games, go do computers or something".

I'm currently a student in CS.
We use a lot of proprietary software

Senior level software engineer getting off of a series of contracting gigs for the last few years because I wanted benefits and the only perm job I could find is "support engineer". Kill me.

That description sounds like a 90s shop workflow. Jesus Christ how horrifying. If you have a good resume then start looking for another job before this one kills you.

Sadly IC design industry are pretty alike. Time to market, function complexity drives people insane.


I'm on the bench. I want to be assigned a client soon.

That's about it. I can deal with shitty people and dumbasses. I can't deal with having nothing to do.

How many smokebreaks would you prefer?

I ask this because I have vape breaks twice a day. I usually see smokers/coworkers at the same time in the same smoking place. Was wondering how often they felt the need to smoke.

I don't have one. Too busy working a shitty fast food job full-time and can't afford to just drop it for entry-level tech shit that won't give me enough hours.

Try not to smoke, it's better to your lungs and the air.

Wow, who would have thought? Really makes u think, big if true, etc.

>IC design
What products are you making? It seems like hardware design is inching closer to just slapping an fpga/micro on a board with some simple passives and calling it a day. The only place I'm seeing potential growth is battery management. What niche are you in?

Very little, actually. The people I work for are incredibly competent, so the only major issue is keeping up with them. That's a good problem to have.

management is all sales oriented and when sales sells outside of product and leave my team in charge of implementing things no one holds them accountable.

Users I can handle. You should expect them to be dumb and need handholding.

Management is something differnet. My team is led by a sociopath who wears fancy clothes and spouts buzzwords he doesn't understand, so normies are easily impressed by him. Really he's just a dumb fuck who contributes NOTHING but stress and takes all the credit. I hate him so fucking much REEEEEEE

Oh boy let's get started. I work in a organization that's supposedly agile, safe, scrum and all other fancy buzzwords. And it works relatively well on a team level while developing shit. But oh boy is the release process such a fucking clusterfuck that it's something unbelievable. The whole process is the only reason why I'm open to getting a new job.

>massive organization
>in banking so everything is super rigid outside the team level
>get shit done
>cool let's get this shit to production
>list all your updated/new component versions to a confluence page
>shit that is updated to said page is the deployed to integration servers on a few days per week basis
>testers go out and test if shit works there after deployment
>it doesn't
>find out that pajeets in charge of the deployments forgot to deploy some of the updated components once again
>like every single fucking time before this
>nothing in this process is automated and it's all done by hand based on confluence pages where version numbers are updated to
>takes weeks from the integration environment launch for certain release to code freeze
>code freeze isn't actually a freeze as people can still bring in new features if they get a green light from high enough in management
>also not a freeze if the feature is massive and is targeted for that release as the release just gets pushed further back until the feature is ready instead of getting dropped off to next release when it's ready
>anything that's not related to security/law compliance is never getting high priority for special release
>even if it would fix critical UX bugs that cause tons of shitty feedback from users on a daily basis
>after code freeze everyone tests their shit in integration environment once more
>notice bugs because reasons
>fix the bugs
>test again
>repeat process until nothing in the release has any bugs remaining
>deploy to production
I've literally had cases where the time between fix and release has been over 6 months.

12h+ days.

standup meetings

Oh and we also have literally hundreds of different test environments. And practically none of them are the same because the whole configuring is so complicated that it's impossible to recreate. Or if you can recreate it then it gets fucked when someone deploys some new components to their environment that breaks it and just claims it's broken pls fix to devops. Also none of our test environments match production so we get funny surprises where shit works all the way through the release process and then not in production because it's got different set up. Then getting a fix to that takes 4 months because the release process is fucked.

But overall the job is pretty great. Money is good, 40 hour weeks, flexible hours, can telecommute when you feel like it, boss is super cool about everything, massive pay for being on call, great colleagues.


>forced to get on php team from c team for a full month because they are in breakdown mode and all developers who have the slightest background in it got transferred to help them out.

>mfw i used to have the comfiest job building on a payment system but now i have to work in fucking laravel on some fucking web app.

i wanna fucking die

being available 24h 2 weeks a month to attend "emergencies" that are usually dumb shit like my printer don't work, client X of room Y cannot connect his android from 2009 to our wifi etc, etc.

>support engineer.
lmao. you're going to be whatever they fucking please you to be.

i was a support engineer once and they literally had me staying untill 9:30pm because a bug fucked something up and i needed to go into some clients account to put it all right.

thank god i left that company.
that was the most shitty shit i have ever gone through

Our Product managers always come with some bullshit request that would require a refactoring of half our codebase because they don't know shit about how any of it works. They don't know what takes 5 minutes and what would take weeks and when we try to explain it to them they complain that we're too lazy to our boss, who kindly tells them one by one to fuck off. It's pretty okay-ish if those faggots would try to learn about the shit they're managing


>manager holds monologue for 30 minutes
>repeats the same point 5 times
>only relevant to maybe 2 of the 10 people present

Those meetings have no value to anyone and could easily be condensed to a short email. Why do people think it is a good idea?

>50% pay for being on call
>200% pay for when you get a call
>minimum 4 hours billed for every call
I just get all the on call weeks I can get my hands onto.

I'm a data engineer (specialization in Elasticsearch):

- I'm responsible for the SQL side of things, even though I never touch that on a daily basis, so anytime I get paged on it I have to ask the SQL folks every time to make sure what I'm doing isn't stupid, this gets fucking annoying and makes it difficult to respond to pages because I don't have a good idea of what to do most of the time
- training the new guy is fucking annoying, he has a PhD but has no real professional or programming work outside of his PhD, so we have to show him how to do the simplest of programming tasks usually, I'm pretty sure he will not be doing any tooling, which, frankly I'm fine with considering what I've done and the senior guy I've worked with has been good so far
- access tickets for kibana access are retarded, it should be let everyone in but support and just let single exceptions for people in support, this would cut 95% of the retarded access tickets we get a week
- it's really obnoxious with the new guy sometimes because when I want to get some programming done I'll be making headway and just need to sit and think for a couple minutes and of course while I'm right in the middle of something that's when he bugs me

micromanager, never admits when she's wrong. She is tech illiterate, probably in her late 40s early 50s kind of just fell into this job years ago. She will often make changes or do something and not communicate to management above her. Then she will get on my ass and other coworkers about stuff we are doing look at our tickets ask us about our tickets. Any day she is not in I instantly feel better my job seems a little easier. The end-users that's not surprising that's expected aside from that the job is pretty good. I work for a large organization and have great benefits

People not in our department are fucking idiots. Co workers are bros. Looking at you MARK

I-i'm Mark...